英语人>词典>汉英 : 超道德 的英文翻译,例句
超道德 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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When you see everyone strange, amoral, hard to understand or with whatever strangeness, there's a better chance that you are the oddball here.


Transcendentalism offers Wharton relief from Calvinistic moral burdens and contributes to her progress in the exploration of mans conversion to God.


By focusing on the narrator Ishmael's analogy of human mind as "light" and "color", the main ways of interaction with Nature presented in the novel are incorporated into a whole to reveal the essential truth about Melville's vision of man-nature relationship that Nature is but a meaningless, amoral existence like the Spanish coin the Doubloon on the mast of Pequod, reflecting what the human mind inscribes on it; while human is a spiritual isolato in this colorless, atheistic world.


More over, in the two aspects, the Happy Excursion embodies complex and interlinked dual structures, and this explains why the idea has complicated influence. Because of different historical background, concept of value and method of research, people always hold different views and comments on the idea of the Happy Excursion.


Whoever approaches the Olympians with a different religion in his heart, seeking moral elevation, sanctity, spirituality, loving kindness, will presently be forced to turn away from them in ill-humored disappointment.


Political or moral utilitarianism and aesthetic utilitarianism are the two main traditions in modern Chinese aesthetics. The former considers aesthetics and art to be tools for political struggles or moral preachment, and requires them to "serve"directly for political or moral purposes, while the latter, taking aesthetics for the sake of life, or thus a life concept of aesthetics, is against the consideration of aesthetics and art to be tools for politics or morality, and requires them to affect intrinsically the improvement of life state. Liang Qichao is the direct ideological source in the end of the 19〓 century for the former, while Wang Guowei the founder for the latter.


Any attempt to treat supererogation as moral duty will lead to very bad consequences in moral practice.


Whether an act is morally right depends on whether it meets the demand of a moral duty, but not whether it meets the demand of supererogation.


Based on transcendentalism ,he describes the foundation and principle of morality.


It is a quasi super-moral value, while the love of God in the philosophy of Spinoza is a real super-moral value.


更多网络解释与超道德相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


AMor 丘比特 | amoral 超道德的 | amorce 雷管


amoral 非道德的 | amoralism 非道德论 | amorality 超道德


amoralism 非道德论 | amorality 超道德 | amorality 非道德


amorality 超道德 | amorality 非道德 | amorous 多情的


还有种族、文明、地域、道德(公理、王道)等超民族主义的意识形态. 民族主义并不是缔造近代国家的唯一的意识形态要素. 认清这一点,有助于我们从民族主义的"想象"(fiction)和"本原"(origin)这两个维度重新审视在帝国主义时代中国的近代是怎样形成的这一问题.

wish fulfillment:愿望满足

佛洛伊德提出 "愿望满足 (wish fulfillment)" , 就是本我用来满足其需求的途径, 一个人成长到五岁, 超我就开始成型, 超我不仅对道德上的违背有所惩罚, 它提供了自我某些行为是否具有美德及值得称颂的准则,

Merrill Lynch:美林

2000年9月4日>一篇名为"无处不在的道德风险--评华尔街信任危机"文章中,其作者发现,如果把"利益冲突"和"美林"(Merrill Lynch)放在一起搜索,结果显示今年以来,"利益冲突"一词的使用频率,甚至超

Super moralism:超道德主义

Superman超人 | Super moralism超道德主义 | Surroundings has a de cisive affection human nature环境对人的本性有决定性的影响


根据现实和超我的要求满足本我的欲望.三、超我(Superego) 五岁以后开始形成,是道德原则的维护者, 代表社会和父母的价值和标准.1:压抑作用 (repression) ,2:投射作用(projection), 3:合理化作用(rationalization)4:升华作用(sublimation),

