英语人>词典>汉英 : 过渡形式 的英文翻译,例句
过渡形式 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

transitional form
更多网络例句与过渡形式相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While provoking the indignation of systematisers, such transitional forms are exceptionally interesting to dialecticians, for they smash the limited boundaries of classification, revealing the real connections and consecutiveness of a living process.


In case of different droplet- transfer forms,fuzzy control schemes of arc length and short- circuit frequency are put forwords.


Beginning in Florence, there was an attempt to revive the dramatic and musical forms of Ancient Greece, through the means of monody, a form of declaimed music over a simple accompaniment; a more extreme contrast with the preceding polyphonic style woule be hard to find; this was also ,at least at the outset, a secular trend.


A common inflammatory disease of the middle ear, between it and suppurative otitis media, but also a transition can occur.


Carpels 2, rarely 3-5(-10), usually ± connate; ovary superior or semi-inferior to inferior, 2- or 3-5(-10)-loculed with axile placentation, or 1-loculed with parietal placentation, rarely with apical placentation; ovules usually many, 2- to many seriate, crassinucellate or tenuinucellate, sometimes with transitional forms; integument 1- or 2-seriate; styles free or ± connate.

心皮2,很少3-5(-10),通常多少合生;半不如下位的子房上位或,2-或3-5-10室具中轴胎座,或1室具侧膜胎座,很少具顶端placentation;通常胚珠很多,2-在很多具薄珠心的crassinucellate或,有时具过渡形式,seriate;珠被1或2 seriate;花柱离生或多少合生。

In range of 300℃~900℃, all the transition metal oxide catalysts could get high ammonia conversion, during the initial stages of the reaction, the SO〓 conversion is relatively low since the catalysts have not been sulfureted, but it increases gradually and attain constant with rising temperature and time continuance,〓 is better than other catalysts in reactivity and elemental sulfur selectivity; XRD indicates that, in the SO〓-SCR process, stable transition metal sulfide is generated which is very important to SO〓 reduction and transition metal sulfide probably is the active phase of catalyst, further the reduction of SO〓 by H〓 to H〓S is the limiting step of all process, then the activity is somewhat related to its lattice oxygen yet not so notable; XPS indicates that little sulfur on surface exists as S〓 in sulfate, showing that TiO〓 could restrain the generation of sulfate.


The research stated above show that, arc spectrum signal can not only represent the process of droplet transfer, measure the frequency of droplet transfer, but also it has particular time field and frequency field characteristics and corresponding waveform modes for every kind of droplet transfer modes.


The transition or mode of transition from one sound to another in speech.


ABSTRACT :Since reform and opening up, in the urbanization process, due to various unfavorable factors accumulated, farmers can not become successful urban residents, but experienced a "migrant workers" such a special form of the transition.

摘 要:改革开放以来,在城市化过程中,由于各种不利因素的累积,农民不能顺利成为城市的居民,而是经历了&农民工&这种特殊的过渡形式

The result shows that, when a free droplet transfer mode is applied in high-speed welding , the workpiece is heated by the arc throughout the process and thus the molten pool can not solidify in time.As a result, the molten pool is very long, which gives way to the instability of bead formareron and pinch effect of the liquid metal,so that it finally leads to the humping phenomenon. Based on the analysis and experimental result, the short-circuiting transfer mode is suggested to improve the bead formation in high-speed welding .


更多网络解释与过渡形式相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chromatic scale:半音阶

此场中的六音集合在位于场景的首尾两端时仅在连接过渡的层次(transpositional level)上出现(当然,形式是各式各样的);而在中部时它的出现形式则在音调上转化(transposed)为各种不同的半音阶(chromatic scale)层次.

natural disaster:自然灾害

自然灾害(Natural disaster)是灾害的一种主要形式,指危及人类生命财产与生存条件的自然变异现象和过程. [过渡]现在我们知道了什么是自然灾害. 那么是不是只要是自然界发生的一切异常变化都是自然灾害呢? [提问]哪位同学能举个例子来区分一下自然异变与自然灾害?


而且,当今存在的两种鸟类:焦鹃(Touraco)和麝雉(Hoatzin)都有可以抓住树枝的两个爪子;它们是完全没有爬行动物特性的鸟. 就凭始祖鸟的翅膀上有爪子,而认定它是过渡形式的主张是无效的;同样,凭藉始祖鸟嘴里的牙齿,而认定它是过渡形式也是无效的.

Transition Metals:过渡金属

简单来说,此反应发生有两个期间,其中也包含了铁原子氧化数的改变,一种简单的氧化数改变形式是过渡金属(transition metals)的主要性质,在实验室中,铁原子通常拥有两种氧化数形式,除了零价的金属原子外还包含了+2价和+3价,价数会十分容易地来回变动.

parting line:分模线

如三个曲面间导圆角,多曲面间光滑过渡等具有灵活的曲面导圆角功能(Fillet)可作等半径、变半径等多种形式的圆角过渡自动计算零件的分模线(Parting line)设计模具很方便彩色渲染(Shading)真实逼真,

pasteur effect:巴斯德效应,巴 氏效应[有氧氧化抑制酵解]

passage type 过渡形式 | Pasteur effect 巴斯德效应,巴 氏效应[有氧氧化抑制酵解] | pasteur pipet 巴氏吸管,巴斯德吸管

pasteur effect:巴斯德效应,巴 氏效应

passage type 过渡形式 | Pasteur effect 巴斯德效应,巴 氏效应 | pasteur pipet 巴氏吸管,巴斯德吸管


在伊朗,沙赫(Shah)统 治下的体制就是一个例证(Fishman 1990; Shain & Linz 1995). 命题3:过渡过程越混乱,则巩固民主制度就越艰难. 对政府能力破坏程度最小的过渡形式更容易产生巩固的民主制度. 过渡可能由 旧体制下主张改革的官员或由反对党派发起,


"短信"(SMS)只是手机媒体诸多功能中的一种,也是现阶段展示其媒体特点的最主要形式. 它是3G来临前的一种信息过渡形式,只能以纯文本的形式出现. 作为新媒体的平台和终端,以"手机媒体"来称呼这种新出现的"第五媒体"似更为妥当.


很多高等真菌在生殖时期形成有一定形状和结构、能产生孢子的菌丝体,叫做子实体(sporophore),如蘑菇的子实体伞状,马勃的子实体近球形. 容纳子实体的菌丝褥座状结构,叫做子座(stroma). 子座是真菌从营养阶段到繁殖阶段的一种过渡形式,