英语人>词典>汉英 : 轰动世界 的英文翻译,例句
轰动世界 的英文翻译、例句


set the world on fire
更多网络例句与轰动世界相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And in 1999, shocked the world in the world aerobatics flying through the master-day openings, the mountain has added more of a sense of mystery and readability.


He has met 44 world leaders and wowed audiences from east London to Ankara.


Cartman: Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your


Not only the galleries had their own artistic styles, but also the participating artworks were world famous, such as "The Thinker" by Auguste Rodin,"Scenery of Fontainebleau" by Pierre-Auguste Renoir,"The Girl in Corsetry" by Picasso,"Crossing the River" by Luo Zhongli,"Water Village" by Chen Yifei, which surprised the art field and attracted many art collectors, critics and art enthusiasts from China and abroad to celebrated the magnificent artistic grand banquet.


After years of temper, the dance troupe has become the China disabled show "my dream" the fledge performance in 40 countries, the performance caused a sensation. On September 28, 2004, of the thousand-hand bodhisattva as main program at the Athens games, the closing ceremony 8 minutes to power in the world.


Mouret successfully carried out the first laparoscopic cholecystectomy by means of electronic laparoscopy, which made a great stir in the surgical field all over the world.

Mouret成功的完成了世界医学史上首例腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopic cholecystectomy,LC),这一手术的成功即引起了世界外科学界的轰动。

His new the ory has caused a sensation throughout the civilized world .


West of Liaoning Province is infrequent treasury of the paleontological fossils in the world.


They got a nasty shock, for instance, in 2003 when an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS, showed how a virulent new plague, if uncontained, might impose huge costs on a modernising economy.


The nationalistic film was a critical smash across the world, winning the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival and establishing director and star as the new voice and face of Chinese cinema.


更多网络解释与轰动世界相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alien Autopsy:解剖外星人

原声大碟 ->(Alien Autopsy)英国版[FLAC]影片>取材自轰动世界的"罗斯韦尔外星人事件". 美国新墨西哥州罗斯威尔(Roswell)传闻于一九四七年有飞碟坠毁,发现了天外来客. 到一九九五年更有一段解剖外星人的片段播出,


并在同年4月下旬,亲赴瑞士被誉为钟表界[奥林匹克]的[巴塞尔](Basel) 国际钟表博览会展出. 此一世界首次一见的禧纪念金表,是他原创设计和制造的总第十五个手表. (编号No.14)再次轰动国际钟表界. 从1994年开始,

Notting Hill:诺丁山/摘星情缘/新娘百分百

以下为 诺丁山/摘星情缘/新娘百分百(Notting Hill) 剧情简介、海报、片花等,在线观看请点击上面播放地址. 安娜斯各特(茱利娅罗伯茨)是世界著名的电影明星,她的照片刊登在每一期的杂志上,她的每一部电影都轰动全国.

Lola rennt:《罗拉快跑>

今年38岁的蒂克威虽不像前述几位候选大导演那样,拍出过史诗巨作(库布里克、伯顿和斯科特还都拍过食人魔、连环杀手等题材的影片),但此君也绝非无名小卒,他1998年的作品>(Lola rennt)曾轰动世界影坛,并一举成为近年来德国

Pratt Institute:纽约布拉特学院

据Astley说,世界各地都有很大一部分青少年都对时尚职业感兴趣,因此,时尚产业高速的扩张. "天桥骄子"节目的轰动效应,Parsons设计学院服装设计系也变得异常抢手,申请人数相比前五年上41%. 另外,纽约布拉特学院(Pratt Institute)也上升了20%.

Rob Roy:赤胆豪情

随着"世界音乐"风潮的兴起、恩雅(Enya)等歌手与团体的走红、"大河之舞等超级大秀的轰动,加上"英雄本色"(Braveheart)、"赤胆豪情"(Rob Roy)以及"哈利波 ......日内瓦(Geneva),几乎每天出现在各大报刊上的城市名字,

The Threepenny Opera:《三便士歌剧>

>(The Threepenny Opera)於西元一九二八年八月31日假德国剧场Theatre am Schiffbauerdamm首演,造成轰动后,拍摄成电影行销海外,这是布雷希特成名於世界的开始.


1972年以长篇小说>(Tim)正式步入文坛. 但真正奠定她的文坛地位并使她获得世界性影响的,是1977年出版的>(The Thorn Birds)一书. 该书一经出版,便引起轰动,不但拍成电影广为流传而且翻译成二十多种文字在世界各地出版,

Luc Plamondon:编剧

★编剧:(Luc Plamondon)吕克卜拉蒙东当鲍伯利和勋伯格以<<悲惨世界>>(Les Miserables)与<<西贡小姐>>(Miss Saigon)造成轰动,来自法国的作品逐渐获得世人的喜爱.