英语人>词典>汉英 : 资金充裕 的英文翻译,例句
资金充裕 的英文翻译、例句


in the money
更多网络例句与资金充裕相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Devonian Period or its system of deposits.


As a result of the company's liquidity, in the business also has greater flexibility.


For those who funded enterprises, overseas listing plan has been shelved does not affect.


Industry analysts believe that those who funded enterprises, overseas listing plan has been shelved does not affect.


It's a humiliating wallop for cash-rich China.


And, as in the developed world, big banks have been reluctant to lend in the interbank market, causing the central bank and the government to step in to reliquefy the system.


Other unpublicised vulnerabilities are common and could be used by a well-financed aggressor, experts said.


One traditional sign of a decade-plus top in a market is the entry of well-financed, but less well-informed punters.


The very fact that hundreds of thousands of website owners, there are a lot of well-financed Internet companies, we have only their own expertise to compete with other people, only they are familiar with, or expertise in order to truly determine what users need in order to provide real users valuable content to attract users second visit, the only way the website was easier.


The new authoritarians also shape international values and views through sophisticated and well-funded global media enterprises.


更多网络解释与资金充裕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Risk averse:风险趋避

现在资金紧绌的难题源於市场对风险溢价的重新评估:在太平盛世的年代,一般投资者,包括银行(批出贷款也是银行的一项投资),对风险的评估能较为准确,而且因自身的资金充裕,风险趋避(risk averse)的情况也较少,於是在获利甚微的情况下,

red chip:红筹股

红筹股 (Red Chip) 公司在中国大陆境外註册,股票於香港掛牌上市,带有浓厚的中国概念 股称为红筹股. 凡由中 资企业直接控制或持有三成半股权以上的上市公司股份,均称为红筹股. 红筹股的特色,是当有注资、重组等概念,而其时大市气氛佳或流动 资金充裕......


[英镑](GBP)最活跃的货币. 伦敦是全球第二大金融中心,但是英国的经济总量并不大,所以在充裕的资金支持下,英镑好比小盘股,波动十分活跃. 也是投机性较强的货币. 因为变化剧烈,给人反复无常之感,人称"癫镑". [日元](JPY)低息货币,

in terms of value-added:按增值额计算

in relative terms 按相对价值计算 | in terms of value-added 按增值额计算 | in the money 正在赚钱;当时有利价;资金充裕

in terms of value-added:按增值额计算jiY中国学习动力网

in relative terms 按相对价值计算jiY中国学习动力网 | in terms of value-added 按增值额计算jiY中国学习动力网 | in the money 正在赚钱;当时有利价;资金充裕jiY中国学习动力网

Kinder Morgan:康德摩根

[本报编译林清晖综合报导]美国能源输送储存业钜子康德摩根(Kinder Morgan)公司昨(1)日宣布,将以69亿加元购并卑诗省的提拉森(Terasen)公司. 此举将使提拉森公司获得充裕的资金,得以加速铺设从亚伯达油砂田通往卑诗海岸的油管,