英语人>词典>汉英 : 运用优先权 的英文翻译,例句
运用优先权 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与运用优先权相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the very beginning, by analyzing a series of assumptions, the author, therein using the interest analyzing mean, try to show the basic function of shareholder's preemptive right which can be concluded as maintenance of shareholder's ratable status.


Through the form of a certification trade mark protection of geographical indications so that the existing trade marks and give full play to the role of the legal system, there is no need to invest an excessive amount of resources, than the establishment of a new system much easier; geographical indications only in the domestic registration After the certification mark can only be based on China's accession to international treaties ("Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks" and "Protocol of the Madrid Agreement"), to achieve the international registration, and can take full advantage of the priority provisions of the international registration as soon as possible, there are in favor of trademark registration in the domestic and international trade to use legal weapons to protect their own rights and interests.


Chapter 9 is conclusion and future prospect. There are five innovative findings in the paper. Firstly, the evolvement of extensions and connotations of two reengineering styles is analyzed based on their high risk, and finding their trends of amalgamation. With this, the concept of corporation reengineering is then redefined combining core competence theory and ideas of process change management, and decompounding it into two parts: pre-reengineering and post-reengineering. Its inner relationships are analyzed and explained by economics theory. Secondly, establishing a analysis framework of reengineering risks, risk factors of foreign BPR are analyzed and concluded systematically for the first time. Reengineering risks are divided into three parts: plan, design and executive based on process and project management, then risk factors system is abstracted. Thirdly, 72 reengineering corporations in Jiangsu province are investigated on risk condition. Furthermore, risk factors in every part are analyzed and reduced experimentally by factor analysis method, and a risk factors system to suit Chinese corporation's reengineering is established. Fourthly, setting up a choice model of reengineering projects, the objective optimization model is presented to ascertain the weigh of each factor, a method of sequencing reengineering projects is presented so that risk of each reengineering project can be evaluated and compared effectively. Fifthly, an integration relationship model among IT, BPR and strategy is established aiming at productivity paradox derivative from IT and its dual effects on BPR, IT investment priorities in BPR is narrated deeply.


更多网络解释与运用优先权相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


去年12月,史丹利公园遭狂风蹂躏,45公顷林地被摧毁,逾10,000株大树倒下,海堤(Seawall)对上的斜坡极度不稳. 计划草案列出14项对公园的复元极具重要性的活动,包括把大部分倒下的大树移走. 公园局将会有优先权,决定是否及怎样运用来自倒下大树的木材.