英语人>词典>汉英 : 运动性失语 的英文翻译,例句
运动性失语 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aphemia  ·  anandia  ·  logaphasia

ataxic aphasia · motor aphasia
更多网络例句与运动性失语相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results Primary clinical manifestation of 9 patients were abulia,behavior disorders,thalamic aphasia,left spatial neglect,visual space function disorders,memory disorders.


Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of Jin's tongue three needles in treating apoplectic motor aphasia.


The functional connectivity of LIFG in aphasia patients is different with that in normal subjects, because of the infarction,the left fusiform gyrus,bilateral medial frontal gyrus and right anterior cingulum in aphasia patients showed low degree correlation.


1、Neural network correlated with LIFG and RIFG exists in normal subjects in resting-state,which might be the neural foundation in retaining the normal language function;2、The left fusiform gyrus,bilateral medial frontal gyrus and right anterior cingulum in aphasia patients after stroke showed low degree correlation,that might be one of the mechanisms of aphasia;3、The brain regions showed positive correlation with RIFG in aphasia patients only exist in right hemisphere in resting-state as well as which exist in bilateral hemisphere in normal subjects,suggested that RIFG is out of correlation with the left hemisphere in aphasia patients;4、The left thalamus showed positive correlation with RIFG only in normal subjects, inferred that the left thalamus might be an important mesomerism structure in the correlation of bilateral hemisphere;5、Left insula showed stronger positive correlation with RIFG in normal subjects than that in aphasia patients,suggested that dominant hemisphere insula is important in retaining in normal language function.


The symptoms of limb paralysis of all the patients were slight and the muscular strengths were all above grade IV,which were improved obviously within one week.Then all the 186 cases were measured with adult intelligence table and multiple correlation analysis was done according to sex,age,job and education extent of patients and image characteristics.

方法广东医学院附属湛江中心医院神经内科住院的各类腔隙性脑梗死患者 186例, 51例伴有轻度运动性失语,入院 1周内明显改善;肢体瘫痪症状较轻,肌力 IV级左右,并在 1周内明显好转。

In the whole process of clinical observation, poor memory appeared the highest incidence, and hemiplegia, numbness and slightly purplish tongue were presented all the way round. 7. It was shown in the results of MRI data for the 23 cases in preserved Dongzhimen hospital that the brain lesions were distributed in cortex and the extensive structure of subcortex in the cases of motor aphasia after stroke.


Cases of good therapeutic efficacy . 1 case of temporary motility aphasia after operation . 6 cases with hemianopsia before operation were same as before .


Three weeks later, his right hemiparesis worsened and motor aphasia developed.


Results:Eleven subjects were recruited in each group according to the affected factors (head motion,behavioral performance and machine noise) were ruled out.


Lacunar infarction in patients with hypertension is also common cerebrovascular disease, clinical manifestations of light, many people without clinical symptoms, and in nuclear magnetic resonance, CT examination or autopsy, was found when more specific clinical symptoms are: a simple movement obstacles, mild hemiplegia, aphasia or without sensory disturbance; pure sensory disturbance, migraine paresthesia or loss of body; dysphonia - clumsy hand syndrome, manifested as paresis and paralysis of tongue, speaking clearly, swallowing difficulties, fine motor hand and foot less flexible; ataxia and hemiparesis, inability to break limbs and lower limbs than upper limbs, uncoordinated movements, these symptoms often disappear in two weeks.


更多网络解释与运动性失语相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

motor aphasia:运动性失语[症]

临床发现,损伤布洛卡(Broca)三角区(44区,在中央前回底部之前,图中S区),会引致运动性失语症(motor aphasia). 病人可以看懂文字与听懂别人谈话,但自己却不会讲话,不能用语词来口头表达;然而,其与发音有关的肌肉并不麻痹,

motor aphasia:运动性失语

go far 扬名 | motor aphasia 运动性失语 | piston mechanism 活塞(连杆)机构

motor aphasia:运动性失语 第十一章

monosynaptic reflex 单突触反射 第十一章 | motor aphasia 运动性失语 第十一章 | motor nucleus 运动核 第十一章


aphemesthesia 听读不能 | aphemia 运动性失语症 | aphephobia 恐接触症


aphemesthesia 听读不能 | aphemia 运动性失语 | aphonia 失声症,失音症


运动不足症 hypokinesia | 运动性失语 anandia,aphemia | 运动性失用症 motor apraxia

motor apraxia:运动性失用[症]

motor aphasia:运动性失语[症] | motor apraxia:运动性失用[症] | motor nerve conduction velocity:运动神经传导速度

transcortical aphasia:经皮层性失语

transcobalamin 运钴胺蛋白 | transcortical aphasia 经皮层性失语 | transcortical motor aphasia, TCMA 经皮层运动性失语

transcortical sensory aphasia:经皮质感觉性失语[症]

transcortical motor aphasia:经皮质运动性失语[症] | transcortical sensory aphasia:经皮质感觉性失语[症] | transient ischemic attack:短暂性脑缺血发作

transcortical motor aphasia:经皮质运动性失语[症]

torsion dysmyotonia:扭转性肌张力障碍 | transcortical motor aphasia:经皮质运动性失语[症] | transcortical sensory aphasia:经皮质感觉性失语[症]