英语人>词典>汉英 : 连串的 的英文翻译,例句
连串的 的英文翻译、例句


a spectrum of
更多网络例句与连串的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The network triggers a curious backflip when the crayfish wants to escape.


According to the ancient booklore, the territorial expansion after the reign of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, had begun to exchange with neighboring countries. Therefore, the Chinese incense culture has opened its pluralism future. Buddhism's usher during the Tang Dynasty and the use of incense among scholars in Song Dynasty both have changed the incense primitive appearance.


The Xinyi Heng, he holds a gun room nurse, triggering a series of funny and moving story of how Asakura settle this issue?


Like a whirl of shiny flakes sparkling in a snow globe, Hubble catches an instantaneous glimpse of many hundreds of thousands of stars moving about in the globular cluster M13, one of the brightest and best-known globular clusters in the northern sky.


The room erupted with exclamations, questions, and suggestions, and Octavia knew she had gotten their attention.

这次大厅里爆出了连串的惊叹、疑问,还有建议, Octavia 知道她已经吸引了他们的注意了。

As soon as we have just walked out of the last year's show disaster,another series of farces,calamity and cabals come out...


Palestinian militants continued to launch salvos of rockets at southern Israel on Friday, with several hitting the coastal city of Ashkelon, lightly injuring two Israeli women there.


It cannot be stripped to its complexity by cat scan or telescope. Rather, it is a many-pointed truth, almost a bluntness, a sudden essence like the wild strawberries strung along the ground on scarlet runners under my feet.


At first glance it may seem like a series of chance events—Jesus was passing through Jericho and a rich tax collector climbed a tree to catch a glimpse of the miracle-working teacher.


When a child music prodigy is abducted by a serial kidnapper, it's discovered that a sequence of flashing lights appeared at the abduction -- which Walter links back to his bunkmate at St.


更多网络解释与连串的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A spectrum of:连续的,连串的

spectrum n.光谱 | a spectrum of 连续的,连串的 | startling adj.使人惊愕的

and again and again:一而再,再而三

And those will split again...|那些火花会继续分裂 | ...and again and again.|一而再,再而三 | Detonation beyond all imagining.|引发超乎想像的连串爆炸


安条克在连串战役中败给罗马之后,有意向罗马人求和并交出汉尼拔,因此汉尼拔逃至[[克里特]](Crete) 岛,但不久便再次返回小亚细亚,投靠当时正与罗马盟国 [[帕加马]](Pergamum) 交战的 [[比提尼亚]](Bithynia)国王 普鲁西亚斯一世


然而,在最坏的情况是,两子数列拥有大各为 1 和 n-1,且呼叫树(call tree)变成为一个 n 个巢状(nested)呼叫的线性连串(chain). 第 i 次呼叫作了O(n-i)的工作量,且递回关系式为:被快速排序所使用的空间,依照使用的版本而定.

A big bang on a small scale:小规模的创世大爆炸

Detonation beyond all imagining.|引发超乎想像的连串爆炸 | A big bang on a small scale.|小规模的创世大爆炸 | A new star born out of a dying one.|新恒星在垂死的恒星中诞生


flock 羊群,群;大量 | schlock 廉价的 | interlock 连锁,连串


> (Tattoo)片如其名,连串恐怖凶杀案都与纹身有关,受害男女身上都纹上日本式刺青图案,全是一个名家的「杰作」,却惨遭剥皮. 此片说有收藏家高价购买纹身人皮,作为艺术品秘藏欣赏,似乎难以置信. 不过人类什麼古怪的事都做得出,


serializer /并串行转换器/串行[化]器/ | serially /连续地/连串地/连载地/ | seriate /连续的/连续排列/


它其实是运用物理学共振(resonance)与和声(harmonics)等法则,对身体产生调频(tuning)的作用,改变身心灵的状态. 音响疗愈采用连串不同的频率(frequencies)及波(waves)的形式,

Detonation beyond all imagining:引发超乎想像的连串爆炸

...and again and again.|一而再,再而三 | Detonation beyond all imagining.|引发超乎想像的连串爆炸 | A big bang on a small scale.|小规模的创世大爆炸