英语人>词典>汉英 : 超越 的英文翻译,例句
超越 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
exceed  ·  exceeded  ·  excelled  ·  excess  ·  excesses  ·  outdo  ·  overpass  ·  surmount  ·  surpass  ·  top  ·  transcend  ·  transcendence  ·  transcendency  ·  topped  ·  transcending  ·  exceeds  ·  excessed  ·  excessing  ·  outdoes  ·  outdoing  ·  overpasses  ·  overpassing  ·  surmounting  ·  surmounts  ·  surpassed  ·  surpasses  ·  transcended  ·  transcends

go beyond · rise superior to · hyper-
更多网络例句与超越相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thewriter believes that Chinese Ecocriticism may entirely realize* doubleoffer i"f t?Ptranscendences in the, future------exceed^own cultural heritage, exceed^the West,a ,n ho frnnt tA'■"""?. ailand go. Ko the front of international academicals schools


We aim for SUCCESS b y exceeding our individual, store, and company goals.


Imagine all the women of England elevated to the high level of masculine intellectuality; superior to crinoline; above pearl powder and Mrs. Rachael Levison; above taking the pains to be pretty; above making themelves agreeable; above tea-tables, and that cruelly scandalous and rather satirical gossip which even strong men delight in; and what a dreary, utilitarian, ugly life the sterner sex must lead.


Beyond reason is the Spirit in man, and beyond this is the Spirit of the Universe, the evolver of all.


Chain-ring overrunning clutch is a kind of friction overrunning clutch invented in recent years.


In chapter 4, the relation between Fatou components of a transcendental meromorphic function or a transcendental meromorphic solution of some differential equation and the set of singular values is discussed, the main considered question is the relation between wandering domains or Baker domains and the set of singular values.


Essentially, because it does overstep character which is caused by chasseing the eternal value, it is a solecism when we make a mask by making a list of theologist thinking according the time sequence.


However, such notion is almost unfound in the Chinese philosophy, such that a new Chinese term '超越' has to be created.


Go beyond 超过;超越 Our strongest foemen are ourselves. We need to go beyond ourselves.


The way of Lo Kuang's transcendence, showing the Neo-scholastic effort to integrate Confucianism and Scholasticism, is one typical view of transcendence in modern Chinese philosophy. This way of thinking, together with Neo-Confucianism and sinologist abroad, forms the whole sight of modern Chinese philosophy on traditional Confucian transcendence problem.


更多网络解释与超越相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

transcendental integral function:超越整函数

transcendental function 超越函数 | transcendental integral function 超越整函数 | transcendental number 超越

transcendental meromorphic function:超越亚纯函数

超越数论|transcendental number theory | 超越亚纯函数|transcendental meromorphic function | 超越元|transcendental element

transcendental meromorphic function:超越半纯函数

12318,"transcendental function","超越函数" | 12319,"transcendental meromorphic function","超越半纯函数" | 12320,"transcendental number","超越数"


A发展(advance) 发展就是目标C协作(cooperate)事成于和睦,力生于团结T专业(technical) 专业技术,专业服务I诚信(integrity)诚信比一切智谋更好O超越(overstep) 超越对手,超越自我N 睿智(nimble) 睿智是一种境界

transcendent pantheism:超越泛神论

超越二元论 transcendental dualism | 超越泛神论 transcendent pantheism | 超越目的论 transcendent teleology

transcendent teleology:超越目的论

超越泛神论 transcendent pantheism | 超越目的论 transcendent teleology | 超越唯心论 transcendental idealism

transcendental equation:超越方程=>超越方程式

l element 超越元素 | transcendental equation 超越方程=>超越方程式 | transcendental function 超越関数

transcendental function:超越関数

transcendental equation 超越方程=>超越方程式 | transcendental function 超越関数 | transcendental number 超越

transcendental number:超越数

如果有的话就叫这种数为超越数(Transcendental number). 在康托同时的数学家曾花许多气力证明超越数的存在. 如法国数学家柳维尔(Li-ouville)证明下面这个数:是超越数,厄米特(Hermite)证明圆周率π也是超越数. 一般判断一个数是否是超越数是非常困难的问题.


而排除外部的超越世界,包括超越的自我本身,这是达到"超越论"领域的另一个必要措施,它被胡塞尔称作"超越论的还原". 这个还原使"超越论"(transcendentalism)有别于各种先天论(apriorism),包括自然科学中的先天科学,如纯粹数学、纯粹物理学等等.