英语人>词典>汉英 : 过敏症 的英文翻译,例句
过敏症 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
erethism  ·  hypersensitivity

更多网络例句与过敏症相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you have allergies, you should check with your allergist before using a natural product that you have not used before.


If you are a true cat lover and would really want to own a cat , check with your doctor or find an allergist nearby who can help you control your allergies .


As you walk or bicycle, find out what kinds of trees and plants prevail in your area and ask your allergist what kinds of local allergens create the most problems.


As mundane as this sounds, if you have allergic disease or asthma, consult with an allergist so that you have maximal therapy and information on seasonal concerns.


The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and its allergist members, doctors who are experts at diagnosing and treating allergies and asthma, know there is no reason to put up with this misery and offer the following tips for survival


Patients with a history of severe allergy and asthma also should be considered for epinephrine therapy, as should children with severe allergy who use nonselective β-blockers.


Like other allergies, Rhus allergy is acquired; you're not born with it.

喜欢其他的过敏症, Rhus 过敏症被获得;你没被忍受它。

In the United States and Europe,…are one of most common human allergies.

在美国和欧洲,猫是最常见的家庭宠物,据估计约有30,000,000 只,而猫过敏症也是人类最常见的一种过敏症

Highly recommended by leading dermatologists and allergists for their patients with chemical sensitivities and fragrance intolerance.


The animal model is established successfully. The purified main allergen could greatly improve the test of sIgE titer, which suggest that the purified allergen can be used in hypersensitivity diagnosis and therapy of sea shrimp.


更多网络解释与过敏症相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


allergic 极讨厌的 | allergist 过敏症专治医师 | allergization 致敏作用




原发性患者系常染色 体隐性遗传性疾...过敏症(anaphylaxis)有时又被翻译为过敏性 休克 或严重过敏反应. 它是临床免疫学方面最紧急的事件. 现在描述为一组包括免疫或非免疫机制、常常是突发的、涉及多个靶器官的严重临床症状,

active anaphylaxis:能动过敏症

active acetate 活性醋酸 | active anaphylaxis 能动过敏症 | active carbon 活性炭

cytotoxic anaphylaxis:细胞毒素过敏症

cytotaxonomy 细胞分类学 | cytotoxic anaphylaxis 细胞毒素过敏症 | cytotoxic lymphocyte 细胞毒素淋巴球

atopic hypersensitivity:特异体质过敏症

\\"阿托芬\\",\\"atophen,cinchophen\\" | \\"特异体质过敏症\\",\\"atopic hypersensitivity\\" | \\"定位觉丧失\\",\\"atopognosis\\"


因缺少分泌型IgA,食物性抗原被吸收入血,使本症患者好发过敏症(atopy);有些病人还出现抗牛奶及抗反刍类动物血清蛋白质的抗体. 从而当采用羊抗人IgA抗血清(不是马或兔抗血清)测定病人血清IgA含量时可呈现假性增高.

allergy against mainly my contemporaries and my faith:是一种对抗我大部分同代人和我的信仰的过敏症

And we fool your porcelain, small angry respons... | allergy against mainly my contemporaries and my faith 是一种对抗我大部分同代人和我的信仰的过敏症 | I write your name uncertainly on a postcard, like...

dentine hypersensitivity:牙本质过敏症

牙本质过敏症(dentine hypersensitivity)是临床常见的非龋类疾病,多见于牙齿经长时间磨耗,牙本质暴露,牙本质小管开放,而导致的对温度(冷、热),化学变化(酸、甜等)和机械刺激的酸痛感觉.


5、心理状况分析 术前对病人心理状态的了解十分重要,分析内容可有以下几项: 外倾性格、内倾性格(extraversion/intraversiontraversion) 神经过敏症(neuroticism) 精神过敏症(psychoticism) 有些精神病症状应予注意:强迫症、精神性躯