英语人>词典>汉英 : 过程 的英文翻译,例句
过程 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
course  ·  procedures  ·  process  ·  processed  ·  PROC  ·  processes  ·  proc.  ·  cs

更多网络例句与过程相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An engine cyclic variation model has been built by using the residual gas temperature for the n-th cycle as the input of the model, through constant pressure intake process, adiabatic compression process, constant volume combustion process, adiabatic expansion process, adiabatic blow down process and constant pressure exhaust process to approximate the thermodynamic processes in the cylinder, finally the residual gas temperature for the (n+1)-th cycle can be estimated.


And with these results, I delve further into the theoretical issues of MSP and the concentration is on a special class of MSP-Doob skeleton processes. Generalized limit distribution, limit distribution of these processes and conditions and the expressions for the existence of invariable measure of such processes are provided. Finally, these new results are then applied to queueing theory, reliability theory and inventory theory. A detailed study of GI/G/1 queuing model, parallel connection system model, water reservoir model and perishable inventory model is discussed. These models have already been investigated to some degree. In particular, as mentioned above, some scholars have already successfully applied the transient behavior theory of MSP to these models and transient distributions of main variables in such models have been obtained. However, the limit behavior has not been addressed. In this thesis, limit behavior of main variables in the above-mentioned models is established.


Freezing soil is a natural phenomina in cold and mountain areas, which has great impact on the regional climate, water cycle, and water balance. The land surface process in the condition of soil freezing and thawing is one of the most important process in the area. This paper firstly reviews the present study on land surface process in the condition of soil freezing and thawing, especially the development after the the hydrological land surface model introduced into the study of General Circulation Model, then introduces the undergoing international research project, such as Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterization Schemes and Cold Land Process Field Experiment by NASA, and finally analyses and puts forward the future research field and topics.

冻土是全球中高纬地区和高山地带普遍存在的自然现象,它对全球以及区域性气候、水循环、水平衡等都有着巨大的影响,土壤冻融条件下的陆面过程正是这种影响的重要环节,介绍了土壤冻融条件下陆面过程的研究现状,特别是在大气环流模型中引入水文陆面模型以来陆面过程研究的迅猛发展,对现在国际上正在进行的考虑冻土的陆面过程研究项目,如陆面过程参数化比较计划的第二阶段第五期PILPS (2E)以及美国NASA的寒区陆面过程实地试验计划也进行了介绍,并在此基础上对土壤冻融条件下陆面过程的发展趋势进行了分析。

PCA is not only used as feature extracting method (where process variables are subjected to multivariate normal distribution), but also as a tool for dimension reduction; BSA is used to extract independent features or process blind source signals from process information in information theory sense, which is more effective than PCA in describing the process.


A process can be defined in terms of subprocesses or process elements. A subprocess can be further decomposed into subprocesses or process elements; a process element cannot. See also "process" and "subprocess."


Take DMSO swollen treatment and DEA-SO2-DMSO decrystallization treatment for example, the X-ray diffraction and the Tobolsky's intermittent stress relaxation of treated woods were determined during soaking in water, analyzed the effects of water on crystal degree and inter-cohesion of treated woods. According to these continuous relaxation curves measured in water with different temperatures, various thermodynamic quantities were obtained by using Eyring absolute rate theory, and reviewed the chemical reactions in wood which occur in different relaxation process. For the first time quantify these crosslinkings formed in the process of tensional relaxation by using the SMCIR intermittent stress relaxation way, and defined the cross-linking reaction types. In order to find out the contribute of drying to the fixation of deformation of chemically treated wood, stress relaxation of oven-dry untreated and treated wood was measured during the process of temperature elevation and descend, then analyzed the effect of temperature change on relaxation mechanism of treated oven-dry wood. According to continuous relaxation curves of oven-dry treated wood under various constant temperature, calculated the thermodynamics of relaxation process and discussed the mechanism of molecule change in wood, at the same time, also quantified these cross-linkings produced in wood by intermittent method and on the basis of which the model of molecular change during relaxation process of chemically treated was constructed.

以DMSO膨胀处理及DEA- SO2-DMSO非晶化塑化处理为例,测定了两种处理木材在水浸渍过程中的X射线衍射及Tobolsky间歇应力松弛,分析了水对处理木材结晶度及内部凝聚力的影响;通过未处理和两种处理木材在不同温度水中的连续应力松弛测定,应用Eyring的绝对速度反应理论计算并获得了松弛过程中的各热力学量,分析了在水中松弛过程中不同阶段木材内部发生的化学反应;并首次采用SMCIR连续·不连续双曲线应力松弛法定量了轴向拉伸应力松弛过程中木材内部产生的架桥量,明确了交联反应的类型;为了了解干燥对处理木材塑性变形固定的影响,测定了未处理和两种处理绝干木材在温度下降过程和上升过程中的应力松弛,分析了温度变化对处理绝干木材应力松弛的影响;根据多个温度水平下的连续应力松弛测定曲线,计算松弛过程的热力学量,考察了绝干木材在松弛过程中内部发生的分子变化机理,同时也用间歇法定量了木材内部新形成的架桥量,并在此基础上构筑处理木材在松弛过程中内部分子构造的变化模型。

The definitions of polytropic process of ideal gas in some current heat textbooks are compared and analyzed.

