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贮藏物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cache  ·  hoard  ·  cached  ·  caches  ·  hoarded  ·  hoards

更多网络例句与贮藏物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You have just one chance to annihilate the hoards of incoming enemies that speed towards the planet.


During 23 days in storage, compared with the control, both the two low temperature treatments reduced the blackheart severity, lowered the fruit mass loss, elevated contents of Vitamin C and titratable acids, and delayed the decrease of total soluble solids content, with the storage at (8±1)℃ resulting in better effects.

与常温贮藏相比,在23 d贮藏期内,2种低温贮藏均显著降低了菠萝黑心病的发病程度,减少了菠萝果实的质量损失,提高了菠萝果实的维生素C和可滴定酸含量,延缓菠萝果实的可溶性固形物含量的下降。

In addition .there occurred difference in the structure of cotyledonary haustrum and other storages.


It is suggested that the product of tapetum degeneration may be absorbed by developing pollen. The special ultrastructural pattern at aperture of pollen represent a morphological adaptation to this short—way transportation of nutrition from the tapetum to pollen.


In order to explore the mechanism of 'brumal jujube' of maturation and scenescence and ethanol accumulation, We not only studied the quality and the post-harvest physiological and biochemical changes of 'brumal jujube' after treatment with hormone during storage, but also investigated the effects of CAi (C027%~10%02+ 2~5%C02) and CA2:(7%~10%02, C02 2%) on the changes of fermentation volatiles, activity of enzymes , the kind and content of sugar and organic acid during storage in this paper. Firstly announced the reason of ethanol accumulation under higher C02 level and discussed the mechanism of ethanol accumulation during the end of storage.


In order to understand the changes in physiology and the storability of blueberry fruits introduced to southern part of China, and to provide scientific basis for suitable packaging materials, changes of total soluble solid content, vitamin C content, acetaldehyde content, ethanol content, protopectin content and anthocyanin content, respiration rate, polygalacturonase and pectinesterase activities, weight loss and rotted rate of blueberry fruit warn investigated. Different packaging films were used, and the storage temperature was under 2℃.


The sac structure projected through the pollen aperture possesses the typical nature of transfer cell, i. e complex lybrinthian wall ingrowth and abundant mitochondria, RER, dicotysomes and ribosomes under the wall. Its outer surface is closely related to the tapetal protoplast. The accumulation of storaged material in pollen start at the area near the apertures. Above restults indicate the pollen apertures may be the"door"from where nutrition flows into pollen in P. hortorum.


The results showed that 22.5μL/L of clove leaf oil had the best preservation effect on peach. After 35 days of stock, the sound fruit rate was 94%, 46.9% higher than compared group. The rotten index and the browning index were 94.1% and 85.2% lower than the control, respectivly, and the treatment could remarkablely reduce the respiration rate and ethylene release, and postponed ethylene release peak and respiration peak 5 and 10d, respectively in comparison with CK, it also delayed the drop of firmness and contents of titrable acids of the peach. When stored for 35d, firmness of control group and 22.5μL/L of clove leaf oil were decreased 60% and 34% compared with initial storage, and the activities of SOD, CAT and POD were enhanced, but the contents of SSC had no obvious difference with control.


You have just one chance to annihilate the hoards of incoming enemies that speed towards the planet.


In most of these, two well-separated fluorescence foci were detected, indicating that the nucleoids had been actively pulled apart.


更多网络解释与贮藏物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


单针亚目的基座(basis)上有1根针,称为主针(cent-ral stylet). 多针亚目的镰状基座上排列着许多针,并在开口于基座基部的吻针囊(accessory st-ylet pouch)内分泌副针(accessory stylet),以补充前者. 吻针的基部具单细胞腺及贮藏其分泌物的贮囊,


细胞质的定义 细胞质(cytoplasm)是细胞质膜包围的除核区外的一切半透明、胶状、颗粒状物质的总称. 含水量约80%. 细胞质的主要成分为核糖体、贮藏物、多种酶类和中间代谢物、质粒、各种营养物和大分子的单体等,少数细菌还有类囊体、羧酶体、气泡或伴孢晶体等.


(2)a.多毛类鳞沙蚕体背左右两行排列的扁平板,系疣足背触须的变态,总称为背鳞(elytron). 雌体背面背鳞之间成为贮藏受精卵的育房. 容易脱落,亦易再生. b.覆盖于昆虫、特别是鳞翅目昆虫翅表面的毛状或叶状的微小扁平物. 发生学上与刚毛相同,


garment 外衣;外观;饰面 | garner 谷仓;储备物;贮藏 | garnet zone 石榴石带


是包在消化管表面的脏层(splanchnopleure)即浆膜的细胞变形物. 含有黄色色素. 一般解释为它有收集体腔中的排泄物、经肾管将废物排出的机能,但也有人认为是一种贮藏组织,也有称为肝细胞的. 在多毛类沙蠋(Arenicola)中也有同样的构造.




9.轮藻门(charophyta)广布于淡水或半咸水中,均营固着生活. 植物体都是由多细胞构成的,而且有类似根、茎、叶的分化,外形很象高等植物中的木贼和金鱼藻. 体外多被有大量钙质,所以又有石草之称. 光合色素成分及贮藏物都与绿藻相同,


不过因为煤是一种自然物质含有大量不纯物,不能直接使用,所以先经过炼焦(coking)处理,变成焦炭再使用. 现在我们来讨论一下煤: (1)煤的成因及贮藏:煤是上古时代的植物,由于地壳的变动被埋藏在地下,长年受地壳压力和地心热力的影响逐渐碳化而成的.


③藻青素(cyanophycin)和藻青蛋白(Phycocyanin,一种辅助光合色素):通常存在于蓝细菌中,它们属于内源性的氮素贮藏物,同时还具有贮藏能源的作用. (4)核质体(nuclearbody)核质体是原核生物所特有的无核膜结构的原始细胞核,


"repression","阻遏 174" | "resazurin","刃青天 115" | "reserve materials","贮藏物 28"