英语人>词典>汉英 : 达利奇 的英文翻译,例句
达利奇 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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JH Smith, later headmaster of Alleyn's School, Dulwich.


Earlier authorities have made Lotto a pupil of Giovanni Bellini, of Previtali, of Leonardo da Vinci, whilst others discovered in his work the influences of Cima , Carpaccio , D rer , Palma and Francia .

较早前当局已乐天的学生美术馆的贝里尼,普雷维塔利,达芬奇,而其他人发现在其工作的影响,西玛,卡帕奇欧, d rer ,帕尔马和法国。

He lived in Dulwich ,which was an hour's ride away from Heathrow Airport .


He returned to England, probably in 1922, living in Dulwich with his wife and three daughters, and working for the Sperry Gyroscope Company.


Many seldom venture into the West End and identify instead with their local communities such as Notting Hill, or Hampstead, or Brixton, or Dulwich – hence the saying that London is really a collection of 'villages', once independent but long since swallowed up by the metropolis.


The Dursleys, with Piers Polkiss and Harry, eat at a restaurant in the zoo in PS2 - and Harry even gets a knickerbocker glory when Dudley complains it doesn't have enough ice cream on it


Mooney. Adam Keith Morgan. Rex L. Mullins. Joshua S. Napper. Howard D. Payne. Dillard Earl Persinger. Joel R. Price. Deward Scott. Gary Quarles. Grover Dale Skeens. Benny Willingham. and Ricky Workman. Nothing I, or the Vice President, or the Governor, none of the speakers here today, nothing we say can fill the hole they leave in your hearts, or the absence that they leave in your lives.


We're here to memorialize 29 Americans: Carl Acord , Jason Atkins, Christopher Bell, Gregory Steven Brock, Kenneth Allan Chapman, Robert Clark, Charles Timothy Davis, Cory Davis, Michael Lee Elswick, William I Griffith, Steven Harrah, Edward Dean Jones, Richard K Lane, William Roosevelt Lynch, Nicholas Darrell McCroskey, Joe Marcum, Ronald Lee Maynor, James E Mooney, Adam Keith Morgan, Rex L Mullins, Joshua S Napper, Howard D Payne, Dillard Earl Persinger, Joel R Price, Deward Scott, Gary Quarles, Grover Dale Skeens, Benny Willingham, a nd Ricky Workman.


Lorenzo de' Medici (1449 – 1492) was the catalyst for an enormous amount of arts patronage, encouraging his countryman to commission works from Florence's leading artists, including Leonardo da Vinci , Sandro Botticelli , and Michelangelo Buonarroti .


Lorenzo de' Medici (1449 – 1492) was the catalyst for an enormous amount of arts patronage, encouraging his countryman to commission works from Florence's leading artists, including Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli, and Michelangelo Buonarroti.


更多网络解释与达利奇相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ashford School:阿什福德女子中学

? 达利奇男子中学/Dulwich College | ? 阿什福德女子中学/Ashford School | ? 罗丁女子学校/Roedean School


达利亚斯 Dalias | 达奇司 Dalkeith | 达科拉 Dalkola

Stephen Darby:斯蒂芬 达比

之后斯蒂芬.达比(Stephen Darby)在右路送出一记巧妙的传中,帕切科中路一漏,身后的卡坎尼克利奇垫射被对方门将尼尔森扑出,他随后又将帕切科的补射窝在了怀里.

Daryl Dodge:戴瑞尔.道奇 达利尔.达奇 达尼.多治

ホワード?メイスン Howard Mason 霍华德.梅森 霍华德.梅森 侯活.马逊 | ダリル?ダチ Daryl Dodge 戴瑞尔.道奇 达利尔.达奇 达尼.多治 | ジョシュア?エドワーズ Joshua Edwards 约书亚.爱德华兹 约书亚 佐书亚.爱德华兹

Dulwich College:达利奇学院

哈罗公学在北京还有一所分校,达利奇学院(Dulwich College)在中国拥有三所分校,并计划开设更多分校,而其它英国学校正首次进入海外市场. 威灵顿学院(Wellington College)校长安东尼.塞尔登(Anthony Seldon)计划于2010年在巴林开设一所分校,

Dulwich College:达利奇学院 伦敦地区 男校

47 Putney High School GDST 普特尼中学 Day 伦敦地区 女校 90.37% | 48 Dulwich College 达利奇学院 伦敦地区 男校 90.25% | 49 Benenden School 博耐顿女校 肯特郡,伦敦东南 女校 89.89%

by Leonardo da Vinci:(绘有达.芬奇的圣玛利亚教堂的圣餐厅和多明各会修道院)

1979 Rock Drawings in Valcamonica (瓦尔卡莫尼卡... | "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci (绘有达.芬奇的圣玛利亚教堂的圣餐厅和多明各会修道院) | 1982 Historic Centre of Florence(佛罗伦萨历史...

leone mount:利昂山

Leonardesque 达芬奇的 | leone mount 利昂山 | leone 利昂


"马可尼"(MARCONI)级:"巴拉卡"(BARACCA)号,"比安奇"(BIANCHI)号,"达芬奇"号,"马拉斯皮纳"号,"马可尼"号,"托雷利"号. "马切洛"(MARCELLO)级:"巴尔巴里戈"号,"当多罗


Leo 里欧 | Leonardesque 达芬奇的 | leone mount 利昂山