英语人>词典>汉英 : 输入变数 的英文翻译,例句
输入变数 的英文翻译、例句


input variable
更多网络例句与输入变数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Black-Scholes pricing model, there was five variables impact the option price that we take to be the input variable in artificial neural network, both Back-Propagation Network and Radial Basis Function Network are used. Base on the difference analysis, we find out another variable that can improve learning efficiency and affectivity.


The term structure of interest rates is an important input for basically every pricing model and is mostly calibrated on coupon bond prices. Therefore the estimated interest rates should accurately explain the market prices of these bonds.


Networks with too many input variables or ton many hidden neurons,providing a good accuracy for typical conditions, are more prone to such behavior than the parsimoniously designed networks.


And a retiming scheme based on the above method is also presented to optimize the timing behavior of sequential circuits. Also from waveform polynomials of sequential circuits, a precise clocking method based on multiple-period sensitization is presented.


更多网络解释与输入变数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


例如:file not found档案名称 (Filename) 系指显示档案名称和 (或) 档案路径的文字. 使用者输入 (UserInput) 系指您键入的命令和其他文字. 变数 (Variable) 系指您可替换的变数. 该变数在显示的命令、函式或资讯中,代表数个可能值.

input variable:输入变数

input unit 输入器 | input variable 输入变数 | input wavelet 输入子波

input variable:输入变数,输入变量

1200. input unit 输入单元,输入设备 | 1201. input variable 输入变数,输入变量 | 1202. input vector 输入向量,输入矢量

input variable name:输入变量名

input variable 输入变数,输入变量 | input variable name 输入变量名 | input vector 输入向量,输入矢量



MIB Variable:变数

姆欧 mho | MIB变数 MIB Variable | 麦克风输入 Mic in

multivariate analysis:多变数分析

将以上输入电脑之资料可进行单一变数分析(Univariate Analysis)和多变数分析(Multivariate Analysis). 由此分析,我们可了解在此些复杂临床资料中有哪些是可作为我们判断病人预后之参考. 在此分析中,有几个因素是重要因子很显然经过积极全身检查,


而且,它也清晰地表明了这个名称是 "系统"(sys) 模组名称空间的一部分. 在前一个例子中, 如果你想要直接输入"变数"(argv) 变量到你的模组/程式中, 好在每次使用"系统.参数"(sys.argv)时不需要打上这样的全名.

universe of discourse:论域

若发现激发量的值都小於设定值,则在第二层为每一个输入变数增加一个归属函数,同时第三层增加一个节点,亦即增加一条规则,完成结构学习后系统可以将输入变数的论域(Universe of discourse)做合理的模糊分割(Fuzzy Partition),