英语人>词典>汉英 : 边叶 的英文翻译,例句
边叶 的英文翻译、例句


outer leaf
更多网络例句与边叶相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The sixteen plants are firstly divided into six types according to evaluation grades and subject function statistical method:the first type is Cajanus cajan and Crotalaria mucronata,the best adaptability ,which can be used pioneer plant or constructive species; the second type is Cynodon dactylon,the better adaptability, which can be used constructive species ;the third type is Eragrostis curvula, Paspalam notatum,which can be used constructive species on rotten rock slope ; the forth type is kummerowia striata,Lotus corniculatus and Vitex negundo.The adaptability is centered,and can be used protection species and auxiliary species;the fifth type is Robinia pseudoacacia,Eremochloa ophiuroides,Vitex negundo,Lespedeza formosa,Leucaena leucocephala,Desmodium sequax, Rhus chinne- nsis,which can't be plant singly and be used accessory species;the sixth is Trifolium repens,which can be used pioneer plant.


All characters that have been used to delimit more narrowly defined species in other treatments of Chinese Clethra exhibit a strongly continuous pattern of variation from west to east across the range of the species in China (i.e., leaf size and shape, the number of secondary veins on each side of the midvein, anther size and shape); they also exhibit geographically correlated or seemingly random patterns, but without correlated gaps in character states among any two or more characters (i.e., style pubescence, corolla abaxial surface, stamen exsertion).

用来界定更狭窄定义的中国的Clethra的其它种的全部特征,从中国种的分布区的西部到东部,展示了一种强烈的连续变异的样式(如,叶大小和形状,中脉每边次脉的数目,花药的大小和形状);他们还展示出地理分布的相关或好像随机的样式,但是在任何2或更多特征状态间没有相关的特征间隔(如,花柱被短柔毛,花冠背面、雄蕊伸出)。叶大小与形状,在中脉,花药大小与形状的每边次脉的数量;也的他们展览好象地理上有相互关联或随机模式,但是没有有相互关联特征差距在任何2 特征或更多中说明即,花柱短柔毛,花冠背面,雄蕊exsertion。

Drosera indica is found in Africa, Australia, India (the name indica is derived from India). The plant is naturally found along ephemeral creeks on sandy soil. Forms vary mostly in plant and flower color. Plants can be green or red, and flowers may be either white, pink, or orange.


We suggest that those breast lumps with deep lobulation sign and/or spiculation were belong to malignant appearance and margin signs group,and others(with neither deep lobulation sign nor spiculation) were belong to benign appearance and margin signs group.


The outside vane of the double layered shutter inlet port or the vane of the single shutter inlet port can be parallel either to the long edge or to the short edge, which is being to adjusted to the needs of customers.


Pseudoverticillata, but there was no significant change in Celtis wightii. There was no significant change in leaf area specific hydraulic conductivity K(subscript l between the two seasons in all the three species, which may caused by the adjustment in hydraulic architecture through partial loss of leaves during the dry season. In the dry season, maximum carbon assimilate rate A(subscript max was significantly lower than that of the wet season in all the three species.

除油朴的枝条边材比导率K(下标 s在旱季和雨季没有显著性差异外,尖叶闭花木和轮叶戟的K在旱季都有显著的降低;而枝条的叶比导率K(下标 l三树种在两个季节间均无显著变化。K在旱季没有显著性降低,可能是常绿树种在旱季通过脱落部分叶片以调整其水力结构来保持较高的单位叶面积的水分供应。

According to distribution of bryophytes on different substances, the frequencies of Bazzania albifolia, Heteroscyphus coalitus and Homaliodendron scalpellifolium in evergreen broadleaved forests of Daweishan Nature Reserve are highest; those of Macrothamnium macrocarpum, Bazzania fauriana, Ptychanthus striatus, Pogonatum cirratum and Thuidium cymbifolium are higher. Additionally, Aerobryum speciosum, Trachycladiella sparsa, Taxiphyllum subarcuatum, Aerobryidium levieri, Lepidozia wallichiana, and Leucobryum bowringii are relatively common.


They have found that the limbic system, the part of the brain that controls emotion, can be 8 times as big in women's brains than in men's.


Pteris nervosa L. were discovered and confirmed as another arsenic hyperaccumulator in field investigation, could accumulate arsenic up to 1000mg/kg in pinnate in field. P. vittata L. and P. nervosa L.


Based on the mechanism of nitrogen transfer among different rice leaves, red edge slope and red edge position of the most upper and the 3rd expanded leaves were investigated specially. And using the two red edge parameters (red edge slope and red edge position), a new vegetation index (red edge curve shoulder angle vegetation index, abbreviation RSAVI) was calculated to detect rice nitrogen nutrition status.


更多网络解释与边叶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

leading edge plate:舵叶导边板

leading edge plate 导边板 | leading edge plate 舵叶导边板 | leading edge (叶片

curly parsley:皱叶欧芹

curling wheel 卷边转盘,卷边转盘,卷曲转盘,卷曲转盘 | curly parsley 皱叶欧芹 | curly pearlite 索拜珠光体

purl edge:莴苣叶(荷叶)效果的无褶花边,拉细密几骨边以致形成波浪边,广东话叫波边或密及骨

ruffle荷叶边 | Purl edge莴苣叶(荷叶)效果的无褶花边,拉细密几骨边以致形成波浪边,广东话叫波边或密及骨 | piecing 接片


cissoid | 凹边的,蔓叶线的 | cissoidal | 凹边的,蔓叶线的 | cissy | 有娘娘腔的, 柔弱胆小的 脂粉气质的男人


叶笔石 Phyllograptus | 叶边参差的 erose | 叶层;纹理 lamination

Crassula perforata Thunb:红边白绿厚叶;星女(园艺名)

贯生厚叶 Crassula perfoliata L. | 红边白绿厚叶;星女(园艺名) Crassula perforata Thunb | 红边厚叶花月(园艺名) Crassula portulacea Lam.

Pteris cretica:大叶井口边草

率先在国内开展砷污染土壤的植物修复工作,与陈同斌研究员合作首次在国际上发现砷的超富集植物蜈蚣草(Pteris vittata)和大叶井口边草(Pteris cretica),开辟了国内植物修复技术的新领域.

Pteris cretica:{凤尾蕨}{大叶井栏边草}{白玉凤尾蕨}

Pteris biaurita {狭眼凤尾蕨} | Pteris cretica {凤尾蕨}{大叶井栏边草}{白玉凤尾蕨} | Pteris deltodon {岩凤尾蕨}

bulged blading:[导边]加厚叶系

"膨出试验","bulge test" | "[导边]加厚叶系","bulged blading" | "胀大,凸出","bulged-out"

trailing edge bar:舵叶随边板

trailing dredger 曳行式挖泥船 | trailing edge bar 舵叶随边板 | trailing edge noise 随边噪声