英语人>词典>汉英 : 足以说明问题 的英文翻译,例句
足以说明问题 的英文翻译、例句


speak for oneself
更多网络例句与足以说明问题相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What has been said is enough to show that the question of the comparative archaism of exogamy and endogamy is as difficult as it is interesting, We shall in the next chapter lead up to a fuller discussion of that question, while investigating more minutely than we have hitherto done the conditions of the form of capture being evolved.


This is not the place to point out his eminence as a dogmatist; suffice it to say that many far-reaching questions receive original solutions, which, though not universally accepted, have yet shed considerable light on these subjects.


While this type of "second-best" argument in favor of regulated interest rates may appear to justify the authorities' response to specific problems as they arise, it may be questioned whether, as a general proposition, the undesirable effects of existing distortions should be dealt with by the creation


Look no further than the change in consumers' online behavior in the last few years, said Gulley.


Nature constantly yields to man in New York: witness those fragile sidewalk trees gamely struggling against encroaching cement and petrol fumes.


It is because this aspect of the problem of universals—whether universals exist ante res or in rebus —is discussed at length in Metaphysics, that a strong case can be made for saying that the problem of universals falls under the old conception of metaphysics.


It is an impression of reality - or not. A lot of people are calling for the little boy playing the "tambour", so it is really a problem. It is a surprise. It is a good image of the world of art.


Such negatory appraisals as judicial unfairness, corruption injustice or local protectionism not only appear in scholars' works and conversation of common people, but frequently appear in the speeches and official documents given by party and state leaders, which fully demonstrate the seriousness of the problems.


Every accusation against him has been amply proved, and they have been indorsed and reindorsed by his own eloquent silence, till at this day he stands forever convicted.


This is half-true. Colombian can be very balanced, with good body, brightness and the complex flavor of flowers and cherry-toned fruit.


更多网络解释与足以说明问题相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


事实胜于雄辩,大量的、充足的(ample)实例(sample),足以说明一切问题了. 我的早餐:把苹果(apple)去掉一层皮(p),再加上一块麦当劳(m)汉堡,就很丰富(ample)了.

