英语人>词典>汉英 : 追击 的英文翻译,例句
追击 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

get after · stern chase
更多网络例句与追击相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, the F-35 often forces the chase aircraft into afterburner when it is in military power.


Named after the 19th century German chancellor Otto von Bismarck, Bismarck's fame came from the Battle of the Denmark Strait in which the flagship and pride of the British Royal Navy, the battle cruiser HMS Hood, was sunk in May 1941, from Churchill's subsequent order to "Sink the Bismarck", and from the relentless pursuit by the Royal Navy which ended with her loss only three days later.


The French army went on melting away and disappearing in the same ratio from Moscow to Vyazma, from Vyazma to Smolensk, from Smolensk to the Berezina, from the Berezina to Vilna, apart from the greater or less degree of cold, the pursuit and barring of the way, and all other conditions taken separately.


Its light favored Blucher's ferocious pursuit, betrayed the traces of the fugitives, delivered up that disastrous mass to the eager Prussian cavalry, and aided the massacre.


In short, and incontestably, that which triumphed at Waterloo; that which smiled in Wellington's rear; that which brought him all the marshals' staffs of Europe, including, it is said, the staff of a marshal of France; that which joyously trundled the barrows full of bones to erect the knoll of the lion; that which triumphantly inscribed on that pedestal the date "June 18, 1815"; that which encouraged Blucher, as he put the flying army to the sword; that which, from the heights of the plateau of Mont-Saint-Jean, hovered over France as over its prey, was the counter-revolution.


He said the bote to authorize the president to order the use of force to topple Saddam Hussein was not a vehicle for mounting attacks in Iran, even to pursue cells or networks assisting insurgents or sectarian militias.


The time and frequency of the polecat searching different preys and burrows were nearly the same. The polecat attacked virtually all prey offered and thus exhibited opportunistic foraging behaviour. However, it did not captured all prey with equal sequence. It first captured the zokor, then the pika and last for the root vole. In addition to using the typical musteline killing method of biting the nape of the neck, the polecat evolved a variety of killing methods suited to a range of prey types depending on the activity, size and anti-predation ability of prey. The zokor was bitten on the head, whereas the pika was killed by bites to the head or throat and the root vole was killed by bites to the head or chest. The time polecats pursued the root vole was the longest, followed by that used in pursuing the pika and the zokor.


In the game you will have to pursue the sky flying style of enemy combatants or their pursuit.


In the game you will have to pursue the sky flying style of enemy combatants or their pursuit.


Traveling some 16 km along the assigned azimuth, the company suddenly and vigorously attacked the enemy who was pursuing our reconnaissance group. Unable to withstand the flank attack of the aerosled company, the enemy was forced not only to halt his pursuit but also to withdraw to his own start position, suffering significant losses in the process.


更多网络解释与追击相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Barb Wire:年 越空追击

1996年 乌龙陪审团 jury duty | 1997年 越空追击 barb wire | 致使化身 mary reilly



Chaser:追击者 日本丰田

Charmant 魅力 日本大发 | Chaser 追击者 日本丰田 | Checker Marathon 切克.马拉松


chasseur 猎师 | chasseur 追击兵 | chaste 有道德


chasse /过嘴的酒/快步/ | chasseur /追击兵/猎师/侍者/ | chassis /底盘/

Patriot Games:天网追击

本站提供爱国者游戏/天网追击(Patriot Games)在线观看服务,但暂不爱国者游戏/天网追击(Patriot Games)下载. 建优质网站,拒绝违法色情信息. 所有资源收集于网络,仅做宽带测试,如侵害您的权益请及时联系我们. 本站不具有有关爱国者游戏/天网追击(Patriot Games)的所有版权,相关版权归原著作权人所有!

Patriot Games:(爱国者游戏,又名:天网追击)

528) Patch Adams (心灵点滴) | 529) Patriot Games (爱国者游戏,又名:天网追击) | 530) Patriot, The (爱国者,又名:火线战将)

get after:追击

get adrift 随波逐流 | get after 追击 | get ahead of 胜过

On the Trail:跟踪追击

跟踪追击(ON THE TRAIL)导 演: 卢珏主演: 陈天纵 林书锦 史进 林岚 红冰编剧: 聂建新 朱向群 安忠民上 映: 1963 年类 型: 剧情片地 区: 中国大陆颜 色:黑白评分: 5.3 (3人评分) Currently 5.33/1012345678910...在线观看:跟踪追击

pursue t:追赶, 追踪, 追击, 继续, 从事

1412. purse n. 钱包 | 1413. pursue t. 追赶, 追踪, 追击, 继续, 从事 | 1414. pursuit n. 追击