英语人>词典>汉英 : 贵族们 的英文翻译,例句
贵族们 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The nobility of Paris and London are no doubt much upon a level ; but the common people of the former, being much more dependent, are not to be compared with those of the latter: and for the same reason the commonalty in Scotland differ from those in England, though the nobility too are much upon a level.


Before October Revolution, the greatest change in Russian attires occurred in the upper class. In the early 18th century, aristocracies began to wear western-style clothes. Women were habited in blouses that were chest exposing and crinolined skirts provided with steel frames to support the drapery.


Begin, composition is in very downy tonetic in undertaking, just when those nobles are soporous when, abrupt, orchestra play music gives the melody like Jing thunder lightning, accompanying the drum of cannon type, frighten the nobles in sleep immediately wake, glare of their mouth open one's eyes wide, drowsiness is broken completely, composition also ends at this point.


Go ashore nobles everywhere seek pleasure to the excess, will measure genitals with tape for homeland procuresses very unsatisfaction, travel together thinkers believe this is mankind most not civilized behavior, instigate Columbus to have driven the procuress before door with firearms, the ballet of their have moved stage, cause a riot as a result, actors in North American person have no in uproar smile land from allow , feelings worry in have pulled a slice of flat curtain department promptly in waist on, perform have continued .


One day, they were walking arm in arm when ahead came the Queen with a group of aristocrats. Goethe immediately parted Beethoven, unbonneted himself and paid a bow, while Beethoven flung by, which made the nobles give their way for him.


The second reason is that the majority of aristocrats that Beethoven contacted with had sympathy or support for the new social thinking changes;and the third reason is that,with the Sturm und Drang movement,there existed such a phenomenon that the soci...


Begin, composition is in very downy tonetic in undertaking, just when those nobles are soporous when, abrupt, orchestra play music gives the melody like Jing thunder lightning, accompanying the drum of cannon type, frighten the nobles in sleep immediately wake, glare of their mouth open one's eyes wide, drowsiness is broken completely, composition also ends at this point.


But even the most puritanical mayors and aldermen had to think twice about annoying the aristocrats whose liveries the players proudly wore.


Slaves, plebeians, patricians, ladies and gentlemen.


Gradually the craftsmen organized a special team to design and create jewelries for the nobilities, and which was called "Noble Generations" by the nobilities.


更多网络解释与贵族们相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So that her highborn kinsmen came:于是她家里的贵族们前来

My beautiful Annabel Lee; 我美丽的安娜贝尔丽; | So that her highborn kinsmen came 于是她家里的贵族们前来, | And bore her away from me, 自我的身边将她领去,

noblesse de robe:穿袍贵族

他们还有"穿袍贵族"(Noblesse de robe)的传统,这些贵族们构成一个独特的阶级,他们大多受过法律方面的高等教育,不仅从事法律职业,而且言谈举止高雅,与一般市民和"下等人"(populace)判然有别.

Caesar has put an end to patrician tyranny:恺撒已经结束了贵族们的苛政

I bring you good news.|我给你们带来了好消息 | Caesar has put an end to patrician tyranny|恺撒已经结束了贵族们的苛政 | and will ensure that the common people|他确定民众们的声音


Ladies and gentlemen|女士们先生们 | Signore,signori|贵族们,绅士们 | Don't you dare touch your TV|你胆敢碰你的电视机

Peeved, i'll bet, the quality:贵族们 很愤怒吧

Ow. that's not good.|噢 真不是什么好事 | Peeved, i'll bet, the quality.|贵族们 很愤怒吧 | - they are. - sn't us, was it?|- 确实 - 不是我们吧?

and the magnificoes of greatest port have all persuaded with him:还有我们最为伟大的 港口的贵族们都在劝说

Twenty merchants, the duke ... | and the magnificoes of greatest port have all persuaded with him|还有我们最为伟大的 港口的贵族们都在劝说 | but none can drive him from the envious plea of forfeiture, o...

Slaves, plebeians, patricians, ladies and gentlemen:奴隶们,平民们,贵族们 女士们先生们

Slaves, but...|奴隶们,但... | Slaves, plebeians, patricians, ladies and gentlemen.|奴隶们,平民们,贵族们 女士们先生们 | Welcome to Pax Romana...|欢迎来到"罗马盛世公园"...

And noblemen beside:吃了身边贵族们的那份

The king and queen did eat thereof, 王和后吃了该吃的那份 | And noblemen beside; 吃了身边贵族们的那份, | And what they could not eat that night, 还吃了那天晚上不该吃的那份,

And noblemen beside:身边的贵族们也吃了

国王、皇后吃了布丁,The king and queen did eat thereof, | 身边的贵族们也吃了. And noblemen beside; | 那天晚上他们什么也没吃,And what they could not eat that night,

Neither we aristocrats alone:仅仅是靠贵族们

If it please you,might we speak alone?|如果你不介意,我们可以单独谈谈... | Neither we aristocrats alone|仅仅是靠贵族们 | nor you and your soldiers alone can crush Caesar.|或光靠你和你的将士们都不可能打败...