英语人>词典>汉英 : 负数 的英文翻译,例句
负数 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
negative  ·  negatives  ·  negatived  ·  negativing

negative number
更多网络例句与负数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The United States has no compulsory saving plan, and it has an abysmally low – in fact, negative – personal saving rate.


You can then define the square roots of all the negative numbers.


Of the central processing unit, used to show a negative result from an arithmetic operation.


Similarly, you can enter a plus or minus sign followed by the number of points to be added or subtracted from the base font size.


For example, when the 22-day EMA of price is up and the two-day EMA of Force Index becomes negative, it reveals a short-term splash of bearishness within an uptrend, a buying opportunity.


However, taking into account the 16th and 17th centuries when European mathematicians still held the view that negative is "ridiculous number", Fibonacci's awareness of the negative undoubtedly is of great significance.4、Fibonacci's understanding of the irrational depends on the geometry, and the arithmetic of Fibonacci for square root was the tendency of algorithm.


142 Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers 3.1.6 Complements Today, the radix -1 complement is not used by itself; it is used as a step for finding the radix complement. The radix complement is used to represent negative numbers in modern computer systems.


23 Chapter 3 Number Systems and Boolean Algebra 3.1.6 Complements Today, the radix -1 complement is not used by itself; it is used as a step for finding the radix complement. The radix complement is used to represent negative numbers in modern computer systems.


That's what Bhrama Sphuta Siddhanta was. Written by astronomer Bhramagupta (598-665), it included chapters on both zero and negative numbers, arithmetic rules for zero and positive and negative numbers.


This study investigates the understanding situation of Middle School Students"in theterms of the following 3 dimensions: the definition of negative number, therelationship of negative number and life and the operation of rational numbers withpurpose of understanding the students"cognition of negative number"s essentialfeatures and finding the root cause which results in negative number concept"scognition difficult as well as raising teaching improvement measures.


更多网络解释与负数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A charge from minus infinity:从负数冲向无极

Shoots into the negative direction 朝负数方向射去 | A charge from minus infinity 从负数冲向无极 | Shoots into the positive direction 朝正数方向射去

minus zone:负数区

minus flag 负旗标 | minus zone 负数区 | minute 分

Negative working capital:负数运转资本,负运用资本

Negative goodwill 负商誉 | Negative working capital 负数运转资本,负运用资本 | Net account receivable 应收账款净额

negative number:负数

在教学过程中,老师可以就这个问题做适当的介绍"我国在>>章中就引入了负数(negative number)的概念和正负数加减法的运算法则. 在某些问题中,以卖出的数目为正(因是收入),买入的数目为负(因是付款);余钱为正,不足钱为负.

negative number:负数(包括负数)

positive number 正数? | negative number 负数(包括负数)? | odd integer, odd number 奇数?

negative number:负数Btu中国学习动力网

negative integer 负整数Btu中国学习动力网 | negative number 负数Btu中国学习动力网 | negative vector 负向量; 负矢量Btu中国学习动力网

Negative Number Format:负数格式

Number Format=数字格式 | Negative Number Format=负数格式 | List Format=序数格式

positive negative number:正负数

94. 虚数部分 imaginary number component | 95. 正负数 positive negative number | 96. 小数 decimal

Negative Number Reds:负数红色显示

Number Decimal Places:数字的小数位数 | Negative Number Reds:负数红色显示 | New Sheet:新建表格

a negative number:负数

a positive number 正数 | a negative number 负数 | geometry 几何学