英语人>词典>汉英 : 运动不能的 的英文翻译,例句
运动不能的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
acinetic  ·  akinetic

更多网络例句与运动不能的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Akinesia 运动不能 Slow initiation, or loss of power of voluntary movements seen in patients with basal ganglia pathology.


Diagnosis of DRS in a typical case is not difficult, however, children with bilateral abduction deficits which may mimic DRS must be differentiated from the following four motility disorders, namely, abducens nerve palsy, Moebius′ syndrome, congenital oculomotor apraxia, and congenital or infantile esotropia.


Seen in a bar chart when prices tend not to go above or below a certain range of levels.


One is at low growth temperature, the origin of mound formation can be attributed to an intrinsic growth instability of a singular surface in the presence of so-called Ehrlich-Schwoebel step-edge barrier, which inhibit the downward movement of adatoms at surface step-edges. The other is at high temperature, or at low Ⅴ/Ⅲ ratio, the reason of mound formation is related to phosphorus deficiency.


The fact that some individuals descend into akinetic mutism whereas others do not just highlights the importance of making a choice.


And yet I know that, because free will is an illusion, it's all predetermined who will descend into akinetic mutism and who won't.


Before people started playing with Predictors, akinetic mutism was very rare, a result of damage to the anterior cingulate region of the brain.


The end state is akinetic mutism, a kind of waking coma.


Regional tardokinesis was identifiedin 48 of 150 segments: 27 segments had a normal magnitude ofwall motion, 18 were hypokinetic, and 3 were severely hypokinetic/akinetic.


Knife rest vertical to enter, give sport and horizontal to stock for sport to can be linked, cut order by artificial control even.


更多网络解释与运动不能的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


主要表现有三:(1) 运动不能(akinesia) 患者在服用抗精神病药后,出现"想动、却动不了"的情况,往往因此呆坐一旁,出现'什么事情也不做'的局面;脸面毫无表情,似乎戴了个面具一样.

iridis akinesia:虹膜运动不能

ireful 愤怒的 | iridis akinesia 虹膜运动不能 | iridization 虹晕感觉

ideokinetic apraxia:意想运动性运用不能

ideokinetic 意念性动作的 | ideokinetic apraxia 意想运动性运用不能 | ideolectotype 自选模式标本


上肢和手共济失调最重,不能完成协调精细动作,表现协同不能(asynergy),快复及轮替运动异常. 字迹愈写愈大(大写症). (4)眼运动障碍:眼球运动肌共济失调出现粗大的共济失调性眼震,尤其与前庭联系受累时出现双眼来回摆动,

asynergy:不能协同, 不能共济 协同不能

asynergic movement | 不协调运动 | asynergy | 不能协同, 不能共济 协同不能 | asyntactic | 不合语法的

involuntary movement:不随意运动,不自主运动

involuntary loss or gain 非人力所能影响的损益 | involuntary movement 不随意运动,不自主运动 | involuntary muscular fibers 无横纹纤维


adiabatic | 绝热的, 隔热的 | adiadochokinesis | 轮替运动不能 | adiagnostic | 难辨认结构的 不可判明的


akinesia 运动不能 | akinete 附生物 | akinetic 运动不能的


akinete 附生物 | akinetic 运动不能的 | Akkadian 阿卡得人

immotile cilia syndrome:纤毛不能移动综合征,纤毛制动综合征

immobile cilia syndrome 纤毛无运动综合征 | immotile-cilia syndrome 纤毛不能移动综合征,纤毛制动综合征 | immotile cilia syndrome 睫不能移动综合征,纤毛不能移动综合征(气道粘膜纤毛的清除作用延缓)