英语人>词典>汉英 : 距骨 的英文翻译,例句
距骨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
astragal  ·  hucklebone  ·  talus  ·  astragalus

huckle-bone · ankle bone
更多网络例句与距骨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods: From June 2002 to June 2007, 202 patients (298 feet) with congenital talipes equinovarus admitted in our hospital, and the operations such as the Achilles tendon lengthening+solution of soft tissue, the solution of metatarsus fascia, the Achilles tendon lengthening+cuboid bone osteoectomy or tibialis anterior tendon transfer, the Achilles tendon lengthening+talus excision, the Achilles tendon lengthening+fusion of trijoints+talus excision etc, were adoptted.


Methods: 12 fresh frozen shank-foot specimens from young adults were observed. The tibia was fixed rigidly. The talus and navicular were marked. We exerted different load on the forefoot for keeping it in different motion patterns and measured the three-dimensional coordinates of the marked points on these bones. The relative 3D motion range of the talonavicular joint was calculated. The characteristics of the talonavicular joint and the forefoot and their relationship were analyzed.


It is not a popular method because, despite utmost care, it is possible to injure the tibial essels and nere. Neertheless, it may be useful for fracture-dislocations of the talus, other traumatic lesions of the ankle joint, and osteochondritis dissecans of the talus.


Principal axes method, was presented to figure out the rotational directions of talus and calcaneus and the angles between them.


We believe subtalar arthrodesis is appropriate for isolated subtalar arthritis unless there are associated talonavicular or calcaneocuboid arthritis in which case triple arthrodesis will be more appropriate.


Results In sagittal section through lateral border of collum tali, interosseous talocalcaneal ligament is within (19.2±2.8)mm. In coronal section through medial part of corpus tali, interosseous talocalcaneal ligament is within (17.9±5.2)mm.

结果 在矢状面过距骨颈外侧缘内侧(19.2±2.8)mm范围,在冠状面过距骨体中部(17.9±5.2)mm范围内可见距跟骨间韧带。

Standing radiographs with and without insoles were used to analyze the femorotibial, talocalcaneal and talar tilt angles at baseline, immediate and final assessment.

以站立 X –光评估受试者在受试前裸足,第一次穿外侧楔型鞋垫,以及穿外侧楔型鞋垫十二周后裸足之间的距骨跟骨夹角,距骨倾斜角以及股骨胫骨夹角是否有明显改变。

A spur or spurlike projection, such as one found on the base of a petal or on the wing or leg of a bird.


The results showed that the shape of whole talus looked like a tortoise.Most of the talus had talar cauda(97%),and its cauda had long、middle、short types,the fracture of t alar cauda were 52 cases(6.8%).


Methods The resection of a talocalcaneal coalition or triple arthrodesis was selected according to calcaneal eversion angle and the rate of a talocalcaneal coalition and the posterior surface area of the talocalcaneal joint.16 feet in 12 patients including 8 males and 4 females were operated upon and reviewed at a mean time of 18 months.


更多网络解释与距骨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anklebone:距骨 距骨

Anitschkow'scell阿尼奇科夫氏肌细胞 | anklebone距骨 距骨 | anklebreadth踝宽

Caput tali:距骨頭

距骨頚 - Collum tali | 距骨頭 - Caput tali | 踵立方関節 - Articulatio calcaneocuboidea


产生脚踝扭伤在医学上解释最主要是跟骨(Calcaneus)与距骨(Talus)产生骨架错位也就是说跟骨(Calcaneus)与距骨(Talus)的起节角(Tuber angle)是不正确的(33~40度)也就是跟骨(Calcaneus)与距骨(Talus)的起节角(Tuber angle)没有完全契合

Trochlea tali:距骨滑车

距骨 - Talus | 距骨滑车 - Trochlea tali | 跟骨 - Calcaneus

astragalar:[解]距骨的, 与距骨有关的

nitrofungin 氯硝基苯酚 | astragalar [解]距骨的, 与距骨有关的 | multiplication of series 级数相乘, 级数乘法

astragalar:距骨的, 与距骨有关的

astragal | (柱头处)圈线,距骨 | astragalar | 距骨的, 与距骨有关的 | astragali | 紫云英属


astomia 无口畸形 | astragalectomy 距骨切除术 | astragalus 距骨

Collum tali:距骨頚

距骨滑車 - Trochlea tali | 距骨頚 - Collum tali | 距骨頭 - Caput tali

Corpus tali:距骨体

距骨 - Talus | 距骨体 - Corpus tali | 距骨外側突起 - Processus lateralis tali

talocrural articulation:距骨小腿关节,距骨小腿关节

talocalcaneonavicular articulation 距跟舟关节,距跟舟关节 | talocrural articulation 距骨小腿关节,距骨小腿关节 | talus bone 距骨,距骨