英语人>词典>汉英 : 赞同... 的英文翻译,例句
赞同... 的英文翻译、例句


sympathize with · in sympathy with
更多网络例句与赞同...相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Baiklah. Hari ini agak okay. Sekolah pun okay except for my fever. Huu sangat letih la hari ni. Sebenarnya, aku bukan lah demam sangat pun, just batuk-batuk, flu, panas mata. Tu jea. Tapi aku rasa...More blog entries: 2+1=21 Sorry You jump, then how about me? Diet For Your Health

More blog entries:不赞同《直选制》-资讯传达的考验不赞同《直选制》-扩大层面的迷思别以派系论小人吾说八道 MyRAF:当今朝野政治思维和我追求的政治理想。

These questions support the answerer.


In order to be assertive, we must let go of the power of others' approval or disapproval.


Be in sympathy with 支持;赞同 All UN members are in sympathy with the proposal advanced by Saudi Arabia with regard to the peaceful settlement of the mid-east crisis.

关 于和平解决中东危机,所有联合国成员都赞同沙特阿拉伯的提议。

Thus a truth may be self-evident -- eg the whole is greater than its part -- in which case we are said to have intuitive knowledge of it; or the truth may not be self-evident, but deducible from premises in which it is contained -- such knowledge is termed reasoned knowledge; or again a truth may be neither self-evident nor deducible from premises in which it is contained, yet the intellect may be obliged to assent to it because It would else have to reject some other universally accepted truth; lastly, the intellect may be induced to assent to a truth for none of the foregoing reasons, but solely because, though not evident in itself, this truth rests on grave authority -- for example, we accept the statement that the sun is 90,000,000 miles distant from the earth because competent, veracious authorities vouch for the fact.


Ii for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the Contract


As a neo-pragmatist, Shusterman conceives in the objection of the general interpretation to the foundationlism as well as the generalism of interpretation and its undisplacable function.


B The necessity of such light is evident from what has been said, for faith is essentially an act of assent, and just as assent to a series of deductive or inductive reasonings, or to intuition of first principles, would be impossible without the light of reason, so, too assent to a supernatural truth would be inconceivable without a supernatural strengthening of the natural light Quid est enim fides nisi credere quod non vides?

"有必要的,例如轻是显而易见的,从已经表示,为信仰本质上是一个法的赞同,正如核可了一系列的演绎或归纳reasonings ,或以直觉的第一原则,将不可能无轻的原因,所以,也赞同一个超自然的真理,就不能想象没有一个超自然加强对自然光"的回报预测单一目的的NiSi credere和非

I'm not favorable for rationalism or the abuse of sensibility.


One may agree with him, one may not agree with him – no one knows the truth – but one cannot deny that straightforwardness is one of his virtues for, as it is usually said, he is not tongue-tied.


更多网络解释与赞同...相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

赞同某人 agree on sth. 赞同某个建议,观点:agree with sb

16. search the Internet 上网 | 17. agree with sb.赞同某人 agree on sth. 赞同某个建议,观点 | 18. not... at all 一点也不...

Agree with 1:赞同某人/某人的话 2适合,符合

Agree to 赞同某事 建议 | Agree with 1. 赞同某人/某人的话 2适合,符合 | Break a record 打破记录


为使指南更贴近临床,小组对ASA会员展开调查,将正式收集回答的结果用5分制进行表述(即50%回答是),按5分到1分划分为强烈赞同(strongly agree),赞同(agree)、可疑(equivocal)、反对(disagree)强烈反对(strongly disagree),

Agreement,Disagreement:赞同 反对

11. In this company you must toe the line if your want to keep your job. 在这个公司里,你必须循规蹈矩才能保住饭碗. | Agreement Disagreement 赞同 ��对 | Simple agreement 简单的赞同语


区分事实和意见不难做到:凡是含有赞同(approval)或不赞同(disapproval)等态度的部分就是意见表述,反之一般为事实陈述. 把握作者态度同样要关注作者表示意见的部分,根据其中表示意见的词汇判断态度的褒贬. 相关回复:

I leave to differ:恕我不能赞同

I beg to differ. 恕我不能赞同. | I leave to differ. 恕我不能赞同. | beg, borrow or steal 不择手段地占有

sympathize vi.1:同情,怜悯 2.体谅,赞同

sympathise 见sympathize | sympathize vi.1.同情,怜悯 2.体谅,赞同 | sympathy n.1.同情,同情心 2.(思想感情上的)支持,赞同

Agreeing and disagreeing:赞同和不赞同

22?应该不应该 Should I or shouldn't I? | 23?赞同和赞同 Agreeing and disagreeing | 24?喜欢和不喜欢 Likes and dislikes

assentient:同意的, 赞同的 同意者, 赞同者

assentation | 同意, 附和, 盲从 | assentient | 同意的, 赞同的 同意者, 赞同者 | assentive | (特指盲从式的)同意, 赞成 听从, 附和


What do you think of the way I assembled this circuit board? 您对我装配这块线路板怎么看? | Expressing... 表示赞同或赞同 | He works very hard. 他工作得很努力.