英语人>词典>汉英 : 退化的器官 的英文翻译,例句
退化的器官 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与退化的器官相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Phyllode An expanded flattened petiole that acts as the photosynthetic organ if the lamina is missing or very reduced.


Refers to an organ or part which is greatly reduced from the original ancestral form and is no longer functional.


Flowers generally small, bisexual or unisexual (andromonoecious, functionally dioecious, or distinctly dioecious), often with rudiments of opposite sex, actinomorphic.


A cDNA segment was isolated from M. meretrix larvae. The results of caspase in situ detection in larval developmental stages revealed that there were activated caspase from L1 to L3, indicating caspase is involved in the whole developmental process. The main apoptosis area was found in velum at L3 before metamorphosis, indicating the degradation of velum might be the process of apoptosis. The larvae before metamorphosis were treated by caspase specific inhibitor to analyze the role of caspase in this process. The results indicated that caspase have function metamorphosis.


The results indicate that the reproductive organs of adu-lt female Wanxi White Geese consisted of the ovarium and tuba uterina,Left ovariumand tuba uterina developed normally,but the right one had degenerated.There werefive parts in tuba uterina:the infundibulum part,albumen secreting part,isthmus pa-rt,utera part,a...


The results were as follows: Compared with control group, the weight and the relative weight of thymuses, bursas of Fabricius and spleens of experiment group increased significantly(P<0.05) or extremely significantly(P<0.01). In experiment group, the cortex of thymic lobule, bursa nodule and Periarterial Lymphatic Sheaths thicken obviously; the volume of bursa nodule, splenic nodule and ellipsoid augmented, and the germinal center of splenic nodule were obvious; the thymic corpuscle increased; the plica of bursas of Fabricius developed well and the degenerating of it retarded.


The results of observation on the microstructure of Karelinia caspica, Tamarix stromongolica, Salsola collina. Cheno Dodium glaucum, stipa bangenana show that the nutritional organs of these halophytes present some adaptability structures as follows:(1) sunken stomas, thick cuticle and orderly arrangement of epidermal cell;(2) equilateral leaves with developed palisade tissue, or squama-shaped leaf;(3) well-developed water-storing tissue in stems and leaves;(4) crystal cells, salt glands in most of the leaves and assimilating branches.


The latest research result discovers that gum's atrophying is a kind of organ of part to deteriorate a phenomenon, or, is a kind of nourishment of partial emergence to transport an obstacle.


Due to the long-term living in the muddy river, the white dolphin and audio-visual organs have been degraded.


更多网络解释与退化的器官相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


腔上囊(bursa) 亦称法氏囊,为鸟类所特有的中枢免疫器官. 性成熟前达到最大,以后逐渐萎缩退化消失. 1. 杀伤细胞(K cell) 简称K细胞,其主要特点是细胞表面具有IgG的Fc受体. 当靶细胞与相应的IgG结合,K细胞可与结合在靶细胞上的IgG的Fc结合,


身体器官的病理变化,一般而言,几乎所有器官都会发现多发性的出血、充血(congestion)及细胞退化(cellular degeneration)的现象. 通常小脑对热的伤害较为敏感,因此步态不稳常是最早出现的症状. 脑部则可见到脑水肿、出血、充血等现象.


有人提出"退化"(involution)概念,将其作为进化概念的对立面而与进化概念并用. involution 一词来自拉丁语,involvo-,意为将已展开的东西包卷起来. 和进化相反,它代表"退步"、"复旧"、"逆转"或"反发展",如前面所提到的生物器官结构的简化、消失、恒星的崩溃等.



regressive evolution:逆行演化

例如博物学家认为进步的观念和表明逆行演化(regressive evolution)的许多事实(包括寄生现象和退化器官)并不相符. 最强有力的限制因素可能还是本质论. 一切进步难道不就是已经存在的潜在可能的表露,而并不涉及作为基础的本质的变化?


尾羽是着生在尾臀(uropygium)部位的的正羽,它起着舵的作用,这就是通常称的鸟尾. 真正的鸟尾骨已经退化,最后几块尾骨愈合成为一块尾综骨以支撑扇状的尾羽. 有些鸟类,雄鸟的尾羽特化,色彩绚丽夺目,成为重要的装饰器官,常用于装饰和工艺品,


vestibulo?spinal tract 前庭脊髓径 | vestigial 发育不全的 | vestigial organ 退化器官

vestigial organ:退化器官

vestigial 发育不全的 | vestigial organ 退化器官 | vex 使烦恼



nictitating membrane:瞬膜

脊椎骨末端的尾骶骨(Coccyx)是人类祖先尾巴退化的痕迹器官,证明了人类起源自有尾的动物,尾巴的消失推测和直立行走与运动方式有关;眼睛内侧的半月皱摺(Plica semilunaris)是瞬膜(Nictitating membrane)的痕迹;动耳肌连接耳朵,却已然不够发达,