英语人>词典>汉英 : 贵宾 的英文翻译,例句
贵宾 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
VIP  ·  visitant  ·  VIPs

honoured guest · distinguished guest · guest of honour
更多网络例句与贵宾相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tiffany's price than some of your Alcazar, travelagency through the set, then, Tiffany's VIP seats for the 800B/person, Deluxe memory does not fail me should be 600B/, general seating 500B/000; Alcazar for the VIP seats 600B, an ordinary seat 500B.

蒂芙尼的价格比你的一些阿尔卡扎, travelagency通过设置,那么,蒂芙尼的贵宾席的800B/person ,豪华没有记错我应该600B /,一般座位500B/000 ;阿尔卡扎的贵宾席600B ,一个普通的座位500B 。

Rich fund杨贵宾also pointed out that with the economic downturn at home and abroad as well as the bulk commodity prices, inflation worries have been dissipated, and on this basis both at home and abroad have entered the rate cut cycle, so the bond market continue to raise the value of the hub, the bond market to continued to rise.


Although the total area of just over 2000 square meters, is almost an airport terminal with all the features: a separate VIP check-in counters, security access, regardless of distance slots are provided to VIP visitors to the car ferry the cabin door, and check by hand guide; the other set up a separate office of the restaurant and business district.


As long as the Toy Poodle is definitely a Toy Poodle, and the Miniature Poodle a Miniature Poodle, both in balance and proportion for the Variety, diminutiveness shall be the deciding factor when all other points are equal.


Audi announced today that the company would provide the musicians and VIP guests worldwide car services during the 8th Beijing International Music Festival lasting from October 15 to November 5. At the same time, Audi will bring forth a century-classic opera--created by the 19th-century Germany Composer Richard Wagner-- the "Der Ring des Nibelungen.".


The company has large quantity of close business partners and enjoys a outstanding trust and reputation home and abroad. At the some time , to order to multiplex development, offering color card, propaganda list, notice list, picture album, self-advertisement trademark, printing color card, making upscale color card, advertisement playbill, archives plan, banner, tender, VIP card, packing gift box, calendar, PVC VIP card, picture card, kinds of identifications, menu board, liquor lacquered board, special board, seat board, full menu inset, decoration painting, documentary printing…...color digital quick print, black and whit digital quick print, full color copy, then whole serves.


At the some time , to order to multiplex development, offering color card, propaganda list, notice list, picture album, self-advertisement trademark, printing color card, making upscale color card, advertisement playbill, archives plan, banner, tender, VIP card, packing gift box, calendar, PVC VIP card, picture card, kinds of identifications, menu board, liquor lacquered board, special board, seat board, full menu inset, decoration painting, documentary printing…...color digital quick print, black and whit digital quick print, full color copy, then whole serves.


Today we can express those thanks to our honored guests from the generation that fought the war, even those who hauled this stone roller up and down the runway.


Reasonable grounds include any abuse or attempted abuse of the scheme, or any use or attempted use of a VIP card, or points in a manner which is contrary to these terms and conditions or any reasonable suspicion of dishonesty on the part of a member in connection with the scheme.


COIFFED POOCH \ 贵宾犬 Handlers groomed a toy poodle that won the category during day two of the 133rd annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show at Madison Square Garden Tuesday in New York.


更多网络解释与贵宾相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Complimentary High Tea at the Lounge:贵宾酒廊的免费下午茶

免费小时使用贵宾会议室 One Hour Free Usage of the Lounge Meeting Room | 贵宾酒廊的免费下午茶 Complimentary High Tea at the Lounge | 欢迎水果篮 Welcome Fruit Basket


贵宾犬 (Poodle)简介[历史]迷你贵宾和玩具贵宾可能是由标准贵宾与马耳济斯及哈威那杂交而培育出来的小形品种. 标准贵宾本来是被培


在此提供一些本人收集关於贵宾狗种的资讯,提供给各位朋友在选购你喜爱的泰迪贵宾狗狗之前有基本的概念与想法, 贵宾狗(Poodle)的犬种大小体型在AKC(American Kennel Club 美国繁殖者协会)里大致区分为三种

Toy Poodle:玩具贵宾犬

玩具贵宾犬(Toy Poodle) 贵宾是法国品种,一度被用作猎水鸟,19世纪和20世纪该品种达到其发展的顶峰,用作打猎、表演和陪伴. 根据体型大小被分为四类,最受欢迎的是体型较小的品种:迷你贵宾犬和玩具贵宾犬. 其中玩具贵宾犬是体型最小的一种,

Toy Poodle:玩具贵宾

后来又培育出另一种叫做玩具贵宾(Toy Poodle)的狗狗,肩高约在25~28公分左右,整个体型小了一号,台湾也因而吹起一股旋风. 事实上,除了玩具贵宾外,现在又有一种更娇小的茶杯贵宾,他们的肩高大约维持在20公分左右,体重最多2公斤,

Standard Poodle:标准贵宾犬

[color=#0066cc][b]巨型贵宾小档案[/b] 犬种:标准贵宾犬(Standard Poodle) 原产地:西欧 犬种用途A:维持呼吸道通畅(Airway) 让动物很自然的躺著,很轻柔的伸展他的头颈以维持呼吸道的通畅,确定动物已经昏迷,将其舌头拉出嘴外,用


报价查询,图片及评论,为您找到网上最热门商家的所有报价,您可以查到提供最低价格...[钻石信心]迷你贵宾犬(Miniature Poodle)白色泰迪熊纯种狗--公...摘录:[钻石信心]迷你贵宾犬(Miniature Poodle)白色泰迪熊纯种狗--公的详细信息,


典型犬种:包括贵宾(Poodles),贝灵顿铁利亚(Bedlington Terrier)和凯利蓝铁利亚(Kerry blue Terrier). 虽然银色(silver)和杏色(apricot)的贵宾犬的皮肤属於比较敏感. 若用一些如Mer-captocaine或Nivea Cneame(妮维亚)等润肤膏涂在可能擦伤的犬皮部位则可减却不少麻烦.


贵宾犬(Poodles)是犬种里最聪明的狗狗之一. 它们最早起源于德国,因为它们思维敏捷并且反应迅速,因此被作为猎犬使用. 贵宾犬不掉毛,是低敏感性的狗狗. 因此对狗狗或者猫咪过敏的人群可

high table:贵宾桌

贵宾/visiting fireman | 贵宾桌/high table | 贵格城/Quaker city