英语人>词典>汉英 : 豹 的英文翻译,例句
豹 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
leopard  ·  panther  ·  pard  ·  leopards  ·  panthers

更多网络例句与豹相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Registered trademark of the plaintiff and the alleged infringement on both sides of sports shoes leopard-shaped graph comparison, both of which are the leopard leaping-shaped pattern, in the overall shape and structure are highly similar, the details of the different states in isolation can not be a clear distinction between the two From a higher degree of approximation, easy to make the relevant public sources of merchandise mistaken or that the defendant produce and sell sports shoes with the plaintiff's registered trademark has a specific contact.


To the market condition market condition's slot machine, star 97, Long Huji, 9999, Long Hu and, hundred happy 2, the five-star great splendor, the propitious treasure, run quickly the BMW, the fruit machine, the apple machine, Zhuang Xianhe, the Lion King to strive for hegemony, the hacker empire, the legendary master, the gold 12,000, real queue tiger, the super flaming chariot, the lottery prize money Lion King, the size leopard, super to fight the landlord, to fight the landlord, Shan Tiaowang, the world to gather, the alligator king, the Ahl gold, Taishan crazily to rush to the day pass, the wheel disk machine, the segment machine, the lion kingdom, the vehicle race wind and cloud, Shan Tiaodong and west, Longfeng machine, 36 leopards,The radiant pearl, the animal world, the animal paradise, the imperial crown train, the buried treasure surprise-attack forces, super Mary, the angry sea fight, the fruit western-style food, the animal series artillery, the animal demon, the animal kingdom, the golden imperial crown, the apple to pull the tyrant, lucky Man Guan, super big Man Guan, the Beidou god fist, the lightning king and so on all gambling machine to be possible to carry on explain

对市面市面上的老虎机、明星97、龙虎机、9999 、龙虎和、百乐2号、五星宏辉、吉祥宝贝、奔驰宝马、水果机、苹果机、庄闲合、狮王争霸、黑客帝国、传奇高手、黄金万两、真人龙虎、超级风火轮、彩金狮王、大小、超级斗地主、疯狂斗地主、单挑王、天地合、鳄鱼王、阿尔金、泰山闯天关、轮盘机、连线机、狮子王国、赛车风云、单挑东和西、龙凤机、三六、璀璨明珠、动物天地、动物乐园、皇冠列车、宝藏奇兵、超级玛丽、怒海争锋、水果大餐、动物连环炮、动物精灵、动物王国、金皇冠、苹果拉霸、幸运满罐、超级大满罐、北斗神拳、闪电王等一切赌机都可进行破解

Their attempt to save the two cubs lead them to exotic places before they finally find a home at a game preserve in Zambia where the pair of cubs can be wild and free from the harm of man and nature.


"Although Jaguar is historically a very strong brand, I think what they tried to do was keep the old look of Jaguar instead of modernising it and making it more relevant," says Ray Ally, executive director at Landor Associates, the global brand consultancy, in Beijing.


The research method is with semi-constructional and deep interview and observation by joining to discuss 1 The reason and idea of these volunteer life guards to join life-saving activities; 2 The potential effect of their act for the volunteers' life and realization; 3 the reason of why do they choose the Da Bao Steam as the service region and what are the values of them.


Leopard limestone is composed of dolomitic and marly materials.


Mottles in leopard limestone have undergone rotational deformation and have certain preferred orientation,while the marly component shows distinct fea- tures of ductile deformation;it is r...


The difference between the test groups and the control group was statistically significant. It could be deduced that all the insecticides tested in this experiment damaged the spiders′ intestinal mucosa, compromising its function as a barrier and letting large molecules such as FTIC-D more easily penetrate. Among the insecticides, pyrethrin and Bt preparation are bio-insecticides, and the FITC-D concentrations of the spiders exposed to these two bio-insecticides were more than those of the spiders exposed to the chemical insecticides imidacloprid and dipterex. The difference between the bio-insecticide groups and the imidacloprid group was significant, but there was no significant difference between the bio-insecticide groups and the dipterex group.


The result showes that The natural population of the wolf spider has abundant genetic diversity and there are difference in the genetic diversity of the population from different geographical regions.


The three young leopards from the North - Hlabankunzi, Metsi and Xikavi - have all been mating with the Tegwane male yet again. These frequent matings might continue for a while until such time as these three young females have established themselves in a territorial area.

在北部, Hlabankunzi,Metsi和Xikavi三只年轻雌都与雄Tegwane有交配的行为,他们频繁的交配可能会持续一段时间,直到这三个年轻的雌建立自己的领土为止。

更多网络解释与豹相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Camelopard:驼豹; 鹿豹星座 (名)

camellia 茶花, 山茶 (名) | camelopard 驼; 鹿星座 (名) | Camelot 传说中亚瑟王的宫殿所在之地 (名)

A cheetah:它是一只印度豹

- You know what that means. - What?|你知道那是什么意思? 什么意思? | A cheetah.|它是一只印度 | A cheetah. Yeah.|是的,一只印度

Boloria eunomia:豹蛱蝶属 Nymphalidae蛱蝶科 未登录

Boloria aquinalaris蛱蝶属 Nymphalidae蛱蝶科 未登录 | Boloria eunomia蛱蝶属 Nymphalidae蛱蝶科 未登录 | Boloria thore蛱蝶属 Nymphalidae蛱蝶科 未登录

Feral Scream:新黄豹诞生

44 黄之迷 Feral Scream(1) | 45 新黄诞生 Feral Scream(2) | 46 真与假 Proving Grounds


在美式英文和英式英文中, "捷"(Jaguar)一词的读音差别很大. 据说,许多美国人在购买捷车的时候总会向销售员请教这个词的英式读法. 就好像,必须按照正统的英国人的读法,一台捷车才能显露出它原有的英伦之美.

leopard frog:豹蚊蛙

leopard bone 骨 | leopard frog 蚊蛙 | leopard fur

Panthera pardus melanotic:南非豹

塞内加尔 Panthera pardus leopardus | 南非 Panthera pardus melanotic | 爪哇 Panthera pardus melas

Oh did I step on the witty tilty tai long:哦啊 我是不是踩到小豹豹的尾巴了

他连一根指头都动不了|I've got him completely immobilized. | 哦啊 我是不是踩到小的尾巴了|Oh did I step on the witty tilty tai long? | 行了 我已经看够了|Well, I've seen enough,

Zeuzera multistrigata:多斑豹蠹蛾

囊蛾科 Zeuzera multistrigata | 多斑蠹蛾 Zeuzera multistrigata | 木蠹蛾科 Cossidae

Panthera pardus ciscaucasia:高加索豹

乌干达 Panthera pardus chui | 高加索 Panthera pardus ciscaucasia | 伊朗 Panthera pardus dathei