英语人>词典>汉英 : 跳跃的 的英文翻译,例句
跳跃的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bouncing  ·  jumping  ·  jumpy  ·  leaping  ·  salient  ·  saltant  ·  saltatorial  ·  skipped  ·  transilient  ·  jumpier  ·  tittuppy

更多网络例句与跳跃的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During the "jump", it can be continued as long as the rule is applied.


The shepherdessalice meynell 牧羊的女儿阿里斯·美那尔 she walks——the lady of my delight——a shepherdess of sheep.her flocks are thoughts.she keep them white;she guards them from the steep.she feeds them on the fragrant heightand folds them in for sleep.she roams maternal hills and bright,dark valleys safe and deep.into that tender breast at nightthe chastest stars may peep.she walks——the lady of my delight——a shepherdess of sheep.she holds her little thoughts in sight,though gay they run and leap.she is so circumspect and right;she has her soul to keep.she walks——the lady of my delight——a shepherdess of sheep.


The date was December 5, 2002.One problem took a dihedral to a dyno over a roof.


In principle, approximately 80% of all DMD patients could be treated with exon–skipping drugs.


Have fun by tens in a jumping jack exercise.


I like puppies because they are jumpy.


What am I going to do with telve lords of leaping?


So,the Hubbard model containing off-diagonal hoppings,called off-diagonal Hub-bard model,is suitable to describe manganites.


We propose a jump-diffusion credit market model that treats the CDS spread as the major variable to value a credit default swaption, in which the jumps are modeled by the marked point processes as well as the compound Poisson processes.


Secondly, on the base of Jarrow's(1997) credit rating mitigation matrices estimating approach, this dissertation focuses on the macro economic's influntion and assumes credit rating mitigation is Non-homogeneous Markov Chain conditional on macro economic risk factors.


更多网络解释与跳跃的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Who admits the delusive light through the bouncing wall:她被跳跃的墙上的光所迷惑

She has come possessed|她着魔了 | Who admits the delusive light through the bouncing wall|她被跳跃的墙上的光所迷惑 | Possessed by the skies|为天空着魔

jumpy:跳跃的, 神经质的

interganglionic nerve cord 神经节间索 | jumpy 跳跃的, 神经质的 | taper cork 锥形塞子


salt 食盐 | saltant 跳跃的 | saltate 跳跃


saltation 跳跃 | saltatorial 跳跃的 | saltatory 跳跃的


saltation 突变 | saltatorial 适于跳跃的 | saltatory 适于跳跃的


saltation /舞蹈/跳跃/突变/ | saltatorial /跳跃的/舞蹈的/适于跳跃的/ | saltatory /[适于] 跳跃的/


saltatorial 跳跃的 | saltatory 跳跃的 | saltcellar 盐瓶


saltatorial 适于跳跃的 | saltatory 适于跳跃的 | saltbox 盐盒式建筑

Brick quiz whangs jumpy veldt fox:(关于砖头的测验把一只跳跃的草原狐狸给难住了)

①The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.(一只敏捷、灰色的狐... | ②Brick quiz whangs jumpy veldt fox.(关于砖头的测验把一只跳跃的草原狐狸给难住了) | a matter of 几(分钟,里路,块钱等)的事;大约,左右;是个...

All the bouncing, spooking inspirations:所有跳跃的逃窜的灵感

穿过幻想中谷仓的红墙, Over the imagined red fence of the barn, | 所有跳跃的逃窜的灵感, All the bouncing, spooking inspirations | 如同新生的婴儿的口鼻. Are like mouths and noses of neonatal babies.