英语人>词典>汉英 : 软骨发生 的英文翻译,例句
软骨发生 的英文翻译、例句


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DATA SYNTHESIS: Il-17 exerted the biological function after combines with its receptor maybe induced the occurrence and the development of the osteoarthritis by the way of increasing the chondrocyte, expression of inducible nitricoxide synthase and nitrogen monoxide, boosting up the tbe chondrocyte and the expression of MMP-1/3/13, boosting up the activation of the aggrecanase and the collagenase, boosting the decompose of the cartilage proteoglycan and collagen, boosting up the monocyte evocable breakage of the cartilaginous matrix.


Vascular endothelial growth factor is an important angiogenine. There is accumulating evidence shows that expression of VEGF in mature chondrocyte can promote cell redifferentiation and caryocinesia activity. VEGF plays a key role for chondrocyte to survival and proliferation during the chondrogenesis.


After 24 weeks,the operation area of group A was more smooth,and the surrounding normal cartilage naturally straight flush,transparent form new cartilage,subchondral bone formation in good condition;Group B restoration surgery the basic integrity of the cartilage tissue, center is not yet fully integrated,there was slight depression;CollagenⅡimmunohistochemistry of cartilage that was new brown area.Group C has no formation of articular cartilage.The growth and the intergration of subchondral bone of group A and B were better.


These include inflammatory arthritides such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and reactive arthritis,99 101 synovial impingement,meniscoid entrapment, chondromalacia facetae, pseudogout,synovial inflammation, villonodular synovitis, and acute and chronic infection.102 106 Intrafacetal synovial cysts can be a source of pain because of distension and pressure on adjacent pain-generating structures, calcification,and asymmetrical facet hypertrophy.107 110 In a retrospective review of MRI scans in 303 consecutive patients with LBP, Doyle and Merrilees111 found that9.5% had facet joint synovial cysts, the large majority of which were located posteriorly.

包括炎症性关节炎如类风湿性关节炎,强直性脊柱炎及反应性关节炎等,还有滑液撞击,关节软骨版卡压,关节面软骨软化,假性痛风,滑液炎症,绒毛结节性滑膜炎和急慢性感染。小关节内滑囊囊肿可由于拉伸和压缩临近的疼痛发生结构,骨化及不对称关节增生等原因引起疼痛。在一项303例连续患者的MRI研究中,Doyle 和 Merrilees发现其中9.5%存在小关节囊肿,大部分发生于关节囊后部。

Therefore to study the molecule regulation mechanism of development and maturation of condylar cartilage in embryo, can not only discover the mechanism of its physiological rebuilding and restoration to set up the academic base for related treatment in clinic, but possiblely supply new treatment methods for trauma and destruction to articular cartilage. Histological and immunohistochemistry methods have been used to state the feature of development of the mandibular condylar cartilage, and molecule mechanism of its endochondral ossification.


The process of osteoarthritis mesochondrium degradation is possibly attributed to the synergistical consequence of MMPs and other factors. Pilose antler peptide can promote the proliferation of OA chondrocytes of rabbits ,inhibit the overexpression of MMPs of OA chondrocytes.It can possibly play a effective role in the treatment of OA.


Both Fas and NO can lead chondrocyte apoptosis respectively and cause articular cartilage destruction. IGF-Ⅰ, TGF-β, bFGF, BMP and other growth factors are polypeptide agents that can influence cell activity by signal convection. They can accelerate chondrocyte proliferation and proteoglycan synthesis, play the local regulation action on formation and plerosis of bone and cartilage tissue by autocrine or paracrine. They have the ability to induce cartilage formation. Some investigations showed that growth factors can influence chondrocyte metabolism, synthesis of specific Ⅱ type collagen and proteoglycan by co-operation and inhibition. 1. 3 Situation of OA therapeutics The therapeutic methods of OA mainly comprised non-drug treatment, drug treatment, operation treatment, tissue and genetic engineering, et al. Drug treatment is the chief method among them.


Based on these MRIs, researchers determined how much cartilage loss occurred over time at the two joints of the knee: the tibiofemoral joint, where the thigh bone meets the lower leg bone; and the patellofemoral joint, behind the kneecap.


A slipped disc occurs when the jelly-like disc of cartilage that acts as a cushion between two vertebrae in the spine, slips or prolapses so it is pressing on the nerves causing the muscles of the back to go into spasm.


Of hereditary multiple exostoses and solitary osteochondromas, 9% and 1.3% to 4.1%, respectiely, occur in the spine. In either case, neurologic symptoms are not common.


更多网络解释与软骨发生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


\\"侏儒状,侏儒(病)\\",\\"dwarfism\\" | \\"软骨发生不全性侏儒\\",\\"dwarfism,achondroplastic\\" | \\"遗传性侏儒病\\",\\"dwarfism,inherited\\"


你好软 骨 软骨(cartilage)由软骨组织及其周围的软骨膜构成. 软骨组织由软骨细胞、纤维和基质构成. 在胚胎发生时期,软骨作为临时性骨骼,成为身体的支架. 随着胎儿发育,软骨逐渐被骨所代替. 在成人体内仍保留一些软骨,具有支持和保护功能.


软骨瘤(chondroma) 自软骨膜发生者,称外生性软骨瘤;发生于手足短骨和四肢长骨等骨干的骨髓腔内者称为内生性软骨瘤. 内眼观,前者自骨表面突起,常分叶;后者使骨膨胀,外有薄骨壳. 切面呈淡蓝色或银白色,半透明,可有钙化或囊性变,


儿童时期发生于骨骺或骨突部分的缺血性坏死又称骨软骨炎 (osteochondritis) . 股骨头骨骺缺血坏死( osteochondrosis of femoral head )又称 Legg-Perthes 病,是较常见的儿童骨软骨炎,发病与儿童期股骨头骨骺血供较单一有关,外伤是主要致病因素.


\\"软骨异地发生,软骨错生\\",\\"chondralloplasia\\" | \\"软骨切除术\\",\\"chondrectomy\\" | \\"软骨的\\",\\"chondren,chondric\\"


软骨母细胞瘤(chondroblastoma)又称为成软骨细胞瘤,是一种少见的原发性骨肿瘤,约占骨肿瘤的1%,多发生于青少年,男性比女性多见. 主要发生在股骨、胫骨及肱骨,少见于扁骨和颅面骨. 发生于颞下颌关节者更为少见,现报告本院收治一例病例如下.


\\"软骨营养不良\\",\\"chondrodysplasia\\" | \\"软骨异地发生,软骨错生\\",\\"chondrodystrophia\\" | \\"软骨营养不良\\",\\"chondrodystrophy\\"

chondrogenesis:软骨发生, 软骨形成

chondrodystrophy | 软骨营养障碍 | chondrogenesis | 软骨发生, 软骨形成 | chondroid | 软骨样的线粒体状的


负重较少或不使用的关节软骨的部位常发生软骨软化(chondromalacia)但可无临床表现. 如桡骨头的边缘、股骨头的头凹周围和下关节面及胫骨平台的暴露部分. 久面久之,胶原纤维开始破坏分离、松动、直至毁坏. OA病人随年龄增大而越来越明显. 2.