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辩论法 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
polemical  ·  polemics

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After over 100 years development since its coming into force, this system has extended to help litigants to understand the law applicability process for the Judge and work in coordination to discover the"law"for cases hearing through the publicity of the Judge's evaluations of evidence , from the Judge giving hints to the litigants to rectify imperfect statements and declarations and make up for the disadvantages caused by the nominal equality of litigants under dialecticism and the principle of discretion.


The government has tried to calm the resulting public outcry through pledges to address malpractice by personnel in detention houses, but there has been no open debate of the larger problem of police brutality and extralegal punishments.


IN AN odd footnote to the health-care debate, Christian Scientists are lobbying to make health insurers pay for "faith healing".


These last-mentioned contests had indeed the incurable defect, that the premises appealed to were taken from authority, not from reason; and, as a discipline to the mind, they were in every respect inferior to the powerful dialectics which formed the intellects of the "Socratici viri:" but the modern mind owes far more to both than it is generally willing to admit, and the present modes of education contain nothing which in the smallest degree supplies the place either of the one or of the other.


They expressed "stupefaction", arguing that, just when Mr Sarkozy has launched a national debate on what it means to be French, the reform would rob students of a critical ability to understand such matters.


The penetrating strength of Wundt's doctrine of apperceptionin modern psychology is discussed in connection with psychology of learning,genetic epistemology, theory of information processing andpsych...


Besides, the main problem for judicial practice in China is not substantive unjustice but procedure one .


This research paper employs William Benoit's Functional Theory of Political Campaign Discourse to analyze the functions (acclaiming, attacking, and defending) and topics of the 2008 Taiwanese presidential debates.


But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless.


Instead of advancing valid arguments, he tried to overwhelm his audience with a flood of sophistries.

指属于 公元前5世纪的一群专攻辩证法、辩论术以及修辞法的希腊哲学家,他们常以其精彩巧妙和似是而非的辩论而闻名

更多网络解释与辩论法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

forensic anthropology:法医人类学; 刑事人类学

forensic analysis 法医检定法 | forensic anthropology 法医人类学,刑事人类学 | forensic argument 法庭辩论

find a common denominator:找到共同点 找到大家都能接受的办法

taxis 整复法, 排序 | find a common denominator 找到共同点 找到大家都能接受的办法 | reagument 再辩论,重新辩论


二.在解释时,耶稣也应用犹太拉比(midrash)的第一条原则:从浅辩论至深. 「何况..岂不...」与犹太人的用法一样(太7:11;路11:13;太10:25;路12:28;约7:23). 结论:从耶稣的解经法中,我们发现耶稣或是使徒可能是处在希腊文的社会而因此喜欢引用七十士译本的经文.


polemic theology 辩证神学 | polemic 争论的 | polemical 辩论法


polemic 争论的 | polemical 辩论法 | polemically 善于辩论的人

reductio ad absurdum:歸謬法

这一由柏拉图所推崇的论证模式显然来源于苏格拉底的辩论方法以及芝诺热爱的"归于不可能"论证( reductio ad impossibile) , 也大概属于后来所谓的"归谬法" ( reductio ad absurdum) ①, 也往往称为反证法.

Denzel Whitaker:丹泽尔.惠特克

"其实辩论演讲对于目前的政治思潮来说,还是非常重要的,这一点一直没有改变过,在影片中饰演詹姆斯*法莫二世的丹泽尔*惠特克(Denzel Whitaker)说:"这个世上,也只有辩论能够联系进你经历的所有政治话题了,而且它还能够帮助你凌驾于事实之上.


12:31的"所以"(dia touto)结束上文之辩论,因为法利赛人否认耶稣以圣灵之能力赶鬼,耶稣遂宣告他们的审判,分两面:耶稣洞悉他们的心态,一开口便重责他们,称他们为"邪恶"( wicked)及"淫乱"(moichalis,意"奸淫","失贞";

Krzysztof Motyka:佩尼茨克法哲学的意义

10、Helga Varden 多元性与统一性之间的合理界分(特别邀请的一般演讲,IVR获奖论文) | 1、Eugenio Bulygin教授与Manuel Atienza教授之间的辩论:法律实证主义的未来 | 2、Krzysztof Motyka 佩尼茨克法哲学的意义


polemical 辩论法 | polemically 善于辩论的人 | polemicist 善辩论者