英语人>词典>汉英 : 连续音的 的英文翻译,例句
连续音的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与连续音的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In conclusion, the fractal dimension analysis of continuous speech provides an alternative and outstanding approach to the objective auscultation of Chinese medical diagnosis.


A continuant consonant produced by breath moving against a narrowing of the ''.


On the basis of our work on monosyllabic Chinese speech recognition, this paper treated the recognition of large vocabulary multisyllabic Chinese words, with regard to its noisy robustness.


The classification of playing technique in Mikrokosmos includes fingerings,intervals, tautophony,chords,change of postion,unison,alternation of hands,crossing hands,pedal points,thumb under, ornament,pedals, modern piano technique etc. Bartok made an arrangement in Mikrokosmos step by step, and his thought came from simple to complication.


The hybrid model better describes the relation between semantics and words and achieves a lower perplexity in tagging corpus.In Mandarin speech recognition,this model shows a better performance and requires less memory space than the word based trigram model.


The 400 Hz sine wave continual sound was used to stimulate common carp Cyprinus carpio with different body length to evaluate the effect of sound stimulation on aggregation of the common carp.

用400 Hz正弦波连续音对不同体长鲤Cyprinus carpio进行音响驯化,探讨声音对不同体长鲤的诱集效果。

Composers of the period alternated florid and discant organum (more note-against-note, as opposed to the succession of many-note melismas against long-held notes found in the florid type), and created several new musical forms: clausulate, which were melismatic sections of organa extracted and fitted with new words and further musical elaboration: which was a song for more voices to be sung rhythmically, most likely in a procession of some sort; and trops, which were rearrangements of older chants with new words and sometimes new music. All of these genres save one were based upon chant: that is ,one of the voice,(usually three, though sometime four) nearly always the lowest sung a chant melody, though with freely composed note-lengths, over which the other voice sang organum.


Therefore, experts in music-related areas were invited to conclude some characteristics of music. According to the experts, instead of using minor scales, music composed with major scales, with strongly accented rhythms, faster tempi and a large amount of staccato and legato in crescendo is encouraging.


Poetic rhythms of New Metrical Poetry are the regular arrangement of time units of the same sound intervals,which comprise several levels: the most basic rhythmical unit is sound caesura and semantic caesura.


Even when the consecutive intervals are not parallel, as in the interval from a unison to an octave, they are best avoided.


更多网络解释与连续音的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这些记号总称为临时记号(Accidental). 音程 两个连续或同时发响声音间的距离或高度差别叫做音程. 音程的命名,主要是依照它们在音阶上所具有的级数来计算,在计算时,两个音的本身也计算在内. 这些音程的名称,不管有没有半音变化,

adventitious sound:附加音

啰音种类 啰音(rales)是呼吸音以外的附加音(adventitious sound) ,正常人一般并无啰音存在,故非呼吸音的改变. 按性质的不同可分为下列几种. 湿啰音的特点:湿啰音为呼吸音外的附加音,连续而短暂,一次常连续多个出现,于吸气时或吸气终末较为明显,


continuance 持续 | continuant 连续音的 | continuate 持续的


continuant 连续音 | Formosan 台湾南岛语系的语言 | Quechua 蓋楚瓦语


在信源方面,不是简单地对连续的图像和声音进行压缩,而是对图像和声音进行详细的分解和描 述,将计算机中"对象"(Objects)的概念引入MPEG-4,对音视频对象和背景及文字分别进行 压缩,甚至采用参数控制综合合成的办法还原图像和声音,

sigmatism s:音之发音不清; s音之连续出现 (名)

sigma 希腊语第十八个字母; S形的东西 (名) | sigmatism s音之发音不清; s音之连续出现 (名) | sigmoid S形的; C形的; 乙状结肠的 (形)

Oh yes:好

据称,该手机采用了识别连续动作的最新技术. 用户只需摇动手机即可删除垃圾信息、挂断垃圾电话、实现快捷拨号、自动发出效果音. 用手机画"O"能够自动出现"好"(oh yes),画"*"则会自动出来"不好"(oh no)的话等.


continuant 连续音的 | continuate 持续的 | continuation school 成人业余补习学校

Delichon urbica:毛脚燕

红翘凤头鹃为两声一度的吹长哨音;山树莺(Cettia fortipes)先发一序音再接两声高吭的哨声;毛脚燕(Delichon urbica)为连续的短哨声;蓝翡翠为响亮的串铃.