英语人>词典>汉英 : 资金总额 的英文翻译,例句
资金总额 的英文翻译、例句


capital investment
更多网络例句与资金总额相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 13 The insurance company with foreign investment shall, after being established, draw a caution money at the rate of 20% of the total amount of registered capital or operating funds and deposit it in a bank designated by the CIRC.


According to Wind statistics show that the current dividend words with a total of 11 funds.


Citigroup cites India's very high ratio of total external finance to forex reserves and high level of mobile capital compared to the reserves as the main drawbacks, making the country highly vulnerable to the global financial crisis.


In this case ,the bonds were not necessarily representative of any real assets, but the Government's promise to pay interest and eventually repay the capital sum involved were backed by taxable capacity of the whole community, and , measured by the total amount of money which changes hands, the value of transactions in "gilt-edged" stocks now exceeds all the rest put together.


Data show that the first half of A-share listed company IPO financing amounted to 90.602 billion yuan, up 33 percent reduction; and the same period of corporate bonds and corporate debt issuance size and funding has increased the size of listed companies bond financing the first time, more than the stock market IPO financing lines have been issued during the 30 corporate bonds and 13 corporate bonds to raise funds a total of 92.95 billion yuan.


Overall, 20 per cent of the total sum will be targeted for Insead in Asia.


Earlier, Jindal Iron and Steel and must have signed an agreement to jointly invest 534 million Australian dollars to develop carrara iron ore project, the funds total 30% of the amount of funding, the two sides have completed a karaoke pull the feasibility of the project research.


In 2006, sterilization remains incomplete, at 76% in 1H06 (US$122.1 billion BoP surplus vs. US$92 billion achieved sterilization) and worsened to 59% in 3Q06 (US$46.8 billion increase in FX reserves vs. US$27.4 billion sterilization). The unsterilized surplus since 2005 therefore totaled US$110 billion.

2006年,回笼的资金总量依然不足,2006年上半年的资金回笼率为76%(国际收支盈余为1221亿美元,回笼资金为920亿美元),2006年3季度这一比率下滑至59%,(外汇储备为468亿美元,回笼资金为274亿美元),从而使 2005年以来累计未回笼的资金总额增至1100亿美元。

In addition, the private fund of SamSung group is used at be in not only political circles and journalism deal with, still be used to the madams that it is broadness purchase costly artwork, include to regard Mrs.


Based on extensive surveys, Manuel Orozco, a remittances specialist at the Washington-based Inter-American Dialogue institute, estimates based that the total amount sent home to the developing world last year was $298bn, much higher than the World Bank's estimate.

根据广泛的调查,总部位于华盛顿的美洲国家对话组织(Inter-American Dialogue)的汇款专家曼努埃尔·奥罗斯科估计,去年汇回发展中国家的资金总额可能达到2980亿美元,远远高于世行的估计。

更多网络解释与资金总额相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

borrowed reserve:借入准备金

借入准备金(Borrowed Reserve)是指商业银行及存款性金融机构在法定准备金数量不足时向拥有超额准备金的银行借入的货币资金称为借入准备金,按其自身存款总额的一定比例提取的用作准备金的部分称为非借入准备金,又称自有准备金.

Capital stock:股本,股金总额

capital shortage 资金短缺 | capital stock 股本,股金总额 | capital structure 资本结构




其次,从财务杠杆(Gearing)的角度来说, 股本资金的成本通常为20%左右,借贷资金的成本一般在10%上下. 由于两者之间成本存在差异,所以它们在资金总额中的比重变化会直接影响到全部资金的平均成本(Average


于1993年7月29日批准注册成立. 公司投资总额为900万美元,注册资金为640万美元. 公司主要生产钢琴及系列产品,品牌有 "海曼 (HERMANN)"、"雅菲德 (ARTFIELD)"、"卡拉克尔(KRAKARER)等中高档钢琴.


一天后,加州政府财政资金告罄,被迫使用"打白条"(IOU)的方式给政府雇员发工资,向承包政府项目的公司付款. 加州审计长江俊辉(John Chiang)悲观地说,加州政府在今年7月可能需要发行总额高达33.6亿美元的政府借据,才能勉强维持运转.

total follow up investment commitments:后继投资承诺总额

total financial requirement;共需...资金;; | total follow up investment commitments;后继投资承诺总额;; | total funds available;可用款项共计;;

unfavorable balance:逆差

出口总额大於进口总额. 超出的资金可充实外汇存底(foreign exchange reserves);或可购入黄金作发行准备及外汇基金;也可作国外投资使用. 一般而言,顺差是有利的,但出超过多,可能会引起国内通货膨胀. 与顺差相对者为逆差(unfavorable balance).

capital subscriptions:认购股本

capital subscription 认购资本;资金认股 | capital subscriptions 认购股本 | capital sum 本金;资本总额