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足内翻的 的英文翻译、例句


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Objective To explore the changes of metatarsal arrangement and their association with forefoot adduction after modified Mckay procedure.


PARTICIPANTS: Totally 3 cases of children idiopathic multiple contracture, 2 cases of idiopathic clubfoot in children aged more than 10 years old without treatment and 6 cases of postoperative recurrent idiopathic clubfoot were admitted by the Department of Orthopedics of Nanjing Children' s Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University during 1999 to 2000. All cases manifested abnormal ankylosis and shortening deformity in foot.


Methods Ten fresh-frozen foot specimens, three-dimensional kinematics of talonavicular joint were determined in the case of neutral position, dorsiflexion, plantoflexion, adduction, abduction, inversion and eversion motion by means of three-dimensional coordinate instrument (Immersion MicroScribe G2X) before and after calcaneocuboid arthrodesis under non-weight with moment of couple, bending moment, equilibrium dynamic loading.


Methods From 1989 to now, seventeen cases of paralytic talipes equinovarus were per-formed in a new surgical manner, which was designed by author.


In accordance with pathological changes and requirements for correctioning talipes equinus,cavus,calcaneus and forefoot varus or valgus,four standard external fixators were designed on the basis of Ilizarov apparatus assembly and tested biomechanically to correct the above.


Spastic equinovarus foot, a major cause of gait disturbance in stroke patients, impairs patients' safety and interferes with the activities of daily living.


Ying was abandoned by his parents when he was only weight 3 pound ; Zou was abandoned by his parents more than 50 days after he was born, he has serious heart problems, pulmonary hypertension and facing life-threatening; Snow is a child with cerebral palsy and has been abandoned; Zhao has serious equinus varus ; Lu leads to congenital absence of anus, this has not yet one month old baby was found in the trash can , and when he was sent to the orphanage he was dying; Run had been abandoned in a county hospital, only because she is a cleft lip and palate baby...


Ying was abandoned byhis parents when he was only weight 3 pound ; Zou was abandoned byhis parents more than 50 days after he was born, he has serious heart problems, pulmonary hypertension and facing life-threatening; Snow is a child with cerebral palsy and has been abandoned; Zhao has serious equinus varus ; Lu leads to congenital absence of anus, this has not yet one month old baby was found in the trash can , and when he was sent to the orphanage he was dying; Run had been abandoned in a county hospital, only because she is a cleft lip and palate baby...


Method]from january 2003 to may 2006,32 patients were corrected with qin si-he's orthotics devices on the ilizarov principle of tension-stress,which involved 15 males and 17 females,the age ranged from 10 to 25 years.among these patients,2 were caused by peroneal nerve injury,l by tumor in the vertebral canal,5 by meningocele,11 were caused by poliomyelitis,13 by congenital talipes equino-varus.in accordance with deformities,external fixator and limitied operative methods were dertermined.the limited release of soft tissue were performed in 7 patients,limited osteotomy in 25 patients.the dynamic muscle balance operation were performed in 9 patients with imbalance of muscle strength.according to the ilizarov technique,the fixative rods were installed.the telescopic rods on the apparatus were rotated one week after the operation,the divices had corrective function in three-dimensional directions.the deformity of talipes equinovarus,internal rotation and drooping of the forefoot were gradually corrected,and the patients could bear weight and walked on the deformed foot.the mean duration of traction were 42 days,then removed the external fixator maintained with plaster for a site time.

方法]2003年1月~2006年5月,根据ilizarov张力应力法则,应用秦泗河改良的外固定矫形器,遵循ilizarov穿针固定的基本原则,共手术治疗马蹄内翻足32例,男15例,女17例;年龄10~25岁,平均17岁。病因:腓总神经损伤2例,腰椎管内肿瘤1例,硬脊膜膨出5例,小儿麻痹后遗症11例,先天性马蹄内翻足13例。术前用足掌的前外缘负重行走者11例,用足的外缘或足背外侧负重者21例。根据马蹄内翻足畸形程度、性质和患者年龄,确定实施有限矫形手术的方法和外固定矫形器治疗。本组7例同期实施有限的软组织松解术,25例同期实施了有限的截骨术和跗骨间关节融合术,9例合并踝关节内外翻肌力明显失衡者,同期行足部肌腱转移的肌力平衡术。然后安装外固定矫形器。术后按作者制定的管理程序,7 d开始旋转相应的螺纹牵拉杆,对器械进行三维空间的缓慢调整,先矫正前足内收和后足内翻,后矫正足下垂畸形,直至达到矫形要求的标准。在矫形的过程中定期进行x线检测,以防止发生踝关节前后移位,治疗期间允许患足负重行走。术后平均牵伸42 d,拆外固定器后患足再上石膏固定适当时间。

We describe a seven-generation large family with talipomanus and talipes, 175 individuals in this family were involved. 32 affected individuals including 18 males and 14 femals whose clinical features were different and 1 suspicious male were found. The talipomanus were symmetrical, and varus and valgus were caused by vertical talus.

发现一个连续遗传 7 代的手足畸型大家系,共计 175 人,有 32人发病,男性 18人,女性 14 人,可疑男性1人,患者表型复杂轻重不一,但双手均对称屈曲畸形,垂直踞骨导致足内翻或外翻。

更多网络解释与足内翻的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

metatarsus adductus:跖内收

畸形足 (Clubfoot)畸形足,又称为马蹄内翻足或杵状足,乃特指脚跟紧缩、内翻、前脚内收的一种先天 性足部异常,它与跖内收(metatarsus adductus)、仰趾外翻足(calcaneo-valgus foot)或姿势性内翻足是不一样的,它并不能轻易地被扳回正常位置.




跑步时,脚在著地的同时,踝关节的内翻与足背收缩动作,可以避免脚与地面的巨大撞击,而且,跑者的体重会沿著足部的外侧缘传递,此时足部呈轻旋后(supination),接著体重自外侧经过横弓(transuerse arch) 转移到足底肉球,此时足部由正中位变为旋前,

talipes equinovarus:马蹄内翻足

马蹄内翻足(talipes equinovarus)是一种最常见的先天性畸形足,约占先天性足部畸形的77%.马蹄内翻足畸形由足下垂,内翻,内收三种因素组成.患者可以伴有其他畸形,如先天性髋关节脱位,并指,肌性斜颈等.本病因患儿一出生就能发现,多数治疗及时,疗效较好

talipes equinovarus:先天性马蹄内翻足

先天性仰趾内翻足 Talipes calcaneovarus | 先天性马蹄内翻足 Talipes equinovarus | 已感觉成为不良歧视和迫害的目标的问题 Target of perceived adverse discrimination and persecution


这是一种较为复杂的先天性异常,包括有足部下垂(Equinus)、内翻(Varus)、内旋(Adductus)和内转(Medical rotation)等足部问题. 大约在千分之一的活产小孩中,有一半是两侧都有,且大部分是男孩. 若不治疗,等到学步时将完全无法以脚板着地的方式走路.

varve clay:季候泥粘土,成层粘土

varus deformity of heel 足跟内翻畸形 | varve clay 季候泥粘土,成层粘土 | varved clay 季候泥,层状粘土,明显分层的粘土,纹泥


pigeon-toed 足内翻的 | pigeonhearted 胆小的 | pigeonhole 鸽棚


pigeon-breasted 鸡胸的 | pigeon-livered 温柔的 | pigeon-toed 足内翻的


pigeon-livered 温柔的 | pigeon-toed 足内翻的 | pigeonhearted 胆小的