英语人>词典>汉英 : 踏出的路 的英文翻译,例句
踏出的路 的英文翻译、例句


a beaten track
更多网络例句与踏出的路相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I proposed to walk the distance quietly by myself; and very quietly, after leaving my box in the ostler's care, did I slip away from the George Inn, about six o'clock of a June evening, and take the old road to Thornfield: a road which lay chiefly through fields, and was now little frequented.


I proposed to walk the distance quietly by myself; and very quietly, after leaving my box in the ostler's care, did I slip away from the George Ija, about six o'clock of a June evening, and take the old road to Thornfield: a road which lay chiefly through fields, and was now little frequented.


I had not, it seems, the originality to chalk out a new road to shame and destruction, but trode the old track with stupid exactness not to deviate an inch from the beaten centre.


Kim will sit for the portrait master summer "spent Guiqu horseshoe-riding" for the painting: the early rainy weather was fine, Lin Jianxiao Road, from near and far, Xi Xi and scattered Mati Yin and his party in recent Mati Yin bees have three, two in Tiyin circled on the preparations for Caimi, and another along the "road-" has been exiting…... forward in the "mountains of temple," he will be painted screen: the flying rock cliffs, winding the breakwater Two small over the faltering of the old monk, is struggling to carrying a bucket of water going to the mountains, the clouds wind around the side of the Linhai…... In the "green leaves that red" is the screen: an oasis in a Green rice fields and jungles, a hands Ziyi girls were carrying their loved ones to send the rice basket lunch and Tao Waguan; Fumian from the face of the Shanfeng, a Ziyi Chuidong the shadow show girls Ena, blowing open the girls UFA reveal the beautiful face - Emeifengyan, Fensaizhuchun, disclosed the spring atmosphere…….


Kim will sit for the portrait master summer "spent Guiqu horseshoe-riding" for the painting: the early rainy weather was fine, Lin Jianxiao Road, from near and far, Xi Xi and scattered Mati Yin and his party in recent Mati Yin bees have three, two in Tiyin circled on the preparations for Caimi, and another along the "road-" has been exiting…... forward in the "mountains of temple," he will be painted screen: the flying rock cliffs, winding the breakwater Two small over the faltering of the old monk, is struggling to carrying a bucket of water going to the mountains, the clouds wind around the side of the Linhai…... In the "green leaves that red" is the screen: an oasis in a Green rice fields and jungles, a hands Ziyi girls were carrying their loved ones to send the rice basket lunch and Tao Waguan; Fumian from the face of the Shanfeng, a Ziyi Chuidong the shadow show girls Ena, blowing open the girls UFA reveal the beautiful face - Emeifengyan, Fensaizhuchun, disclosed the spring atmosphere…….

u2 M- w7 O5 a% k 应考画师夏珪将&踏花归去马蹄香&画为:初雨天晴,林间小道上,由远及近、稀稀地零落一行马蹄印;在最近的马蹄印上有三只蜜蜂,两只在蹄印上盘旋准备采蜜,而另一只沿着&香路&一直向前飞去……;在&深山藏古寺&中,他将画面画成:在飞岩绝壁、蜿蜒的石矶小道上两名步履蹒跚的老和尚,正吃力地抬着一桶水向山上走去,一旁是云雾缭绕的林海……;而在&万绿丛中一点红&的画面是:在一望无垠的绿色丛林与稻田间,一位紫衣少女双手分别拎着给亲人送午餐的饭篮与陶瓦罐;那迎面拂面而来的山风,吹动着紫衣显现少女婀娜的身影,吹开少女的乌发露出美丽的脸庞——蛾眉凤眼、粉腮朱唇,透出春的气息……。

Kim will sit for the portrait master summer "spent Guiqu horseshoe-riding" for the painting: the early rainy weather was fine, Lin Jianxiao Road, from near and far, Xi Xi and scattered Mati Yin and his party in recent Mati Yin bees have three, two in Tiyin circled on the preparations for Caimi, and another along the "road-" ha**een exiting…... forward in the "mountains of temple," he will be painted screen: the flying rock cliffs, winding the breakwater Two small over the faltering of the old monk, is struggling to carrying a bucket of water going to the mountains, the clouds wind around the side of the Linhai…... In the "green leaves that red" is the screen: an oasis in a Green rice fields and jungles, a hands Ziyi girls were carrying their loved ones to send the rice basket lunch and Tao Waguan; Fumian from the face of the Shanfeng, a Ziyi Chuidong the shadow show girls Ena, blowing open the girls UFA reveal the beautiful face - Emeifengyan, Fensaizhuchun, disclosed the spring atmosphere…….


Kim will sit for the portrait master summer "spent Guiquhorseshoe-riding" for the painting: the early rainy weather was fine,Lin Jianxiao Road, from near and far, Xi Xi and scattered Mati Yin andhis party in recent Mati Yin bees have three, two in Tiyin circled onthe preparations for Caimi, and another along the "road-" has beenexiting…... forward in the "mountains of temple," he will be paintedscreen: the flying rock cliffs, winding the breakwater Two small overthe faltering of the old monk, is struggling to carrying a bucket ofwater going to the mountains, the clouds wind around the side of theLinhai…... In the "green leaves that red" is the screen: an oasis ina Green rice fields and jungles, a hands Ziyi girls were carrying theirloved ones to send the rice basket lunch and Tao Waguan; Fumian fromthe face of the Shanfeng, a Ziyi Chuidong the shadow show girls Ena,blowing open the girls UFA reveal the beautiful face - Emeifengyan,Fensaizhuchun, disclosed the spring atmosphere…….


更多网络解释与踏出的路相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beaten track:踏出的路; 惯例; 常规

beatable 可打的, 可击的; 经打的 (形) | beaten track 踏出的路; 惯例; 常规 | beatific 祝福的, 快乐的, 幸福的 (形)

a bath of blood:浴血 大屠杀

a basket ring | 篮(球)圈 | a bath of blood | 浴血 大屠杀 | a beaten path | 踏出的路, 惯例

new jerusalem:新耶路撒冷

然而就在这心灵处于崩溃边缘的时候,耳旁有一句鼓励的话语闪烁出一线希望,把他从巨大的失望最终救出,于是他又踏上通往新耶路撒冷(New Jerusalem)的路.


进入手表业是近几年的事,它推出的首个手表系列"鼓"(Tambour)引起广泛的关注. 当然,与它旗下的玉宝、豪华、茨尼特三大悠久的瑞士手表品牌相比,路易?威登牌手表才刚刚开始踏出万里长征的第一步.

beatable:可打的, 可击的; 经打的 (形)

beat up 痛打; 搅拌 | beatable 可打的, 可击的; 经打的 (形) | beaten track 踏出的路; 惯例; 常规