英语人>词典>汉英 : 费罗 的英文翻译,例句
费罗 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
firlot  ·  Ferro

更多网络例句与费罗相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With his wife, he settled down in a house surrounded by elm trees. He expended his energies on translations from Old World literature and contributed travel sketches to the New England Magazine, in addition to serving as a professor and a librarian at Bowdoin.


But Longfellow is the spokesman of a confraternity; what thrills him to utterance is the spirit of that strange and beautiful freemasonry established as long as long ago as when the first sailor steered the first keel out into the unknown, irresistible waterworld, and so established the foundations of the eternal brotherhood of man with ocean.


It is I and sea,and my egoism is as valiant and as vocal as the other's.but Longfeflow is the spokesman of a confraternity; what thrills him to utterance is the spirit of that strange and beautiful freemasonry established as long as long ago as whenthe first sailor steered the first keel out into the unknown,irresistible water—world,and so established the foundations of the.eternal brotherhood of man with ocean.


The lonely took a room at historic Craigie House, an old house overlooking the Charles River.


Attached no significance to the threat.Early next morning the news spread like wildfire. Mrs. Thompson, Old Man Fellows' housekeeper, had found him deader than a doomail. When she went upstairs to see what had kept him so long before breakfast.


What seems so is transition; This life of mortal breath is but a suburb of the life elysian, whose portal we call death---Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, American educator and poet.


After spending a few days in Evangeline's country, about which Longfellow's beautiful poem has woven a spell of enchantment, Miss Sullivan and I went to Halifax, where we remained the greater part of the summer.


While pointing out the mistakes Longfellow made (including confusing the historic figure of Hiawatha with the Anishinabe trickster Manabozho), Bruchac's balanced comments also pay tribute to this classic poem as the first step in bringing Native American cultures into the national consciousness.


Webster, the lexicographer; Prescott, Motley, Bancroft, Parkman, the historians; Longfellow, Edgar Allan Poe, James Russell Lowell, William Greenleaf Whittier, Walt Whitman, the poets; Washington Irving, Fenimore Cooper, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Charles Brockden Brown, JK Paulding, Bret Harte, the novelists; Oliver Wendell Holmes, Ralph Waldo Emerson, the essayists and philosophers; Mark Twain and Artemus Ward, the humorists--these made up a glorious company that shed lustre on American literature wherever the english tongue was spoken.


Cain unbiased uniform and correct unfeigned untempered mortar crested fable veil of the temple visitors scroll Votaries changes in air vowed Mandarin wages of care workers 列韦费林曼 Whitehead widows and orphans, widows, the son of Solomon, wood and stone staircase winding word ...


更多网络解释与费罗相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Edda Ferronao:埃达.费罗纳奥

Nora Ricci 诺拉.里奇 | Edda Ferronao 埃达.费罗纳奥 | Vittorio Caprioli 维多里奥.卡普里奥利

Feronia:费罗尼亚-选自李维 穆译本

Ferns 费恩斯 | Feronia费罗尼亚-选自李维 穆译本 | Ferrara 斐拉拉


早在布林(Brin)与佩奇(Page)、杨致远 (Yang)与费罗( Filo)、乔布斯(Jobs)与沃兹尼亚克(Wozniak)分别通过谷歌(Google)、雅虎(Yahoo)和苹果(Apple)在硅谷打上自己的创业烙印之前,那里曾经有一个"八叛逆"组合


就在美国俯瞰富饶的旧世界及试图迈向新世界之际,朗费罗(Longfellow)成为研究及教授欧洲文学的先驱. 他於1836年担任哈佛大学的现代语言教授,并在哈佛任教将近20年. 在哈佛任职的期间,他创作出数本像是>(Belfry of Bruges)及>(Other Poems)的诗集,


45、 Jenel"宝石"建议译为"朱厄尔"、"朱为". | 46、 Longfellow"高个的"建议译为"朗费罗"、"罗飞伦". | 47、 Little"小个子"建议译为"莱特儿"、"利特尔".

Herry Wadsworth Longfellow:享利.沃兹渥斯.朗费罗

连爱默生(Emerson),享利.沃兹渥斯.朗费罗(Herry Wadsworth Longfellow)等名人也要预付出版商出版费. 美国出版商因为版权费用不印马克.吐温的作品曾令他很苦恼,更让他气愤的是1876年加拿大出版商先于美国出版了他的>,

Louis Feraud Pavis:路易.费罗.巴黎

24.路易.费罗 Louis Feraud | 24.2路易.费罗.巴黎 Louis Feraud Pavis | 25.赫乐梅斯 Hermes


Fernandina 费尔南迪纳 美国 美洲 美国东岸 | Ferrol 费罗尔 西班牙 欧洲 西欧 | Fethiye 费提耶 土耳其 亚洲 地中海

Racing Ferrol:费路尔 费罗尔竞技

Poli.Ejido艾积多埃西多 | Racing Ferrol费路尔费罗尔竞技 | Recreativo de Huelva维尔瓦乌尔瓦


Herodotus 希罗多德 | Herophilus 希罗费罗斯 | Herschel,John 赫舍尔,约翰