英语人>词典>汉英 : 财产让与 的英文翻译,例句
财产让与 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In personal estates the father may succeed to his children; in landed property he never can be their immediate heir, by any the remotest possibility: in general only the eldest son, in some places only the youngest, in others all the sons together, have a right to succeed to the inheritance: in real estates males are preferred to females, and the eldest male will usually exclude the rest; in the division of personal estates, the females of equal degree are admitted together with the males, and no right of primogeniture is allowed.


A lawyer who specializes in the business of conveyancing properties.


If a man disinherits his son, by a will duly executed, and leaves his estate to a stranger, there are many who consider this proceeding as contrary to natural justice: while others so scrupulously adhere to the supposed intention of the dead, that if a will of lands be attested by only two witnesses instead of three, which the law requires, they are apt to imagine that the heir is bound in conscience to relinquish his title to the devisee.


Of inheritance, passes the entire estate of the grantor unless a contrary


As it amounted to a conveyance out-and-out of the Testator''s estate, it was not revocable.


And to let us see, that even absolute power, where it is necessary, is not arbitrary by being absolute, but is still limited by that reason, and confined to those ends, which required it in some cases to be absolute, we need look no farther than the common practice of martial discipline: for the preservation of the army, and in it of the whole common-wealth, requires an absolute obedience to the command of every superior officer, and it is justly death to disobey or dispute the most dangerous or unreasonable of them; but yet we see, that neither the serjeant, that could command a soldier to march up to the mouth of a cannon, or stand in a breach, where he is almost sure to perish, can command that soldier to give him one penny of his money; nor the general, that can condemn him to death for deserting his post, or for not obeying the most desperate orders, can yet, with all his absolute power of life and death, dispose of one farthing of that soldier's estate, or seize one jot of his goods; whom yet he can command any thing, and hang for the least disobedience; because such a blind obedience is necessary to that end, for which the commander has his power, viz.


Nexum,therefore,which originally signified a Conveyance of property, came insensibly to denote a Contract also, and ultimately so constant became the association between this word and the notion of a Contract, that a special term, Mancipium or Mancipatio, had to be used for the purpose of designating the true nexum or transaction in which the property was really transferred.


This agreement is made and entered into on this date, shall obligate the undersigned parties and their partners, associates, employers, employees, affiliates, subsidiaries, parent companies, any nominees, representatives, successors, clients and assigns hereinafter referred to as "The parties" jointly severally, mutually and reciprocally for the terms and conditions expressly state and agree to below, and that this agreement may be referenced from time to time in any document, or written agreements, the terms and conditions of this agreement shall apply to any exchange of information written or oral involving financial information, personal or corporate names, contracts initiate by or involving parties and any addition, renewal, extension, rollover amendment, renegotiations or new agreement hereinafter referred to as "The Transaction"(Project/Transaction) for the purchase of all commodities, products, Equipment.


These are issues that concern us today:the prevention of war; the protection of the environment; the balancing of population and resources; the management of energy so that we will neither exhaust our resources with unbridled growth nor contaminate the environment; the distribution of resources among nations and groups who have been differently dower ed(给以用以维持生活的财产) in the past by nature and history; the humanization of technology so that technology can be used for human ends and not primarily for profit or for power; the replanning of towns and cities so that neighborhoods can again be a microcosm of three-generational wholeness of life; the creation of transcendental values that will no longer set members of one religion against another, or of one ideology against another, so that all human beings can move in new ways without being traitors to the old.


Jus Gentium was, in fact, the sum of the common ingredients in the customs of the old Italian tribes, for they were all the nations whom the Romans had the means of observing, and who sent successive swarms of immigrants to Roman soil.


更多网络解释与财产让与相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cessionary:财产权利等的受让人 让与的

cession 分出项目 让与 财产权利等的转让 | cessionary 财产权利等的受让人 让与的 | cessionarybankrupt 以产业供债权人分配者


这种理解的方式可以是把它们与关于让与(conveyance)的有效的词汇相比较,从而与列举性的叙述性词汇相区别. 关键的相似之处是,"他有权"就像"X特此让与财产"一样,是用来对应(operative这种仅仅对第一种意义上的权利(与义务相关的)进行处理的方法,

absolute conveyance:无条件权利或财产让与,无条件转让

Absolute contraband 绝对禁制品 | Absolute conveyance 无条件权利或财产让与,无条件转让 | Absolute cover 绝对保险额

proprietatis; property right:财产权

w 委任权 power of pocuration | w 财产权 proprietatis; property right | w 财产让与权 benefit of cession

relinquish vt.1:离开;放弃或抛弃2松开;放开

releasor n.让渡人(权利或财产),让与人 | relinquish vt.1离开;放弃或抛弃2松开;放开 | relish n.独特的滋味,使人感到愉快或风味的东西;滋味,食物的味道,特别是促进食欲的味道

Res allodialis:自由让与的财产

Res alienae 属于他人的财产 | Res allodialis 自由让与的财产 | Rescyt 窝藏重罪犯人

Res alienae:属于他人的财产

Renvoi au permier degree 一级反致 | Res alienae 属于他人的财产 | Res allodialis 自由让与的财产

sign away:在证书上签字让与(财产等)

There are signs of ... 有...的征象. | sign away 在证书上签字让与(财产等) | sign off 在证书上签字让与(财产等)


而不论其是否以文书"本条例的有关条文"(the relevant provisions of this Ordinance) 指第3、4、5、6、8、11(第(6)款除"财产处置"(disposition) 不包括任何列载在遗嘱或遗嘱更改附件的条文,但除此之外,则包括任何类型的财产转让、让与或赠与,而不论其是否以文书(6) 在本条中,"福利"(welfare)

Bonae fidei iudicia:善意诉讼,诚信之诉

Bona vacantia sine herede 无人继承的遗产 | Bonae fidei iudicia 善意诉讼,诚信之诉 | Bonorum cessio 财产让与