英语人>词典>汉英 : 转向架车辆 的英文翻译,例句
转向架车辆 的英文翻译、例句


truck car
更多网络例句与转向架车辆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, the design demand and structures used in city rail s EMU bogie are analyzed in detail.


The bogie is the very important part which affects the running safety of railway vehicles.


The development, test, research and operation of single-axle bogie s for urban rail cars abroad are described.


It has been shown that there is unstable hunting in the monorail car which inheres with the bogie structure.


Described are the 6-axle, 8-axle gondola cars and tank car s, 4-axle and 3-axle bogies trial-manufactured and produced in the Former Soviet Union as well as the main technical parameters;and 5 types of wheelsets and 6 types of locomotive and rolling stock gauges are described briefly.


Based on dynamics theory of multi-body systems, a nonlinear mathematical model of frame-bogies with Lenoir damper for freight cars is established. A tank car is taken as an example to study the effects of main parameters on hunting stability, dynamic curving behaviors and running responses of vehicle systems.


The test results show that by substituting the spicule cast iron wedge with combination wedge, the vertical vibration of the car can be improved greatly, the vertical acceleration and ri


After comparing the dynamic performance of di fferent bogie consfructions and different car couplings,we suggest that the body suspension type power bogie with universal coupling transmission be opted for u se on the train.


The bogie is based on PRIMA freight electric locomotive of France and is improved in the light of the demands by domestic railway transport. Its design and production is based on international standards like EN, UIC and ISO, and is in combination with the requirement on the lower limit by GB 146.1-83 "locomotive and rolling stock limits".

转向架基于法国PRIMA货运机车转向架,结合我国铁路运输需求进行了适应性改进设计,其设计、制造采用的标准以EN、UIC和ISO等国际标准为主,同时也符合GB 146.1-83&机车车辆限界&对机车下部限界的要求。

The development process of the DRRS bogie designed and manufactured in Talbot Rolling Stock Works in Germ any is expounded.

阐述了德国 Talbot车辆工厂设计生产的 DRRS转向架的发展过程,详细描述了 DRRS转向架的基本结构和主要特点,列出了该转向架的主要性能参数,并对该转向架的运用情况进行了简单介绍。

更多网络解释与转向架车辆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

car tunnel kiln:隧道式窑,窑车式隧道窑

car truck 车辆转向架 | car tunnel kiln 隧道式窑,窑车式隧道窑 | car type furnace 台车式炉,车式电炉

Ball Joint:球形接头

又因二硫化钼粉对金属表面具有良好的附着特性,故可调入润滑油中供轴承、齿轮、及滑动面(Slideway)之润滑;以及混入高级润滑油脂中,供高温及大型而低速之滑动面,如车辆的球形接头(Ball Joint),货柜车的转向架(又称转向盘)等的润滑.

truck journal box:转向架轴箱

truck jack ==> 车辆起重器 | truck journal box ==> 转向架轴箱 | truck kiln ==> 台车式窑

car track line:电车轨道

car top ==> 窑车的台面 | car track line ==> 电车轨道 | car truck ==> 车辆转向架

truck chamber kiln:台车窑; 钟罩式窑

truck car ==> 转向架车辆 | truck chamber kiln ==> 台车窑,钟罩式窑 | truck chassis ==> 载货汽车底盘,卡车底盘

truck car:转向架车辆

truck capacity ==> 载重汽车载重量 | truck car ==> 转向架车辆 | truck chamber kiln ==> 台车窑,钟罩式窑

car truck:车辆转向架

cable-laying truck 电缆敷设车 | car truck 车辆转向架 | cargo truck 运货汽车; 载重卡车