英语人>词典>汉英 : 过度的刺激 的英文翻译,例句
过度的刺激 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与过度的刺激相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hyperventilation and photic stimulation do not yield additional information.


Sub-stock inventory of consumer goods and raw materials inventory, a huge economic stimulus plan on the production of consumer goods companies may be more indirect role in stimulating, over-investment may be even out of private consumption and investment in the future could lead to overcapacity.


During the relatively refractory period a neuron may be stimulated to fire, given increased stimulation. Neurons are capable of representing differences in input only through rate of response. Myelinted fibers conduct the wave of depolarization more rapidly than demyelinated fibers, primarily due to saltatory conduction.


There is too much physical energy coupled with a voracious appetite for action and excitement.


Inappropriate, excessive or capricious administration of aversive stimulation has led to scandals, lawsuits and prohibition s


Inappropriate, excessive or capricious administration of aversive stimulation has led to scandals, lawsuits and prohibitions


The "dazzle" phenomena in literature has five characteristics: Firstly, pursue reality excessively, neglect ideal; Secondly, pursue sexual desire excessively, neglect spirit pursuing; Thirdly, pursue utility excessively, neglect hyper-utility; Fourthly, pursue the indulgency of the sense organs excessively, weaken the reasonable strength; Fifthly, pursue incitement excessively, neglect diapason.


Overproduction of capital; overambitious expansion of business concerns; overproduction of commodities under the stimulus of installment buying and buying with stock-market profits; the maintenance of an artificial price level for many commodities; the depressed condition of European trade.


"Although everyday levels of stress are necessary to stimulate normal brain development, excess levels can be harmful," said Carrion, likening the biological effects of increasing amounts of stress to an inverted U.


When they're overexposed or stimulated at too high a level for too long a duration, they end up being metabolically exhausted.


更多网络解释与过度的刺激相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accommodative facility:調節靈活度

[调节反应(accommodative response)和调节灵活度(accommodative facility)]前者反映调节反应量与调节刺激量间的关系. 若反应量小於刺激量,称调节滞后,意味著调节不足;若反应量大於刺激量,称为调节超前,表示调节过度. 调节灵活度反映调节的速度和耐力,


结果(Results)就有不少女性明白为不能给脸上的油脂一点喘气(Breathing)(Breathing)的空间. 但殊不知过度的干净会导致肌肤因没有油脂防护而变得无法锁住水分,一点外来刺激就极容易使得肌肤红肿痛苦悲伤. 肌肤在季节转换时多处于非常虚弱的状态,


受体异常亦可表现为受体上调(up regulation)或增敏(hypersensitivity),使靶细胞对配体的刺激反应过度,二者均可导致细胞信号转导障碍,进而影响疾病的发生和发展.


过敏分为由免疫机制介导的变应性过敏和免疫机制未被证实的非变应性过敏. 过敏与高反应性(hyperreactivity)不同,后者是机体对某刺激物过度的正常应答,而过敏具有切实的病史、检验结果、症状与环境证据. 以后不需再用"特异体质"(idiosyncrasy)这名词.


子宫平滑肌瘤(leiomyoma)是女性生殖器官中最常见的一种良性肿瘤,多见于30~50岁妇女,20岁以下罕见,绝经后肌瘤可逐渐萎缩. 其发生可能与过度的雌激素刺激有关. 临床上多数患者可无症状,若出现症状,则表现为月经过多及局部肿块等.


无论是信息超荷还是角色扮演都使人承受着过度刺激(Overstimulation)其后果是使人紧张、焦虑、烦燥、胸闷气短、肝火旺盛、心神不安. 二三十岁的人仿佛提前进入了更年期. 一句话"活着真累!"几乎成了一切人的口头禅.

redundant information:冗余信息

这种模型模拟了PTSD患者对创伤线索的惊吓反应增强、对冗余信息(redundant information)习惯化失败及对新异信息反应过度的症状,还反映出了PTSD患者对厌恶性刺激重新条件化能力的增加.

airway responsiveness:气道反应性

气道反应性(airway responsiveness)指气道对各种物理、化学、变应原或运动的反应程度. 正常人气道对上述微量刺激并不引发平滑肌收缩或仅发生微弱收缩反应;而在同样刺激下,某些哮喘患者则可因气道炎症处于过度反应状态,表现出敏感而过强的支气管平滑肌收缩反应,

withdrawal syndrome:戒断综合征

脱毒.觉醒(arousal)指警觉状态,伴有来自网状结构的感觉刺激和向皮层冲动的激活.觉醒与人格理论,内驱力的生物学基础,药物反应及精神障碍有关.见:伴有过度警觉的自主神经过度觉醒.戒断综合征(withdrawal syndrome)在长期或反复使用精神活性物质后,


起强烈感觉感觉倒错(dysesthesia) 非疼痛刺激诱发出痛觉感觉过度(hyperpathia) 感觉的刺激阈增高感觉异常(paresthesia) 无外界刺激而发生的疼痛(pain) 任何过强的刺激均可引起疼痛瘫痪(paralysis)是指随意肌活动能力的减退或丧失,