英语人>词典>汉英 : 迂回地 的英文翻译,例句
迂回地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

round about
更多网络例句与迂回地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The roundabout route, however, means that Macarthur's board is down to brass tacks already, arguing on price, rather than airily defending an independent strategy.


Such kind of conflict is imoled in his works that makes up the feature of circuity in his works and meanwhile reveals a certain stage and the spirit of artists.


"I'll kill him," he said icily, yet his eyes were glittering with devious humor as he turned towards the stairs.

" 我将杀他",他冷冰冰地说,然而当他向楼梯转向的时候,他的眼睛正在以迂回的幽默灿烂。

He is leading up to an impertinent request.


No commoner or foreigner could enter the Palace complex without special permission, on pain of death , which forced the poor to make long detours around the sprawling grounds.


Round and round we go, all of us, and ever come back thither


To work (one's way or oneself) subtly or gradually; insinuate


For the reason of dispute-avoidance, most of the national enterprises have chosen roundabout strategies. They took the form of raulti-factorized stocks inside the enterprise or dilutedly multi-factorized stocks in enterprise reformation.


I therefore diverted the present discourse between me and my man,rising up hastily, as upon some sudden occasion of going out; thensending him for something a good way off, I seriously prayed to Godthat He would enable me to instruct savingly this poor savage;assisting, by His Spirit, the heart of the poor ignorant creatureto receive the light of the knowledge of God in Christ, reconcilinghim to Himself, and would guide me so to speak to him from the Wordof God that his conscience might be convinced, his eyes opened, andhis soul saved.


"Every contingency has been provided for; if he is concentrated at Brünn.…" And Prince Dolgorukov gave a rapid and vague account of Weierother's plan of a flank movement.


更多网络解释与迂回地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blundering and shamefaced:笨拙而羞怯地

abscure and circuitous难以理解而迂回曲折 | blundering and shamefaced笨拙而羞怯地 | solid and consoling言之有物而又令人快慰


circuit 电路 | circuitous 迂回线路的 | circuitously 曲折地


circuitous 迂回的路的 | circuitously 绕行地 | circuitously 迂回地


circuitously 绕行地 | circuitously 迂回地 | circuitron 电路管


circuitous /迂回的路的/迂曲的/绕行的/ | circuitously /迂回地/绕行地/ | circuitron /电路管/

deviously:弯曲地; 绕道地 (副)

deviltry 恶行; 残暴 (名) | deviously 弯曲地; 绕道地 (副) | deviousness 不坦率; 迂回, 曲折; 不光明正大 (名)


deviously /弯曲地/ | deviousness /迂回/弯曲/ | devisable /能设想的/能计划的/能馈赠的/

deviousness:不坦率; 迂回, 曲折; 不光明正大 (名)

deviously 弯曲地; 绕道地 (副) | deviousness 不坦率; 迂回, 曲折; 不光明正大 (名) | devisable 可设计的; 能遗让的 (形)

sinuously:蜿蜒地; 拐弯抹角地 (副)

sinuosity 弯曲; 弯曲处 (名) | sinuous 弯弯曲曲的, 乖僻的, 迂回的 (形) | sinuously 蜿蜒地; 拐弯抹角地 (副)

The ivy insinuates itself into every crevice:常青藤会迂回曲折地爬到每个隙缝中去

往昔总会不知不觉回到我们今天的生活中来The past invariably insinuates itself into ... | 常青藤会迂回曲折地爬到每个隙缝中去The ivy insinuates itself into every crevice. | 弹性工作制flexible working hour ...