英语人>词典>汉英 : 进口港 的英文翻译,例句
进口港 的英文翻译、例句


port of entry
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It is a major port of entry served by a deepwater channel that accommodates oceangoing ships.


It is now an important commercial, transportation, and industrial hub and a major port of entry.


Nashville is a port of entry and major commercial center known especially for its music industry.


It is a port of entry, a boating and fishing center, and a resort.


Largest city in Washington; located in west central Washington; a major port of entry .


The city is now a port of entry and manufacturing center with an extensive chemical industry. It is also the largest city in the state.


An important port of entry for shipping and receiving, San Diego Bay is home to many endangered and threatened wildlife.


Freight : USD32000/40'HQ with all the charges from Ningbo port to Moscow Part B's consignee's warehouse, including sea freight ,Russia customs duty and all the expense due to Russia customs clearance . But this freight may be changed according to the decrease or increase of customs duty at Russia.

USD32000/40'HQ 此运费为目前宁波到莫斯科的全程包税场到门服务(此费用包括从宁波港到莫斯科乙方收货人仓库的海陆运输,俄罗斯的进口关税及清关费用,但本费用将随着俄罗斯进口关税的增减而有所增减)。

As the most bullish year in history for the international dry bulk cargo shipping market in 2003, which pushed by the unprecedented Chinese imported iron ore and Japanese imported coal demand, very flourish grain and mini dry bulk shipment and high tight fleet supply because of the uncustomary ports congestion, and low new vessels delivery.


After the customers signed the contracts with us, I assisted my copartners to ensure that the clearance process is smooth and efficient –including clear custom and transportation from Tianjin to Beijing.

2000——2001 在北京陆港国际物流有限公司任进口业务员,独立联系北京地区从天津港进口货物的转关运输业务,并与公司客服人员共同完成对客户的服务。

更多网络解释与进口港相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arrival notice:到货通知

进口商接到承运人或其代理人发出的>(Arrival Notice)后,就可以着手安排进口通关手续. 首先进口商应注意进口货物的申报时间和地点,如果进口商没有能够在规定时间内向海关申报货物,海关要对其征收滞报金. 如果货物抵港后三个月内没有申报,

Hampton Roads:汉普顿港群

这份由美国零售联合会(National Retail Federation)与Global Insight公司共同制作的报告统计了全美10个主要集装箱港口:查尔斯顿、汉普顿港群 (Hampton Roads)、休斯顿、长滩、洛杉矶、纽约/新泽西、奥克兰、萨凡那、西雅图和塔科马的进口集装箱数量以及各种影响因素,

in and out plating:内外叠接板

1637 Import port进口港 | 1638 In and out plating内外叠接板 | 1639 In ballast载压

Inward cargo:进口货物

inward cargo 进口货 | inward cargo 进口货物 | inward charges 到港费用

Santa Isabel:圣伊萨贝尔

又名圣伊萨贝尔(SANTA ISABEL)港,是赤道几内亚的最大海港. 它是赤道几内亚的首都及全国政治及经济中心. 经济以农业为主,但粮食不能自给,每年粮食进口要占全国进口总额的1/4. 可可是主要的出口物资,比奥科岛是可可的集中产区.


乌克兰已从位于黑海的苏普萨港和杰伊汉港先后购买了两批石油,每批的石油数量为8万吨. 此外,乌克兰还计划从阿塞拜疆购买第3批8万吨石油. 乌克兰计划通过敖德萨(Odessa)--克列缅丘格(Kremenchug)管道把这24万吨进口石油输送到位于克列缅丘格的炼油厂.

Rejection Risk:拒收险

拒收险(Rejection Risk) 拒收险是指保险公司对被保险货物因在港被进口国有关当局拒绝进口或没收予以负责,并按照被拒绝进口或没收货物的保险价值赔偿.

duty unpaid:关税未付

买方承担卖方在目的港码头交货后的一切风险、责任和费用. 如果卖方不能直接或间接地取得进口许可证,则不宜采用此术语. 如果买卖双方同意有买方负责办理进口报关手续,并支付关税,则应使用"关税未付"(Duty Unpaid)一词,而不是"关税已付"(Duty Paid).


2003年6月,中央政府和香港特区政府在香港签署了"内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排 "(CEPA)协议. 根据 CEPA的规定:香港与内地合拍片可获国产片待遇;纯港产电影不再作为进口片进入内地电影市场(即不再占进口片配额);

entry formalities:进口手续

entry device 键盘输入装置 | entry formalities 进口手续 | entry formality 入港申报手续