英语人>词典>汉英 : 身体健全 的英文翻译,例句
身体健全 的英文翻译、例句


physical fitness
更多网络例句与身体健全相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the troubled times, if you are a man, you must be caught as the able-bodied man.


There they were placed in work if able-bodied, or in almshouses if not.


In England, able-bodied men of the same age faced similar pressure to join the army.


No able-bodied person would put up with it.


Every one is full of a desire for life, able-bodied person so physically handicapped people the same.


B: For their own good, of course they can not attack a tall and bulky fellow


Inasmuch as the dog with a smooth easy gait must be reasonably sound and well-balanced, he is to be highly regarded, however, not to the extent of forgiving him for not looking like an English Springer Spaniel.


If one is able-bodied and can follow simple instructions , then there would be no reason at all why he can't refinish the flooring himself .


They define tramp as a person who roves for begging purposes and a vagrant as an idle person who is able-bodied living without labor.


They define tramp as a person who roves for begging purposes and a vagrant as an idle person who is able-bodied living without labor.


更多网络解释与身体健全相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A sound mind in a sound body:健全的精神寓于健康的身体

70. A snow year, a rich year. 瑞雪兆丰年. | 71. A sound mind in a sound body. 健全的精神寓于健康的身体. | 72. A still tongue makes a wise head. 寡言者智.

A sound mind in a sound body:有健全的身体,才有健全的心智

A slow fire makes sweet malt. 慢工出细活. | A sound mind in a sound body. 有健全的身体,才有健全的心智. | A still tongue makes a wise head. 寡言为智.

A sound mind in a sound body:健全的頭腦寓於健全的身體

A soft answer turned away wrath.和言足以息怒(柔足以克刚). | A sound mind in a sound body.健全的头脑寓于健全的身体. | A still tongue makes a wise head. [谚]寡言多智.

A sound mind in a sound body. / Sound in body, sound in mind:健全的精神寓於健康的身体. / 有健全的体魄,才有健全的心智

A hair from your body is thicker than our wa... | A sound mind in a sound body. / Sound in body, sound in mind. 健全的精神寓於健康的身体. / 有健全的体魄,才有健全的心智. | A still tongue makes a wise h...

A sound mind is in a sound body:健全的头脑寓于健全的身体

23.和言足以息怒;柔足以克刚 A soft answer turns away wrath. | 24.健全的头脑寓于健全的身体 A sound mind is in a sound body. | 25.及时行事,事半功倍 A stitch in time saves nine.

A sound mind is in a sound body:健全的精神寓于健康的身体

A snow year, a rich year.瑞雪兆丰年. | A sound mind is in a sound body.健全的精神寓于健康的身体. | A still tongue makes a wise head.寡言者智.

A sound mind is in a sound body:健康的思想寓于健康的身体

A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold. 健全的身体比金冕更有价值. | A sound mind is in a sound body. 健康的思想寓于健康的身体. | A light heart lives long. 心胸开朗,使人寿长.

A sound mind lies in a sound body:健全之身心在於健康之身体

109. One swallow doesn't make a summer., 观叶不足以知秋 | 110. A sound mind lies in a sound body. 健全之身心在於健康之身体 | 111. There are two sides to every question. 凡事皆有正负二面

They are children of sound mind and body:他们是身体健康的孩子

(2) sound 作形容词是"健康的;健全的;完好的". | They are children of sound mind and body . 他们是身体健康的孩子. | He fell into a sound sleep . = He was sound asleep . 他熟睡了.

A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold:健全的身体比金冕更有价值

Health is happiness. 健康便是幸福. | A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold. 健全的身体比金冕更有价值. | A sound mind is in a sound body. 健康的思想寓于健康的身体.