英语人>词典>汉英 : 运用逻辑 的英文翻译,例句
运用逻辑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与运用逻辑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The reason,background,character,and insufficiency of Chinese professionalized tennis are analyzed with the methods of logical analysis and comparison research.


The use of the literature on changes in the Winter Olympics set up an analysis of events; the use of comparative law set for each Olympic Games, participating countries, the number and characteristics of the purpose of comparison; use logical methods to derive a reasonable winter Olympic Games setting changes, trends and project changes in the reasons for the Winter Olympics.


And the theoretical base and research methods are, with the guidance of the Marxism, the Dialectical Materialism and the Historical Materialism, primarily utilizing the Logical positivism and the Theory of Institution Changes and the Organization Theory to analyze the core values of Socialism, the Village and its evolution, the New Socialist Village and its construction.


It was found that there were three outliers in original dataset in regression analyses, and the results of cluster analysis for variables also proved it, while the model excluded the outliers were proved to be much robust using several test methods.


Detailly,signals of background magnetic field is filtered by fixed frequency of sample and hold circuit which is supplied by logic circuit,and the signals before objects appear are tracked dynamically which are then compared with the ones after objects appear by comparator circuit,in order to furthest obtain the signals of target magnetic field on the basis of background magnetic field compensation.


He explained relevant clauses in Canon of Moism by referring to the theory of Western logic and Indian classical logic so that he could rather sufficiently revealed the logical meaning of many basic concept and propositions in Canon of Moism. Moreover his method had a great effect on the contemporary and following researchers of Chinese logical history.The fourth part is concluding remarks.


From processing the surveyed data by logit model, we discovered that there is around 21% graduates are overeducated and the percentages of overeducated master and PhD reach 36% and 42% respectively.


Using the logic in Excel spreadsheets in a server application without the "traditional" need to recode this logic in a programming language.


Using the logic in Excel spreadsheets in a server application without the "traditional" need to recode this logic in a programming language.


This text introduces the principles and functions of three-position disconnecting switch of 31.5 kV GIS in Liuliping substation, analyzes the secondary control mode of the device through the diagrams of logical relation and table of status, points out that the equipment safety operation is affected by incorrect design for adopting false status table and additional 4 illegal control modes to 4 normal control modes on switches.

沈世忠,黄东红摘要:本文介绍了六里坪变电所31.5 kV GIS三工位开关的原理和作用,并对该设备的二次控制方式运用逻辑关系图和状态表进行了分析,指出由于设计中采用了错误的状态表,运行中除了4种正常开关控制方式以外,增加了4种非法控制方式,影响了设备安全运行。

更多网络解释与运用逻辑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

indium antimonide:锑化铟

这种晶体管乃利用新型材料锑化铟(indium antimonide)导电,极为省电且散热功能佳,处理速度可提升50%,但所需电力只要原来的十分之一. 预计10~15年内可开始量产,运用在该公司的微处理器等逻辑产品.

Blaise Pascal:帕斯卡

因此, 前所未知的天才, 布莱斯 帕斯卡 (Blaise Pascal) ,要求技巧运用到这些过程而不考虑逻辑,你看到的它们自身由技巧组成,精炼胜于 详细阐述.另一方面,莱布尼兹十分小心谨慎回击尼温梯基德:然而这些让人感到麻烦的细 小的微分线段就是他解决问题方法的本质技巧.


我们可以把上述两种不同的道德关怀方式分别称为"认知的"(cognitive)方式和"实践的"(practical)方式. 所谓"认知的"道德关怀方式,是指力图超越个人当下具体的道德处境或现实社会面貌,运用思辨理性和逻辑论证的方式,


按词汇搭配的逻辑常理, "灵魂"(souls)怎么会"潮湿"(damp)呢?"灵魂" 怎么会"沮丧地发芽"(sprouting despondently)呢?但诗人正是运用了的这些非逻辑的语义组合手段,才能使读者想象这群这群妇女所处的阴暗、潮湿、肮脏的生存条件.

deductive reasoning:演绎推论

加尔文神学观接受了奥古斯丁(Augustine)的神学观点,并运用了阿里斯多德式(Aristotle)演绎推论(deductive reasoning)的逻辑方法,产生了错误的神学论说,结果被许多福音派信徒不假思索地采纳了.






3.Pseudo code(虚拟码):主要是运用结构化程序设计的基本逻辑结构、内缩(indentation)的撰写方法及程序语言中的符号说明程序的步骤,不仅可提供程序设计的参考,更可避免直接撰写程序的缺点.

logistic curve:逻辑斯谛曲线

本文运用灰色系统中的GM(1,1)预测模型与逻辑斯谛曲线(Logistic Curve)预测模型,对近年来数字图书馆研究文献量的统计数据进行拟合预测,并结合实例对两种预测模型的预测结果进行对比分析,确定出了逻辑斯谛曲线是适合数字图书馆研究的预测模型.


按词汇搭配的逻辑常理, "灵魂"(souls)怎么会"潮湿"(damp)呢?"灵魂" 怎么会"沮丧地发芽"(sprouting despondently)呢?但诗人正是运用了的这些非逻辑的语义组合手段,才能使读者想象这群这群妇女所处的阴暗、潮湿、肮脏的生存条件.