英语人>词典>汉英 : 追风筝的人 的英文翻译,例句
追风筝的人 的英文翻译、例句


The Kite Runner
更多网络例句与追风筝的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But, he is philobiblic person at the same time, for paper this reader is infatuate,"Recently a year most move my book is " the person that seeks kite "."


Hassan the harelipped kite runner.


Hassan the harelipped kite runner.


Hassan the harelipped kite runner.


Hassan the harelipped kite runner.


But, he is philobiblic person at the same time, for paper this reader is infatuate,"Recently a year most move my book is " the person that seeks kite "."


I hear clop-clop, cry, a group of Kite Runner is running noisily to the side.


The Kite Runner is being made into film, I've been longing to watch it !!


Vanish whenever the sky flying there are only two, each of The Kite Runner is making determined efforts of the people are ready to win this award.


So | '' 'new (not you, how wonderful piece thing yo yo) Comments: The Kite Runner / Kite Runner ...

所以说|'''新(没有你,是件多么美好的事儿哟哟)评论: The Kite Runner /追风筝的人。。。

更多网络解释与追风筝的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Khaled Hosseini Bloomsbury:追风筝的人

12 贫民妈妈的秘密生活 Fiona Neill RandomHouse 6.99 | 13 追风筝的人 Khaled Hosseini Bloomsbury 7.99 | 14 太阳东边 Julia Gregson Orion 7.99

The Kite Runner:追风筝的人

),<<追风筝的人>>(The Kite Runner)、<<没有青春的青春>>(Youth Without Youth)两部改编自著名文学的艺术大片双双落马. 姑且不论<<追风筝>>阵营的舵手马克.福斯特,雄心勃勃欲借着<<没有青春>>"二鸣惊人"的弗朗西斯.科波拉巨匠居然栽了个大跟头,

The Kite Runner:追风筝的人 / 追风筝的孩子

追风筝的人/追风筝的孩子 (The Kite Runner)在线播放追风筝的人/追风筝的孩子 (The Kite Runner)的地址:

The Kite Runner:追风筝的孩子 / 追风筝的人 美

Titanic / 铁达尼号 / 泰坦尼克 美 | The Kite Runner / 追风筝的孩子 / 追风筝的人 美 | 3:10 to Yuma / 决战3:10 / 决斗犹马镇 美

The Kite Runner," Alberto Iglesias:<追风筝的人>

"Atonement," Dario Marianelli; <<赎罪>> | "The Kite Runner," Alberto Iglesias; <<追风筝的人>> | "Michael Clayton," James Newton Howard; <<迈克尔-克莱顿>>