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貘 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
tapir  ·  tapirs

更多网络例句与貘相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Here, a Baird's tapir forages in a clearing in Costa Rica's Corcovado National Park.


It is named after the American naturalist Spencer Fullerton Baird who travelled to Mexico in 1843 and observed the animals.


Photo Gallery: Tropical Rain Forest Wildlife Tapirs are indigenous only to South and Central America and Southeast Asia.


You are a true gentleman, and I am going to post a very positive feedback on a website you might be familiar about called: Tapir?


I forgot I have no Image Maker class today, but I finished my drawing about Tapir already.


As you can see, a tapir's nose is different from the noses of most animals. It is longer, stronger and more flexible.


According to research, the ancient name of the pandas have tapir, white leopard, and other risk.


A tapir can use its nose to grab things to eat. This is helpful, because a tapir can't use its hands.


Baird's tapir — the largest of the tapirs — has short, dark bristly hair with a light-colored chin and throat.


On the other hand, Tapir was asking Yu to save his tribe from crisis. Yu found out that he might be able to trace back the blank memories that he had. Therefore, he agreed to Tapir's demand.


更多网络解释与貘相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tapiroidea Burnett:貘超科

泰山祖爪兽(新属、新种) Pappomoropus taishanensis gen.et sp.nov. | 超科 Tapiroidea Burnett,1830 | 等外脊科 Isectolophidae Peterson,1919

Isectolophidae Peterson:等外脊貘科

超科 Tapiroidea Burnett,1830 | 等外脊科 Isectolophidae Peterson,1919 | 周李(新属) Chowliia gen.nov.


名称种类 学名:Tapirus indicus 英文名:Malayan Tapir 别名:马莱、印度 生物分类:哺乳纲(Mammalia)、奇蹄目(Perissodactrla)、科(Tapiridae)、属(Tapirus) 外形特征 马来又叫亚洲、印度,是类中最大的一种,体长为140-250厘米,

Tapiridae spp:貘科所有種

Tapiridae 科 Tapirs | Tapiridae spp. 科所有種 | PHOLIDOTA 鱗甲目

Tapiridae spp. (Except the species included in Appendix II):貘科所有种(不含附录一物种)

"Tapiridae科 Tapirs" | "Tapiridae spp. (Except the species included in Appendix II)",,,"科所有种(不含附录一物种)" | ,"Tapirus terrestris",,"巴西"


名称种类 学名:Tapirus indicus 英文名:Malayan Tapir 别名:马莱、印度 生物分类:哺乳纲(Mammalia)、奇蹄目(Perissodactrla)、科(Tapiridae)、属(Tapirus) 外形特征 马来又叫亚洲、印度,是类中最大的一种,

Tapirus sp:貘

華南巨Megatapirus augustus Matthew et Granger,1923、 | Tapirus sp. | 中國犀RhinOCeFOS smensis Owen,1870

Tapirus indicus:马来貘

科(Tapiridae) 属(Tapirus) 马来(Tapirus indicus)曾遍及欧洲和亚洲,中新世开始迁入美洲. 中国南方更新统地层中发现过属(Tapirus)的化石,现在残存于亚洲南部的一些岛屿、中南半岛以及美洲.

Tapirus indicus:马来(亚貘)

中美洲 Tapirus bairdi | 马来(亚) Tapirus indicus | 高山 Tapirus pinchaque

Tapirus bairdii:中美貘

科 Tapiridae | 中美Tapirus bairdii | 马来Tapirus indicus