英语人>词典>汉英 : 跳进的 的英文翻译,例句
跳进的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与跳进的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They splashed into the leafy crown of a nearby tree and then plunged into another, as if diving from one green pool to the next.


The latest trend is to skip the business plan stage and just jump into action.


And she lifted the little cradle, with Thumbelina in it, and hopped out through the broken window-pane, down into the garden.


And she lifted the little cradle, with Thumbelina in it, hopped out through the broken window-pane, down into the garden.


He looked up, vision blurred and spotty, blinking dazedly. It was Rob.


In the night a little bird with a broken wing fell down the chimney and hopped into one of the shoes.


The liquid which expands in the heat sensor with the rise of temperature forces its way over the capillary tube in the actuator by means of removing a plunger piston, which is made tight externally be means of a flexible metallic tube, at which the pi- ston rod, which comes out of the actuator, moves the valve rod against a spring and a closing valve throttles or closes.

在热感应器中扩张的液体由于那在毛细管上的温度军队的上升它的方法在那主动器经由除去一个跳进的人活塞,这被做紧紧地外部地是有柔性的金属管方法哪里 pi-从主动器出来的 ston 竿移动活瓣竿相对于一个春天和一个结束活瓣节流阀或结束。

They consist of a rotating fan,or impeller,and seldom are of the positive displacement type that uses gears or plungers.


Take a standing jump, pressing Action to lower the arc, to get over the orange trapdoor.(If Lara falls through, she'll slide onto the burner below. You can jump into the water to put out the flames, but you'll have to swim past the crusher again to get back to the ladder.) Continue forward, into the main room.


Mark lined up. He jumped and landed with a smack. Mark had done a belly flop into the mud pit!


更多网络解释与跳进的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

drenched in gasoline:真想跳进汽油烧光了事

Hearts are washed in misery 悲惨不堪的往事洗涤心扉 | Drenched in gasoline 真想跳进汽油烧光了事 | Laughter 欢笑

plunging:跳进的, 突进的

genescope 频率特性描绘器[观测仪] | plunging 跳进的, 突进的 | gyroscopic force 回转力


plunger 投机家 | plunging 跳进的 | plunk down 突然落下


plunger /跳进的人/潜水者/冲入物/活塞/ | pluperfect /过去完成时/过去完成时的/ | plural /二个以上的/复数的/复数/复数行/复数形字/

All we could do is jump into a slit trench and cover up:我们只能跳进散兵坑隐蔽起来

dropping 500 lb'ers while we were out in the open.|日本人的飞机来了 投下了500型... | All we could do is jump into a slit trench and cover up.|我们只能跳进散兵坑隐蔽起来 | There was this guy...|有个家伙....

step into:步进

下次记住,一定要步进 (step into). 再看一遍这个CALL,0101300A 在反汇编器中 *不是* 一条指令的开始位置,因此你将会跳进一条指令的中间. 下面这种循环对抗跟踪(tracers)非常有效. 只要想想跟踪要比单纯的运行多花费N倍的时间......试试下面代码,不跟踪的话不会影响程序的速度:

Ayush Mahesh Khedekar:在《Slumdog Millionaire 贫民窟的百万富翁》里跳进大粪池

BEST WTF MOMENT /最雷人时刻奖 | Amy Poehler在<<Baby Mama 代孕妈妈>>里在洗脸池里小便 | Ayush Mahesh Khedekar在<<Slumdog Millionaire 贫民窟的百万富翁>>里跳进大粪池

Auguries of Innocence:天真的预示

由于我在本届诗歌节的"细读"节目中要为观众介绍威廉.布莱克的名作<<天真的预示>>(Auguries of Innocence),在此就先不罗嗦了. 伊沙:想一想,有不少. 但最先跳进我脑海中的是前苏联诗人曼杰斯塔姆(MANDELSTAM)的"黄金在天上舞蹈/命令我歌唱".

jump into the water:跳进水里

3. 在湖的中央划船 boat in the middle of the river | 4. 跳进水里jump into the water | 5. 把...扔给某人 throw ...to sb.

jump into the water:跳进水中

15)come back with lovely wild flowers 带着可爱的野花回来 | 16)jump into the water 跳进水中 | 17)be filled with laughter 充满了笑声