英语人>词典>汉英 : 贫富悬殊 的英文翻译,例句
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Recently, there is a widespread concern over the large gap between rich and poor in China.


Degree of disparity between the rich and the poor as a result, some people suffering from torment旧宅and a new house as their own living ideal, but another group of people abandoned旧宅regarded as treasures.


To the great disparity of the rich and the poor that opportunity imparity causes, need is solved through the reform of market orientaton.


The Holy Office, however, bad exclusive control in foro externo over all impediments connected with or juridically bearing on matters of faith, eg disparity of worship, mixta religio, Holy orders, etc. The dispensing power in foro interno lay with the Penitentiaria, and in the case of pauperes or quasi-pauperes this same Congregation had dispensing power over public impediments in foro externo.

神圣的办公室,不过,坏的独家控制在对外贸易论坛的所有障碍,与法律上或事关事宜的信仰,如贫富悬殊的崇拜, mixta religio ,圣令等配药权在论坛内部裁员与penitentiaria ,在案件pauperes或准pauperes这同样聚集了配药权阻碍公众论坛在对外贸易。

As we all know, many societal problems like unemployment, disparity between the rich and the poor and misgovernment are caused due to the asymmetric development of city. And they have become a crucial reason for those less effectively curable societal problems, rendering a worsening public security situation and a mounting rate of crime commitment. To some extent, particularly the problem of floating populations crime commitment is so serious that it has already affected the development and stability of city.


Poorness ---poor and rich very great disparity, laborage level of works very low, to some tune RMB 180.00/month; It was had build of west, villadom and rookery.


In third world countries the gap between the rich and the poor is very big.


But, it has to be admitted that economic globalization is also a sharp double-edged sword. It does bring good benefit to global economy and does make it more energetic and stimulating its development. Meanwhile, it also brings the unbalance of economic development and enlarge the distance of the rich and poor, which results in series of destroyable economic events, such as the frequent occurrence of international financial crisis, the unequal trade terms and rules which deteriorates the trade of developing countries and the characteristics of profit-oriented, monopoly and robbery of international enterprises which brings overall destroy to most developing countries.


In a country famous for its skewed income this is a big achievement.


I read all that some can not believe her, though my family conditions may also be, but still can not come to that point where she just started to accept I can be over time, and I felt very uncomfortable, and Wolia one out, then the disparity would betray oneself, of course, that is definitely poor me, I do not know his own vanity at work, or it's jealousy, in this moment I had, had now to live with very good I also started feeling can not be complacent, and this issue in the end is out on me or her people?


更多网络解释与贫富悬殊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gini coefficient:基尼系数

另根据港府统计处近日发表的"香港住户收入分布"研究结果,2006年香港的"基尼系数"(Gini Coefficient)也达0.533,是历年最高. "基尼系数"是用来反映贫富差距的程度,数值介於0至1之间,数值愈大代表贫富悬殊愈严重.

Gini coefficient:坚尼系数

坚尼系数(Gini Coefficient)是20世纪初意大利经济学家坚尼根据劳伦茨曲线制订判断收入分配公平程度的指标. 比较各国间或是区内贫富悬殊的情况,比例数值介乎於0与1之间,0是指绝对平等,而1则是极端不平等. 坚尼系数常用来表达区内人民收入的分配差异.

exaggerated and deceitful:夸张失实

加剧贫富悬殊 exacerbate the uneven distribution of wealth | 夸张失实 exaggerated and deceitful | 考试局秘书蔡炽昌 Examinations Authority secretary Choi Chee-cheong

"three emphases" education:三讲教育(讲学习、讲政治、讲正气)

贫富悬殊 polarization of rich and poor | 三讲教育(讲学习、讲政治、讲正气) "three emphases" education | 保持国民经济发展的良好势头 maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy

obtain foreign currency and false pretenses:骗汇、逃汇、套汇

票贩子 scalper, ticket tout | 骗汇、逃汇、套汇 obtain foreign currency and false pretenses, | 贫富悬殊 polarization of rich and poor

impoverished areas:贫困地区

贫富悬殊 income disparity | 贫困地区 impoverished areas | 市场经济 market economy

Poor peasants and farm labourers:贫雇农

贫富悬殊 Polarization of rich and poor | 贫雇农 Poor peasants and farm labourers | 贫瘠的 Barren


Great inequalities in wealth may cause social unrest. 贫富悬殊可能引起社会动乱. | retentive: 有保持力的. | a retentive memory 好记性

economic well-being:贫富

拼图 Jigsaw | 贫富 Economic well-being | 贫富悬殊 Polarization of rich and poor

Nipissing University:尼皮辛大学

该报告撰写人、安河尼皮辛大学(Nipissing University)经济系副教授兼菲沙研究所资深研究员萨罗(Chris Sarlo)指出,很多人都以为,加拿大富人愈富,穷人愈穷,但是大部分有关于贫富悬殊问题的研究,都把焦点集中于申报收入,同时忽略了其它决定实质生活水平的指标.