英语人>词典>汉英 : 进攻方法 的英文翻译,例句
进攻方法 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与进攻方法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nowthere is much more to be said about the exceeding strange and wonderfulevents of those days; how some Suits of Microsoft plotted war upon thePenguin, but were discovered on a Halloween Eve; how Gates fell amonglawyers and was betrayed and crucified by his former friends, theapostles of Media; how the mercenary Knights of the Red Hat brought thegospel of the Penguin into the halls of the Corporations; and even ofthe dispute between the brethren of Gnome and KDE over a trollishLicence.

那时诞生了很多值得记录的佳音和咄咄怪事。比如:微软高层如何策动一场对企鹅进攻,却在万圣节前夜破产;盖茨如何陷入律师的困境同时被他过去的盟友—— Media 的使徒出卖并送上绞架;贪婪的 Red Hat 爵士如何将企鹅推进公司的深渊;以及 Gnome 和 KDE 如何手足相残。凡此种种都被记载在《圣经》的《企鹅之书》和《四代记》中。我想,如果将它们全部写下来,足够装满一堆 DVD 。如同 Usenet 新闻组一样深邃而危险。译注:1。 crucified ,指在十字街上钉死。是长时间以来深受欧洲人喜爱的死刑执行方法。

When the enemy is on the offensive and we are on the defensive, this method must be employed.


They have a lot of quality and now they have lots of confidence and they are scoring lots of goals.


Intuitive zonal defending will cover spacesand players need to look constantly for new ways to attack.


In conclusion, the experimental method was easily performed, the reaction time was short and the products were gained in high yield. The bromination was controlled by the large molecular structure of ammonium methylbdate.


I congratulate the team, but also the professionality of the club, the coaches and those who play less.


It is the first example to synthesize Z isomers of propenoic acids and their derivatives highly stereoselectively by the nucleophilic addition of a carbon- carbon triple bonds.


Understanding these relationships will help find ways of thwarting their attacks and using them to clean up pollutants.


Houston can use him to create offense when Tracy McGrady is off the floor, and he may finish more games than he starts as an offensive spark at either guard spot -- similar to the way new coach Rick Adelman used Bobby Jackson in Sacramento.


This paper Research on the front of the field of offensive tactics of place kick by collecting football field before the ball offensive tactical positioning relevant research data and analyzing 2004 Euro-football Cup and 2006 World Football Cup, and in accordance with the contemporary world football offensive use of tactical place kick to the characteristics of the strong teams in the football match using tactical offensive positioning of the ball, summed up place kick offensive tactical use characteristics, conditions and application use requirements of place kick offensive tactical training patterns were studied through the use of sports psychology knowledge of place kick offensive tactical awareness training conducted research, and proposed a number of training football players place kick offensive tactical awareness psychological method, this method other tactical awareness has also a reference.


更多网络解释与进攻方法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


[擒抱(tackle)] 橄榄球中最常用的阻止进攻的手段就是擒抱--将持球队员连人带球按倒在地. 当攻方持球队员被擒抱或被逼出边线时一次进攻就宣告结束了. [得分] 橄榄球比赛的最终目的是得分. 共有4种得分的方法. 达阵(touchdown)得6分,