英语人>词典>汉英 : 输家 的英文翻译,例句
输家 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与输家相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A singer whose voice lies in the alto clef .


He is not apologetic about being a bad loser.


"It's become a technological arms race, and what separates winners and losers is how fast they can move."


The Central Powers emerged out of the war as the great loser. Austria-Hungary was split up and the German Empire was axed.


But our system, with its single-member districts and "first past the post" elections, is winner take all and damn the hindmost, a setup in which winners govern while losers look balefully on, preparing themselves for the next battle.

但我们的制度推行的是单一选区和"简单多数就胜选(first past the post直译"头马过杆法")",谁赢谁通吃,在这种体制下,赢家当政,输家此时只得一边干瞪眼一边准备下一轮的战役。

One of them, Benito Mussolini, thinking conquest was easy, proved the year's greatest flop.


As I walked up State Street further I heard Booger, Kitty and Mousey, along with their friend Gregory PIke are losers and Greg is a junky and gives his cat drugs to stay mellow.

正如我走到街的国家进一步,我听到booger ,小猫和mousey ,随着他们的朋友格雷戈里派克是输家和Greg是一个垃圾,并给出他的猫毒品留醇厚。

He talks about you nine times out of ten when we have a chitchat .


Pluvial maple : I feel loser has 9 cities only, so here does not have the biggest loser.


At the short-term level (from 4 to 6 months), there is a momentum profit for both win portfolio and loss portfolio, while at the long-term level (from 12 to 24 months), overreaction is obvious for both, and contrariant strategies will get 14.36% abnormal return.

研究结果发现,在短期水平上,形成期和持有期均为 4~ 6个月的投资组合,无论赢家组合还是输家组合都存在一定程度的动量利润,赢家组合的动量利润大约为输家组合的 2倍。

更多网络解释与输家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Back away (from doing sth:因害怕或厌恶而后退

Back a/the wrong horse 下错了赌注;支持输家;支持失败的一方(见P6) * | Back away (from doing sth.) 因害怕或厌恶而后退 * | Qualify as someone/for sth. 具......的资格;合格于...... *

gracious loser:输得起的人;有风度的输家

eloquent 全体选民 | gracious loser 输得起的人;有风度的输家 | hheavy poll 得票率高

She was a loose end:她是最后的输家

Jessica wasn't stabbed by accident.|杰茜卡被刺不是一次意外 | She was a loose end.|她是最后的输家 | It's over, man.|都结束了,伙计



16.He who hesitates is lost:16.谁踌躇不前就注定是 输家

[20:54.91]14.She's fickle, childish and shallow 15.Don't... | [21:02.27]16.He who hesitates is lost. ;16.谁踌躇不前就注定是 输家. | [21:06.05]17.He's on the fence on this issue.He refuses to commit him...

It nurtured my spiralling brain that felt I was a loser:它浸蚀着我的大脑 让我觉得是个输家

'I was sick with sugar! That was my medicine.|'我曾得了嗜糖症! 那曾是我... | 'It nurtured my spiralling brain that felt I was a loser.'|'它浸蚀着我的大脑 让我觉得是个输家' | 'Juice by you! '|'振作起来!...

Thanks, losers:多谢,输家

"Now Homer Simpson is going to show he has kahooners" 现在, Homer Simpson要秀出他的鸡种来了. | "Thanks, losers" 多谢,输家. | "I've been taking your crap all my life" 我一辈子都在受你个烂屁晦气.

Luck is the name losers give to their own failings:运气是输家为自己失败找的借口

- Yeah. Good luck. - Not about luck, Frank.|- 对 运气好... | Luck is the name losers give to their own failings.|运气是输家为自己失败找的借口 | It's about wanting to win, willing yourself to win.|这是关...


hailed 称为 | underdogs 输家 | dominated 称霸

very much the underdogs:很像输家

Derby County in the white shirt...|德比郡队员们身着白色T恤 | very much the underdogs...|很像输家... | as they face the First Division champions.|因为他们的对手就是甲级联赛冠军