英语人>词典>汉英 : 身体细胞 的英文翻译,例句
身体细胞 的英文翻译、例句


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somata  ·  soma

更多网络例句与身体细胞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Biotin is another B vitamin that helps your body cells produce energy.

生物素是另一种维生素B ,可以帮助你的身体细胞产生能量。

If you were to change what you eat it would change every cell in your body over time.


In somatic gene therapy, a virus is typically used as a vector to insert genetic material into the cells of the recipient's body. The effects of such interventions do not carry over into the next generation.


Free radicals develop when atoms in the body's cells have unpaired electrons, which can lead to damage to different parts of the cell, including DNA.


Examples of the natural green foods are Chlorella, Spirulina, Dunaliella Saline Algae, Kelp, Alfalfa, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass, Wheat Grass, Brown Rice Bran, Apply Fiber, Green Tea, Soy Lecithin, Chicory Root and etc. When they are absorbed in a diet everyday, our body cells will benefit by gaining a balanced nutrition.


Alcohol is a very small molecule that can cross the membranes of your body's cells quite easily.


Allow it to penetrate every muscle, organ, and cell in your entire body, and purify your entire energy system!


Because most of our conventional foods, medicines and sera are contaminated by the poisons, science has for years been searching for non-toxic proteids which will not disturb the colloidal integrity of the cells of the body by osmosis.

因为我们惯吃的食物的大部份、药品和血清被这些毒素感染了,科学多年来寻找无毒的 proteid 。它将不会渗透和干扰身体细胞的胶质的完整。

Figure remodeling In addition, slimming leptin also contain rich repair cells, can improve skin's element, make skin water more smooth and delicate skin, fitness, will mark synchronism finish, Chinese herbal medicine, not after repeated.


An unattached body cell,such as a blood or lymph cell.


更多网络解释与身体细胞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

body cell:身体细胞

体育生理学sports physiology | 身体细胞body cell | 压力stress

Body cell,Somatic cell:身体细胞

体腔 Body cavity,Coelom,Coelomic cavity,Perigastrium,Splanchnocoel | 身体细胞 Body cell,Somatic cell | 体褶 Body-fold

somatic cell; body cell:体细胞;身体细胞

体壁(血管)枝 somatic branch | 体细胞;身体细胞 somatic cell; body cell | 体细胞染色体互换 somatic crossing-over

somatic cell; body cell:身体细胞

小夏卵 Small summer egg | 身体细胞 Somatic cell,Body cell | 体壁中层 Somatic mesoderm,Somatopleure,Pariteal mesoderm,Parietal layer

flame cell:焰细胞

它存在于这门动物(除无肠目外)所有类群. 原肾管是由身体两侧外胚层陷入形成的,通常由具许多分支的排泄管构成,有排泄孔通体外. 每一小分支的最末端,由焰细胞(flame cell)组成盲管. 实际焰细胞是由帽细胞和管细胞组成.

gustatory cell:味细胞

味蕾由三种细胞组成,即味细胞(gustatory cell),支持细胞(supporting cell)和基细胞(basal cell). 味细胞呈棱形,居味蕾中央,染色浅,细胞基部与味觉神经末梢形成突触. 支持细胞位于味蕾周边及味细胞之间,染色较深. 1.釉质(enamel)为身体最坚硬的组织,

Listeria monocytogenes:单核细胞增生利斯特菌

单核细胞增生利斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes)入侵身体时会霸占寄主细胞的肌动蛋白细胞骨架用于入侵其他细胞. 一项新的研究给出了这种感染手段背后的分子机制. 这篇文章发表在3月25日的Journal of Biological Chemistry杂志上.

chromaffin cell:嗜铬细胞

嗜铬细胞瘤起源于嗜铬细胞(chromaffin cell)胚胎期,嗜铬细胞的分布与身体的交感神经节有关. 随着肥猪的发育成熟绝大部分嗜铬细胞发生退化,其残余部分形成肾上腺髓质. 因此绝大部分嗜铬细胞瘤发生于肾上腺髓质肾上腺外的嗜铬细胞瘤可发生于自颈动脉体至盆腔的任何部位,

It collects and magnifies the energy from the mitochondria in every cell in your body:它会将你身体所有细胞中的线粒体能量收集放大

LASER: Oh, my gosh. WOMAN: Ugh, it's war... | It collects and magnifies the energy from the mitochondria in every cell in your body.|它会将你身体所有细胞中的线粒体能量收集放大 | Oh, my God. Oh, my God....


人体内有近百万亿个细胞,每个细胞自成体系,由大量功能各异的独立结构"细胞器官"(organelles)组成. 正如身体器官要对身体健康负责一样,每个细胞器官也必须在不同情况下维持细胞正常功能. 细胞器官的组织排列使植物、动物跟更大更复杂的人体一样拥有专门的细胞和纤维组织.