多方过程的定义对于多方过程通常有四种定义方法。定义 1 [1~ 3 ] 在过程中系统和外界有部分热交换,这种过程叫多方过程;或者说,气体实际经历的过程都是多方过程

Resultantly, the individual warm/cold events in ENSO cycle appear to be partially locked to the annual cycle, and also exhibit obvious irregularity both in amplitude and in lasting time.


This thesis consists of three chapters .In chapter one , the distributions of the last exit time and the corresponding results of Brownian motion in Markov process are introduced ,and previous remarkable achievements on the excursion of Brownian motion are numerated too ,also ,we introduce the main results and the history of elliptic diffusion process; In chapter two ,we summarily describe the excursion in Markov process and the result of the first hitting time of the elliptic diffusion process ; In last chapter ,we study estimates for the distributions of above three maximum excursions and minimum excursion in the elliptic diffusion process on R (d≥3), which leads the excursion of Brownian motion on ball on R (d≥3) to become a particular case .


Present technologies of BPM separate the process information from business process and manage them in a depository. These really make the business process agiler. But on the other side, present technologies of BPM cant to do well with the special business process information, such as business logic in process, business policy and so on. And the business experts without IT skills are excluded from the whole life cycle of development project though they are the really expert who conducting company business.


更多网络解释与过程相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

saturation adiabatic process:饱和绝热过程,湿绝热过程

saline process 盐化过程 | saturation-adiabatic process 饱和绝热过程,湿绝热过程 | sediment delivery process 泥沙输移过程

branching process:分支过程

分支过程(Branching Process)是随机过程(Stochastic Process)的一个分支,在细胞生物学、流行病学以及核物理等方面有着较为广泛的应用. 本文试图描述的,是各类血细胞发育、成熟的过程,即造血过程(Hemopoiesis). 这是一个连续而又区分为阶段的过程.

process flow diagram:过程流程图

) 过程流程图( 过程流程图(PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM)是过程流程的示意. ) 注 1:过程流程图应该关注制造过程,包括返工和返修. : 注 2:过程流程图可应用于其他任何方面的业务. : 生产环境( 生产环境(PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT)是指生产现场中进行制造的地点,

irreversible process:不可逆过程

自发过程在热力学中又称为不可逆过程(irreversible process). 所谓不可逆过程就是无论用什么方法都不能使体系和环境同时复原的过程,也是自然界中真实存在的过程. 而可逆过程(reversible process)是体系和环境可以同时复原的过程,

irreversible process:可逆过程

体系因与外界发生能量、质量的交换,其状态沿某特定的过程进行变化,现若使体系沿该过程的路线反向地进行逆过程的变化,直至恢复到原始的状态,在全部变化过程中并不给外界留下任何影响痕迹,这样的过程就称为可逆过程,否则就是不可逆过程(irreversible process).

main procedure:主过程

6.2 过程(Procedure) 过程我们以前已经见过了,但那些都是主过程(main procedure),即程序的主体部体,作用和C下的 main 函数相似. 一般情况下,Ada 程序的主程序名应当和该主程序所在的文件名相同. 过程的声明格式如下:6.3 函数 (Function) 函数和过程也很像,

markov process:马尔科夫过程

马尔科夫过程(MarKov Process)是一个典型的随机过程.设X(t)是一随机过程.当过程在时刻t0所处的状态为已知时.时刻t(t>t0)所处的状态与过程在t0时刻之前的状态无关.这个特性成为无后效性.无后效的随机过程称为马尔科夫过程.马尔科夫过程


这次讲得是 存储过程(proc) 存储过程分类: 1.用户自定义存储过程: 分成 TRANSACT-SQL存储过程和CLR存储过程 2.拓展存储过程(后续版本将删除这个,所以避免使用它了,用clr替代) 3.系统存储过程...

reversible process:可逆过程

可逆过程(reversible process) 热力学系统在状态变化时经历的一种理想过程,定义为:系统从初态出发经历某一过程变到末态. 若可以找到一个能使系统和外界都复原的过程(这时系统回到初态,对外界也不产生任何其他影响),则原过程是可逆的.

stored procedure:存储过程

存储过程(Stored Procedure)是一组为了完成特定功能的SQL语句集,经编译后存储在数据库中. 用户通过指定存储过程的名字并给出参数(如果该存储过程带有参数)来执行它. 存储过程是数据库中的一个重要对象,任何一个设计良好的数据库应用程序都应该用到存储过程.