英语人>词典>汉英 : 购置价值 的英文翻译,例句
购置价值 的英文翻译、例句


acquisition value
更多网络例句与购置价值相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A more important result of the accruals convention relates to cases where a company buys goods of significant value that are not to be used up in the current year.


As cities in the development and transformation of dishes are great, often high value of land assets, land acquisition, financing requirements enormous.


This can be achieved by using the special depreciation key GWG and the expected useful life of 1 month.


The basic principle of unequal exchange can be described simply as "buying cheap and selling dear", in such a way that a commodity or asset is bought either: 1 below its real value, and sold at a higher value, or 2 at its real value, but sold above its real value, or 3 above its real value, and sold at a price even higher than its already inflated acquisition cost e.g.

不等价交换的基本原理被简单地描述为"低价买进,高价卖出"不等价交换的基本原理被简单地描述为"低价买进,高价卖出",按照这样的方式,一件商品或者资产可以:照这样的方式,一件商品或者资产可以: 1低于其真实价值买进,以更高的价格卖出,或低于其真实价值买进,以更高的价格卖出, 2按其真实价值买进,但以高于其真实价值的价格卖出,或按其真实价值买进,但以高于其真实价值的价格卖出, 3按高于其真实价值的价格买进,以甚至高于其已经上升的购置成本按高于其真实价值的价格买进,例如股市卖出。

Robert McDuffie, an American violinist, agreed to private concerts when 15 investors purchased his $3.5m fiddle in 2001, granting him 25-year usage rights.

美国小提琴家Robert McDuffie,2001年在15位投资者为他购置了价值350万的小提琴后,举办了个人演奏会。他还得到了随后25年这把小提琴的使用权。

Addressing undercapitalization problems directly: Because the purchase of troubled assets at fair market value may leave financial firms severely under-capitalized, the Treasury's authority should be expanded to allow purchasing, again at fair market value, new securities issued by financial institutions in need of additional capital.


Further, at the time of the acquisition, Yongan Forestry has reappraised those equipments based on the faire market value and booked the appraised value as theoriginal book value of these fixed assets.


更多网络解释与购置价值相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acquiring corporation:购入其它公司股权的公司

acquirement | 取得, 习得 | acquiring corporation | 购入其它公司股权的公司 | acquisition adjustment | 售价与原始价值之间的差额, 对资产购置的调整

acquisition surplus:合并盈余

103acquisition assets购置资产 | 104acquisition surplus合并盈余 | 105acquisition value购置价值

acquisition value:购置价值

acquisition program 收购程序 | acquisition value 购置价值 | friendly acquisition 善意收购

value at average acquisition cost:按平均购置成本估值

value adjustments;价值调整数;; | value at average acquisition cost;按平均购置成本估值;; | value at cost;照成本计算; 成本值;;


最高法院允许当事人采用三种估价 方法 来决定买主愿意付出的价格:可比销售法 参考 可比的(comparable)同类财产销售价格,总体收入法根据财产的现有价值而计算的净收入来决定财产价值,复制成本法则计算在当前市场上更换或重新购置被征收财产但减去折旧的成本.

contra account:对销账户

accumulated depreciation 累计折旧 固定资产对销账户(contra account)的一 个较好用词. 这个账户反映一项固定资产 自购进后折旧费数额.在资产负债表中, 固定资产原始购置成本减去累计折旧额以后 , 即 为固定资产 的账面价值 (book value) .

Machinery equipment:机器设备

价值308000元,已办理竣工手续交付生产使用...[问题] 1.购置一台大型机器设备(Machinery equipment)价值200000元,款未付. 2.用银行存款(cash in the bank)的形式偿还前期应付票据8000元. 3.本期向XYZ公司采购A、B两种材料,A材料买价110000元,

asset revaluation:资产重估价

传统会计实务的资产账面价值是按资 产的原始购置成本减已计提折旧计列.参 见资产重估价(asset revaluation). assignment of accounts receivable 应收账 款转让 指企业将应收账款转让给应收账款代 理商(factor)或贴现公司(discount house),

amortized value:摊余价值

amortized cost 摊余成本 或称摊余价值(amortized value). 指固定 资产的原始购置成本减已摊销金额后的 余额. amount 金额,合计 指一定数量的货币; 或指本金和利息的 合计. amount differ 金额不符 指支票中的小写金额(amount in figures) 与大写金额(amount in words)不一致.