英语人>词典>汉英 : 贫血的 的英文翻译,例句
贫血的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anaemic  ·  anemic  ·  deplethoric  ·  spanemic

更多网络例句与贫血的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, the late hemorrhoids, can cause anus repeatedly about muscle relaxation and expansion, cause anus margin secretion, often damp unclean and eczema itching, serious when still can cause the pain and wipe urticant painful, hemorrhoids bleeding can also cause anemia, dizziness, languid, energy, inappetence, defecate drying is the common symptoms of anemia.


Objective To explore the value of differential diagnosis on iron-deficiency anemia and chromic diseases anemia with marrow iron-stain.


The research evaluates and accurately diagnosis sports anemia using, as references, hemoglobin and ferrum.


ResultsHematological system diseases accounted for a certain proportion in the causes of gestation complicated anemia and gestational hemopathy can be caused by many kinds of hematopathy. The degree of gestation complicated anemia was mild or middling usually, severe anemia was less. Thrombocytopenia was more caused by hematopathy, and middle or sever degree was more. Gestation complicated anemia, hematological system disease and thrombocytopenia could increase the harmful effects on mother and fetus.


Methods Using the new BECKMAN COULTER GEN'S Ⅱ hematology analyzer we had mensurated red blood cell and reticulocyte indices in 34 healthy subjects,20 patients with microcytosis due to iron dificiency and 19 patients with megaloblastic anemia respectively.

方法应用BECKMAN COULTER GEN'SⅡ全血细胞分析仪测定34名健康志愿者、20名缺铁性贫血和19名巨幼细胞贫血的红细胞参数和网织红细胞参数,并进行比较。

Recombinant human erythropoietin treatment in the anaemia associ atedwith multiple myeloma: case-control study Abstract Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of recomb inant human erythropoietin in the anaemia of multiple myeloma.

目的:评价重组人红细胞生成素多发性骨髓瘤贫血的效果。:采用配对方法观察Epo治疗MM贫血患者9例的治疗效果,使用剂量Epo为25~150 u/kg,每周3次皮下注射或静脉推注,连续治疗8周。

Although the optimal treatment of anemia should target its underlying mechanisms, few studies hae considered the causes of anemia in patients suffering from HF, and almost none hae examined the causes in adanced HF, explain John Nanas (Uniersity of Athens School of Medicine, Greece) and colleagues.

John Nanas称治疗贫血的最佳疗法是针对发病机制进行治疗,但是很少研究考虑心力衰竭患者贫血的原因,而且几乎没有研究解释心力衰竭患者贫血的原因。

"Folic-acid-deficiency anemia: Anemia resulting from too little folic acid, needed for red-Blood-cell maturation. White-cell and platelet levels are also often low. Progressive gastrointestinal problems develop."


Only anemia in patients enrolled in Group EVL showed a trend toward the features of microcytic, hypochromic anemia.


Methods The clinical characteristics and experimental data of 24 patients with MDS-RA and 59 cases with CAA were analysed.


更多网络解释与贫血的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


anaemia 贫血 | anaemic 贫血的 | anaerobe 厌氧生物

anaemic:贫血的, 患贫血症的

Anaemia | 贫血, 贫血症 | anaemic | 贫血的, 患贫血症的 | anaerobe | 厌氧性生物

anaemic:[医]贫血的, 患贫血症的

21. contiguous:邻近的, 接近的, 毗边的 | 22. anaemic :[医]贫血的, 患贫血症的 | 23. smoulder:熏烧,郁积


早上听NPR,医学界的人可能找到了某种预防婴儿贫血症(Anemia)的方法:小孩儿生下来,不立即剪断脐带,而是等上两分钟,让胎盘里的血回流到婴儿体内. 就两分钟而已,婴儿身上多了三四盎司的血,贫血的机会大大降低. 不过问题在于如果婴儿体内血液过多,


anemia 贫血 | anemic 贫血的 | anemochorous 风播的


amputate 截肢 | anemic 贫血的,患贫血症的 | anodyne 止痛药


bloodless贫血的,无血(色的) | egg noodles鸡蛋面条 | noodles面条


deplete 耗尽 | deplethoric 贫血的 | depletion 损耗


exrail 铁路旁交货 | exsanguinate 贫血的 | exsanguinating 放血术

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