英语人>词典>汉英 : 运行费用 的英文翻译,例句
运行费用 的英文翻译、例句


operating cost
更多网络例句与运行费用相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was also found that the coagulant cost is the key factor affecting the operating cost in this waterworks and should be reduced.


F4203 membrane of NCS electrolyzer should be changed step by step after four or four and half years.

运用数学方程计算出膜运行费用与膜的使用时间,认为NCS 电槽 F4203膜运行四年或四年半后则应考虑逐步更换。

As a result, the company warned that as day-to-day running expenses increase and depreciation costs rise, prospective buyers should consider how they are to finance a car whether this is through a loan or other forms of borrowing.


On the basis of the conventional design means of DC side filtering equipments in HVDC transmission system, multi-object programming optimizing method with two objects: investment and operation fare and the constrain condition of equivalent interfering current limit is presented to get a generally optimum scheme for DC side filtering equipments including smoothing reactor, filters and capacitor at neutral bus in this paper.


Through researching the mechanism of biological nitrification and denitrification and actual project application of the technology and related literature materials, the obtained results are as follows:(1) Anoxybiosis is effective to the removal of COD; after the anoxic process, BOD/COD of the outflow increases, it shows that the degradation ability of wastewater is improved; anoxybiosis is insensitive when shock loading of inflow wastewater varies greatly;(2) It is demonstrated by the operation of inoculation and cultivating that biofilm takes two weeks to succeed in cultivating on packings and the removal ratios of NH3-N and COD get 50% and 70% respectively, when gas-water ratio is 6:1, HRT is 7.3 hour, water temperature is above 15°C;(3) It is demonstrated that gas-water ratio, hydraulic loading, HRT, temperature, pH etc are important factors which influence the removal effect of pollutants, when the gas-water ratio is 6:1, hydraulic loading is about 0.38kgNH3-N/m~3.d, water temperature ranges from 15°C to 27°C, pH ranges from 7.5 to 8.0, the BIOFOR removal effect of pollutants is the best;(4) The operation indicated that, this technology has strong ability of nitrification and denitrification; it has extremely vital significance for reducing the water body eutrophication;(5) It is confirmed the feasibility and the usability of preanoxic-BIOFOR process to treat L-lactic acid production wastewater. The experiment indicated that the treatment effect of this technology is very good and also shows that the technology has many advantages, such as small volume, high treatment efficiency, good effluent quality and strong endurance to load variation, this technology is a new and economical wastewater treatment process.


The characteristics of sludge the ozonation and its influence on SBF performance were investigated.


The design of the calculation example imitates the gradually unloosening process of price competition in Chinese electricity markets; the power network security, LMP, operation cost of power system and congestion cost of power system are analyzed and compared; and the effect of applying the LMP based congestion management theory to North China power grid is researched.


Moisture content of dewatered sludge, amendment and labor are the dominant factors of operating costs for sludge composting facilities.


With a low electricity price at off-peak time,the funning cost drops by 60%-80%,which is much lower than that of boilers running on coal,oil,gas or other ordinary electricones.


Water transfer pipe networks is the principal part of the investment of drip irrigation system and relate to the huge energy expenditure and the running and management cost.


更多网络解释与运行费用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

running expenses:日常费(用)

running costs;管理费用; 运行成本; 运转费;; | running expenses;日常费(用);; | running of limitation period;时效期限的计算;;

logistics cost:物流成本

物流成本(Logistics cost)是指伴随着物流活动而发生的各种费用,是物流活动中所消耗的物化劳动和活劳动的货币表现. 物流成本是衡量一个国家经济运行效率的重要指标,随着物流管理意识的增强,降低物流成本已经成为物流管理的首要任务.


operating costs 运行费用 | ordinances 法令条例 | ovality椭圆度

safety measures costs:安措费

variable cost 变动费用(变动成本) | safety measures costs 安措费 | six big loses [设备运行]六大损失

ctions of low-voltage automatic alarming,self-charging gas:需配备洁净或惰性气体起源. 可多台并排安装

行费用. 本柜采用电缆沟座安装形式,用户 to chamge... | 需配备洁净或惰性气体起源. 可多台并排安装, ctions of low-voltage automatic alarming,self-charging gas | 联机运行. 制造时、用户须提供完整的电气 ctions ...


这一目标的最终理想是让这些流程能够自动化运行,服务器可以因应需求或"服务等级协议"(SLA)自动增加或减少. 签下SLA合约的服务器客户只需要缴付一定的费用,就可以获得特定性能的保证.


基本的交替换位(trade off)是在买一个"交钥匙"系统,即卖主支持的只是安装需求和"钥匙交换后"使它能够运行的系统和开发一个"客户定制"系统(即一个与机构惯例兼容的系统)之间对比费用和延时.

trickling filter:滴滤池

本工艺综合了滴滤池(Trickling filter)特征,采用A2/O膜法工艺. 多层布设填料,使其有很大的比表面积. 整个工艺具有运行费用低(为传统工艺的20%~30%)、投资省的特点. 出水达到行业相关标准.

constructed wetlands:人工湿地

人工湿地(Constructed Wetlands)是20世纪70年代发展起来的一种废水处理新技术,与传统的污水二级生化处理工艺相比.具有净化效果好、去除N与P能力强、工艺设备简单、运转维护管理方便、能耗低、对负荷变化适应性强、T程建设和运行费用低、出水具有一定的生物安全性、生态环境效益显著、可实现废水资源化等特点.