英语人>词典>汉英 : 过错 的英文翻译,例句
过错 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fault  ·  miss  ·  missed  ·  offence  ·  delictum  ·  faults  ·  misses  ·  bish

donkey act
更多网络例句与过错相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In China, the system of imputation tenets is blamable liability principle and unblamable liability principle, and understanding blame is the particular situation of blamable liability principle.


On the basis of comparative analysis on Bona fides and No fault.


In the light of the Marital Law in effect, the People's Court regulated five items judging a divorce case and granting.Which are related to the faulty action of one side, lagislation takes more care over the divorce of fault,as the purpose is to protect the benefit of people who is innocent and whose conjugal rights was invaded.


The third chapter clarifies the reasonableness of the doctrine of presumptive wrongs applying to professional liability, inquires into the professional standards which determine whether it is the professional's fault or not in principle and speciality, and discusses further the burden of adducing evidence of professional's fault and determination of professional's counterargument.


First of all, general introduction to environment infringement is offered, then the civil liability system of environment infringement discussed from the following respective aspects: principles of liability judgment, important elements, causes of counterplea and the forms of liability, finally some suggestions of the improvement of the civil liability system of the environment infringement law in China.


The law of electronic signature prescribed the force efficacity of the trustingly electronic signature,the responsibility and the charge in offence of electronic signaturer and electronic signature appraise,but did not involved how to quote correlative electronic signature.


The text analyze the traditional theory on fault (which is commenly approved by the legislation and the adminstration of justice in several countries) through thestudy of three aspects . There are the essence of fault, the relationship between fault and injuria, the method and the standard in judge of fault.


In the field of liability without, negligence, causativeness of the parties action should be compared when only the injured party has fault. Causativeness of the dangerous element and fault element should be compared when both parties have fault. After should compare the degrees of fault of both parties, and at last definite in which degree to diminish the compensation liability of the injuring party.


Based on the concept and theory of liability without fault, this article discusses the 76th statute in the Law of On-road Traffic Safety, which says that the liability without fault gauge will be applicable if there is an accident between motor vehicle and a non-motor vehicle or pedestrians. It also elaborates the significance of the principle of applying the liability without fault in traffic accident cases. It means that besides intentionally, the non-motor vehicle driver or pedestrians don't have to pay the loss of the side of motor vehicle, even though there is a severe mistake by non-motor vehicle driver or pedestrians. This conclusion disaffirms that the damaged motor vehicle may claim for compensation to the non-motor vehicle driver or pedestrians.


The main factor to be considered in the application of contributory negligence is the comparison between the degrees of fault of the parties involved. When the degrees of fault are in close proximity to each other, or comparing the degrees will be obviously unfair, comparativecausativeness can be used as adjusting element.


更多网络解释与过错相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be at fault:有过错

be arrested 被捕 | be at fault 有过错 | be authorized 被授权

atone for:(为过错)进行弥补,赎罪

At sb's service 听某人的吩咐,为某人效劳 | atone for (为过错)进行弥补,赎罪 | attach to 依附在...上,喜爱,认为有

That ought to be cnough time to convince you of that fact.Convince:在这里应该是证实有过错或有罪

6.Agitate.煽动. | 7.That ought to be cnough time to convince you of that fact.Convince在这里应该是证实有过错或有罪. | 8.Collapse.倒塌.


baseless 无缘无故的 | blameless 无过错的 | bloodless 不流血的

presumptive fault:推定过错

第三人过错 third party's fault | 推定过错 presumptive fault | 恶意 bad faith; malice

error, probable:可能过错

error, parity 奇偶舛误 | error, probable 可能过错 | error, random 无规过错

tort-feasor; wrongdoer:过错方

国际法学 international jurisprudence | 过错方 tort-feasor; wrongdoer | 过错推定原则 doctrine of presumption


Metric ton 公吨 | Misdelivery 过错交货 | Misdescription 过错陈说

take upon oneself:以...为己任; 主动承担(责任等); 把(过错)归咎自己 擅自; 毅然, 大胆

take me not up before I fall[苏口]在你回答我以前,... | take upon oneself以...为己任; 主动承担(责任等); 把(过错)归咎自己 擅自; 毅然, 大胆 | take on oneself以...为己任; 主动承担(责任等); 把(过错)归咎自己...

Forgives your mistakes:原谅你的过错

Envisions the whole of you 预期你总是尽全力 | Forgives your mistakes 原谅你的过错 | Gives unconditionally 无条件地过错